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Content Collections

Collections containing many different kinds of resources.

  • Free OAR files - OAR files for regions created by Linda Kellie. CC0 license.
  • Ener Hax - Objects and complete OAR files under creative commons licenses
  • Oligo Academy - IAR/OAR downloads (including DARPA/MOSES assets)
  • OpenSim Archive - IAR/OARs, items, objects scripts and regular builds of OpenSim.
  • - Collection of textures, meshes, objects, avatars and other items. Licenses vary.
  • - Public domain collection of objects, terrains, skins and animations as well as complete sims and OAR files. All created by Zadaroo.

Artist Documentation

This page contains information about content creation for OpenSimulator including best practices, guides, tools, examples, collaborative projects and of course Creative Commons licensed content.

Discussion group for people interested in creating content for Metaverse: Open Content for Metaverse

Some useful resources of free material:

This is not an exhaustive list, please add to it if you can!

I have tried to include sites which have free Poser/Opensim compatible content which could be used for "personal use" in your own "world". You must check the licensing for any commercial uses.


Textures are images used to cover surfaces of 3d models and terrain. Textures can be anything form 1x1 to 1024x1024 images. Most of the textures for buildings, items and clothes are usually 512x512.

Best Practices



  • GIMP - alternative GIMP - GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program for Linux, OS X and Windows.
  • PaintNET Plugins - Paint.NET is free image and photo editing software for Windows.
  • WoodWorkshop - Wood Workshop is a free seamless texture editor for Windows.
  • Materialize - Materialize is an Open Source standalone tool for divers Height- Metallic- Normal maps.



Content Libraries

  • Torley Textures is a collection of over 600 textures by Torley Linden.
  • CGTextures Some Great free textures (CC License)
  • tonytextures 4000 free textures and Tutorials for 3D Modelling. English - Deutsch


Models are 3 dimensional objects which are formed from faces and textures. OpenSimulator supports three types of model: parametrized primitives, and sculpted primitives, and uploaded vertex mesh files.

To learn more about the model types, read the Models page.

Best Practices

How To Upload Mesh



  • Blender - Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License.
  • makehuman - Realistic 3d humans, open source for Windows, OSX, Linux.
  • SketchUp - SketchUp Make 2017, free 3D drawing tool for OS X and Windows.
  • Wings 3d - Sculpty editor




Content Libraries


Currently OpenSimulator terrains consists of heightmap and textures for different directions and heights. OpenSimulator terrain can be imported in raw terrain format from several terrain editor tools.

Best Practices



  • L3DT Windows-only tool to generate detailed terrain. Now has a specific Opensim export option, which exports in r32 format.
  • Terrain.Party Web-based tool for turning terrain from a real life world map into a height map which can be imported into Opensim using "terrain load <texture_name>.png". Note that the textures require resizing, since they are exported as 1081x1081 png files
  • Daylon Leveller Windows-only tool for producing terrains from from a variety of sources (including Second Life, Terragen, and terrain.painter), and using painting-like tools and filters to create features. Imports and exports region(s) from/to Opensimulator, either as a tileset of one or more terragen files, or via PNG/RAW formats.



Content Libraries

Additional Terrain Resources


REFERENCES / SUPPLEMENTAL SOURCES amd APPLICATIONS: Tweaking Tutorial: Creating OpenSimulator terrain with Blender

Some free and some non-free terrains at

Tutorial on creating terrain files with Terragen as well as using Photoshop to edit terrain files and create megaregion terrain with a library of free terrain files

Spinmass Virtual Creations, has two products for terrain making and generation which are free downloads. Look at Terrain Sculptor and Bailiwick. They are available from

Three easy to use Online Image Splitters


Sounds clips can be used within (scripted) objects and as part of gestures. Current OpenSimulator sound formats are PCM WAVE (.wav) 16-bit/44.1KHz/mono or stereo with a maximum length of 10.00 seconds.

Best Practices



  • Audacity - Audacity® is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. It is available for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems.
  • LMMS - Compose sound and music on Windows, Linux and OS X.



Content Libraries

  • The Freesound Project - The Freesound Project is a collaborative database of Creative Commons licensed sounds.


Music can be played via parcel media as either streamed or from a single music file.

Best Practices



  • LMMS - Compose sound and music on Windows, Linux and OS X.



Content Libraries

  • Jamendo - Jamendo is a community of free, legal and unlimited music published under Creative Commons licenses.


Best Practices



  • BVHacker - Animation for OpenSimulator avatars.
  • QAvimator - Animation for OpenSimulator avatars.
  • BVH Mirror - This is an online service to mirror a BVH animation/pose file. That is, looking left becomes looking right, the pose of the left arm becomes the pose of the right arm, etc..



Content Libraries

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