Automating Tasks
From OpenSimulator
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Automated Grid Startup
Linux/Mac OS X
- /etc/init.d daemon script -> startup script
- Automated Upgrade LINUX
- upstart
- systemd
Basic scripts
- Use Screen Command
Use the screen command to automate startup
- Setup screen command and setup shell file
Linux install:
apt-get install screen (ubuntu) pacman -S screen (archlinux)
Mac OS X: Download either MacPorts,, or Fink, to download *nix packages MacPorts
sudo port install screen
- Create file
#!/bin/sh cd opensim/bin screen -S Robust -d -m mono OpenSim.Robust.exe sleep 10 screen -S OpenSimulator -d -m mono OpenSim.exe -gridmode=true
See Also --> Smart Prestart LINUX
- Bash Scripts:
- Start multiple instances and backup critical files prior to startup
- Automated Shutdown of multiple instances with a 2 minute pre-warning to users in-world.
- NB This can be used to stuff other functions into OpenSimulator Console as well.
Startup and access servers
If you have permission issues
chmod 755
To see a list of the servers in screen:
screen -ls or screen -list
Output will look like the following:
There are screens on: 8419.OpenSim (Detached) 8403.Robust (Detached)
To access server
screen -r 8419.OpenSim screen -r 8403.Robust
To exit screen, leaving server running, and to return to shell
ctrl-a d
example: OpenSim
(Directory name = screen name)
Real examples:
/opt/ sim1
/opt/ sim2
/opt/ sim3
/opt/ sim...
#!/bin/bash sleep 3 if [ -d $1 ]; then echo "$(tput setaf 4)OpenSim: $(tput setab 7)$1 Start$(tput sgr 0)" cd /opt/$1/bin screen -fa -S $1 -d -U -m mono OpenSim.exe else echo "$(tput setaf 2)The following screens were started$(tput sgr 0)" screen -ls exit 1 fi
#!/bin/bash sleep 3 robust="/opt/robust/" if [ -d "$robust" ]; then # Take action if $robust exists. # echo "$(tput setaf 4)OpenSim: $(tput setab 3)RobustServer Start$(tput sgr 0)" cd /opt/robust/bin screen -fa -S RO -d -U -m mono Robust.exe else echo "$(tput setaf 2)The following screens were started $(tput sgr 0)RO $(tput setaf 2)and $(tput sgr 0)OS$(tput setaf 2).$(tput sgr 0)" screen -ls exit 1 fi sleep 10 money="/opt/robust/" if [ -d "$money" ]; then # Take action if $robust exists. # echo "$(tput setaf 4)OpenSim: $(tput setab 3)MoneyServer Start$(tput sgr 0)" cd /opt/robust/bin screen -fa -S MO -d -U -m mono MoneyServer.exe else echo "$(tput setaf 2)The following screens were started $(tput sgr 0)RO $(tput setaf 2)and $(tput sgr 0)OS$(tput setaf 2).$(tput sgr 0)" screen -ls exit 1 fi cd /opt # echo " Wait 40 seconds and then start regions." sleep 40 echo "$(tput setaf 2)OpenSim: $(tput setab 0)Welcome Region start$(tput sgr 0)" /opt/ sim1 echo "$(tput setaf 2)OpenSim: $(tput setab 0)Start all other regions$(tput sgr 0)" /opt/ sim2 /opt/ sim3 /opt/ sim4 /opt/ sim5 /opt/ sim6 /opt/ sim7 /opt/ sim8 /opt/ sim9 /opt/ sim10 echo "$(tput setaf 2)List started screens$(tput sgr 0)" screen -ls
Shutdown Servers
Either manually access each sceen
screen -r 8419.OpenSim shutdown
screen -S OpenSim -p 0 -X eval "stuff 'shutdown'^M"
Or use (only in the event of a crash!)
killall screen
for i in `ps afxu | grep -i "mono.*OpenSim" | grep -v grep | awk {'print $2'}`; do kill $i; done
Or to shut down each session clean, make a stop script,
#!/bin/bash screen -S Robust -X quit sleep 10 screen -S OpenSim -X quit
example: OpenSim
(Directory name = screen name)
real example:
/opt/ sim1
/opt/ sim2
/opt/ sim...
#!/bin/bash sleep 10 if screen -list | grep -q $1; then echo "$(tput setaf 1)OpenSim: $(tput setab 7)Regionen OpenSimulator $1 Beenden$(tput sgr 0)" screen -S $1 -p 0 -X eval "stuff 'shutdown'^M" else echo "$(tput setaf 1)OpenSim: $(tput setab 7)Regionen OpenSimulator $1 nicht vorhanden$(tput sgr 0)" fi
#!/bin/bash sleep 3 echo "$(tput setaf 1)OpenSim: $(tput setab 6)Stop regions$(tput sgr 0)" /opt/ sim2 /opt/ sim3 /opt/ sim4 /opt/ sim5 /opt/ sim6 /opt/ sim7 /opt/ sim8 /opt/ sim9 /opt/ sim10 sleep 30 echo "$(tput setaf 1)OpenSim: $(tput setab 6)Stop the Welcome Region$(tput sgr 0)" /opt/ sim1 if screen -list | grep -q "MO"; then echo "$(tput setaf 1)OpenSim: $(tput setab 3)Exit MoneyServer$(tput sgr 0)" screen -S MO -p 0 -X eval "stuff 'shutdown'^M" else echo "$(tput setaf 1)OpenSim: $(tput setab 3)MoneyServer does not exist$(tput sgr 0)" fi sleep 30 if screen -list | grep -q "RO"; then echo "$(tput setaf 1)OpenSim: $(tput setab 3)Exit RobustServer$(tput sgr 0)" screen -S RO -p 0 -X eval "stuff 'shutdown'^M" else echo "$(tput setaf 1)OpenSim: $(tput setab 3)RobustServer does not exist$(tput sgr 0)" fi sleep 30 echo " List screens" screen -ls echo "$(tput setaf 1)$(tput setab 7)Wait 60 seconds and then kill all open screens$(tput sgr 0)" sleep 60 killall screen
deletes log files (unfortunately the log files get unbearably large.)
example: OpenSim
real example:
/opt/ robust
/opt/ sim1
/opt/ sim2
/opt/ sim...
#!/bin/bash sleep 3 cd /opt if [ -d $1 ]; then echo "$(tput setaf 1)OpenSim: $(tput setab 7)log $1 deleted$(tput sgr 0)" cd /opt/$1/bin # echo "/opt/$1/bin" rm *.log else echo "$(tput setaf 1)logs not found $(tput sgr 0)" exit 1 fi
Simulator Watchdog
Watches the simulator process under Linux
Adding an entry to call a simple script to check the process table can restart regions that crash to the command line. Here User_talk:BlueWall is a script to accomplish this with a sample cron entry for one minute intervals. While it will not fix 100% of the crashes, it will get most cases, and help keep the grid healthy. If you have questions, you can usually find me on #opensim or #osgrid
--BlueWall 15:53, 19 June 2008 (PDT)
Automate Updates
Linux (CentOS-5)
This script will save your settings, grab the latest release of OpenSim, build OpenSim, and restore your settings to the new release. It creates the new release in a new directory allowing you to revert to the previous release by just changing the 'current' link to point to whichever release you want to run.
Note: This may not work well if updating from versions that are quite far apart. Minor updates should work well. Sometimes you have to clear out the SAVEDIR to prevent very old files from messing up a new update.
This script assumes you are using the SVN release number as the OpenSimulator directory with a link called 'current' pointing to it. So, you might, for example, have a directory called '/home/opensim/7577' and a link 'current -> 7577'. This script also uses a save folder for moving settings from the old release to the new.
You will also want to compare the 'OpenSim.ini' and the 'OpenSim.ini.example' by hand after running this update script. There are often changes in this file needed for the new release. The 'diff -bB' command helps a lot in this comparison.
#!/bin/bash -x CWD=`pwd` MWD="/home/opensim" # Main Working Directory SAVEDIR="$MWD/save" # Save Directory if [ ! -d $SAVEDIR ]; then mkdir $SAVEDIR; fi if [ ! -d $SAVEDIR/Regions ]; then mkdir $SAVEDIR/Regions; fi if [ ! -d $SAVEDIR/DataSnapshot ]; then mkdir $SAVEDIR/DataSnapshot; fi if [ ! -d $SAVEDIR/config-include ]; then mkdir $SAVEDIR/config-include; fi cd $MWD # save current settings cp current/bin/*.xml $SAVEDIR cp current/bin/*.db $SAVEDIR cp current/bin/*.ini $SAVEDIR cp current/bin/config-include/*.ini $SAVEDIR/config-include/ cp current/bin/Regions/*xml $SAVEDIR/Regions/ cp current/bin/DataSnapshot/*xml $SAVEDIR/DataSnapshot/ # Get fresh copy of OpenSimulator REV=`svn info | fgrep Revision | awk '{print $2}'` svn -r $REV co $REV rm current ln -s $REV current cd current ./ nant cd bin # restore settings if [ ! -d ./DataSnapshot ]; then mkdir ./DataSnapshot; fi cp $SAVEDIR/*.xml . cp $SAVEDIR/*.db . cp $SAVEDIR/*.ini . cp $SAVEDIR/config-include/* config-include/ cp $SAVEDIR/Regions/* Regions/ cp $SAVEDIR/DataSnapshot/* DataSnapshot/ cd $MWD cd current # cd $CWD
Create a batch file to start up your grid, e.g. startGrid.bat ;
@Echo OFF For /F "Usebackq" %%i In (`Tasklist ^| Find /C "OpenSim"`) Do If /I %%i GTR 0 Echo There are %%i OpenSimulator processes running already. I quit! & Goto END :: %PROGRAMFILES% expands to your normal application path :: On an English system this is normally C:\Program Files :: If you run a 64-bit Windows, with OpenSimulator as a 32-bit :: application, substitute with %PROGRAMFILES(X86)% Echo Starting Robust Server... start "Robust" /MIN /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\OpenSim" OpenSim.Robust.exe sleep 5 Echo Starting Region Server... start "RegionServer" /MIN /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\OpenSim" OpenSim.exe -gridmode=true :END
PS! Check that you have sleep command installed, I'm unsure if all Windows versions have that.
If sleep is not installed one can use a localhost ping instead to replace "sleep 3".
PING -n 4>nul
This knowledgebase article describes how to add a batch file to startup of Windows (before logon).
Note that you have to start all applications and answer the configuration questions once before adding it to any startup.
If you start the server before logon then there will be no window to close if you want to shut down the server, so you can create a "StopGrid.BAT" with:
taskkill /FI "IMAGENAME eq OpenSim.*" sleep 3 taskkill /FI "IMAGENAME eq OpenSim.*" sleep 3 taskkill /F /FI "IMAGENAME eq OpenSim.*"
Or a more advanced batch that shut server processes down in the opposite order as recommended in the manual.
@Echo OFF For /F "Usebackq" %%i In (`Tasklist ^| Find /C "OpenSim"`) Do If /I %%i EQU 0 Echo There are no OpenSimulator processes running. Nothing to stop.. & Goto END Echo Stopping Region Server... taskkill /T /IM OpenSim.exe > NUL 2>&1 If ERRORLEVEL 128 Echo Region Server was not running! & Echo. & Goto n1 :r1 If ERRORLEVEL 1 taskkill /T /F /IM OpenSim.exe > NUL 2>&1 If ERRORLEVEL 0 Echo Region Server stopped. & Echo. & Goto n1 Goto r1 :n1 Echo Stopping Robust Server... taskkill /T /IM OpenSim.Grid.Robust.exe > NUL 2>&1 If ERRORLEVEL 128 Echo Robust Server was not running! & Echo. & Goto n2 :r2 If ERRORLEVEL 1 taskkill /T /F /IM OpenSim.Grid.Robust.exe > NUL 2>&1 If ERRORLEVEL 0 Echo Robust Server stopped. & Echo. & Goto n2