Build Instructions

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This page covers building OpenSim from source code on multiple platforms. Please help us keep this page up to date as the project progresses. If you just want to run OpenSimulator, Download and run the binary build instead. In the most cases, you should be fine with binaries.


Download OpenSim

Check out the Download page for instructions on obtaining an OpenSim source release.

General Notes

Although this page is long, building is generally quite simple. See the BUILDING.txt file in the distribution itself for simplified instructions. This page discusses what you need to do before actual building.

Setting Files

Unlike binary distributions, OpenSimulator source distributions are delivered without default configuration files, i.e, OpenSim.ini and StandaloneCommon.ini. Therefore you'll need to create them by yourself. Look carefully at Configuration page not to suffer from the errors like "APPLICATION EXCEPTION DETECTED: System.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs Exception: System.Exception: Configuration file is missing the [SimulationDataStore] section"(= missing "OpenSim.ini") or "Error loading plugin from OpenSim.Services.FriendsService.dll, exception System.Exception: No StorageProvider configured"(= missing "*Common.ini").

Crash Course on Linux

The easiest platform to get running on the Linux side is Ubuntu 32bit. This is what most of the developers running Linux use. If you are looking for the quick path, start there.

Many distros (including Ubuntu) ship with only the "mono-runtime" package installed, however you need to install "mono-complete" for some OpenSimulator features such as LSL script commands.

MS Windows

OpenSim requires either the .Net Framework version 3.5, or Mono 2.4.3 or newer.

Supported Compilers

  • Visual Studio 2010
  • Visual Studio 2008
Any editions should work fine, including free Microsoft Visual C# Express Edition. Note that OpenSimulator is written in C#, not C++.
Note that Visual Studio 2005 or earlier are no longer supported(opensim-dev proposal, opensim-dev approved).

Compiling in IDE

  1. Run "runprebuild.bat"(if 2008) or "runprebuild2010.bat"(if 2010).
  2. Open the resulting "OpenSim.sln" in any Visual Studio IDE.
  3. Build -> Build Solution.

Compiling in Command Prompt

  1. Run "runprebuild.bat".
  2. Run the resulting "compile.bat" file or run "nant". This will build the executable using MSBuild(the former) or nant(the latter).

Additional Notes

  • It is possible to develop on Windows Vista 64 bits with the following tweaks:
  1. Select OpenSim project properties from solution and choose platform to be x86. Rebuild solution.
  2. Select OpenSim.exe properties under solution bin folder and choose windows xp sp 2 compatibility mode + run as administrator.
  • For those that use a Cygwin shell, you may need to fix DLLs permissions issue by typing "chmod 755 *.dll *.exe" in the bin directory.

Mac OS X

Mac OS X 10.5 and later, Intel

Only you have to do is to get :

and then install them - now no need to install XCode nor MacPort (you can still install mono dev libraries and nant with MacPort though).

When you run nano to build OpenSimulator, it may show an error like "Unable to locate 'mono' module using pkg-config. Download the Mono development packages". I suspect XCode or MacPort causes something wrong (since it worked fine after I removed both), but I'm not sure. Anyway, insert a line into /usr/bin/nant script file to manage this problem :

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Libraries/pkgconfig    # add this!
exec /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/2.10.2/bin/mono \
    /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/2.10.2/share/NAnt/bin/NAnt.exe "$@"

You can even compile and debug OpenSimulator with MonoDevelop IDE after running "". Open the solution file(*.sln) with MonoDevelop IDE then select Build -> Build All from the menu.

Mac OS X 10.4/10.5 on PowerPC

OpenSim can run on PowerPC Macs (such as G4, G5). These instructions were tested on 10.5.8. Note that two libraries must also be built from source. Caveat: the OpenSim app was only briefly tested in self-contained mode. There may well be issues with this build. Feel free to note any issues you find below (or in a new wiki page? discussion?).

Unfortunately, the OpenSim version used here must be compiled on one version of Mono (2.6.7) and run on another (2.8.2). This means either upgrading Mono after the build, or having both versions installed and accessing the older version when you want to build. These instructions let you have both versions installed.

  • Install Xcode 3.1.4 Developer Tools from from You must have a free Apple developer account to access the downloads. 3.1.4 was the last PowerPC Xcode.
  • (10.4 only) Install X11 from the Optional Install (or see if it's a Customize option when you install Xcode). 10.5 gets X11 by default (from OS X or dev tools?).
  • Install Mono 2.6.7 PowerPC Framework from here: (binary OS X Framework, no need to build from source)
  • Then install Mono 2.8.2 PowerPC framework. For these instructions to work, you must first install 2.6.7, THEN 2.8.2. (The old framework is not deleted, but "Current" symlinks are updated).
  • Download OpenSim source tarball: Expand to a suitable folder for development and running.
    • Feel free to try a newer version of OpenSim (the repository is on git now).
    • If you used a newer OpenSim version, check BUILDING.txt for any changes to build instructions (we fall under "Linux")
  • Edit or create .profile or .bash_profile in your OS X home folder, with the following lines:
# remember real PATH

# normal path for running OpenSim
export PATH=$PATH:/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/bin:/usr/local/mysql/bin

# Just for nant:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/2.6.7/lib/pkgconfig
alias oldpath="export PATH=$OSIM_HACK_ORIG_PATH:/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/2.6.7/bin"

  • Open a new Terminal window, and cd to your uncompressed OpenSim source folder (shortcut: type "cd " then drag the folder to the Terminal window). The enter these commands:
  • nant should take around 10 minutes to compile your OpenSim. If you get through that without errors, you're halfway there! (I did get 234 warnings).
  • *Important* Before we forget, open a new Terminal window (necessary to avoid the effects of "oldpath").
  • Now we need PowerPC versions of two libraries. Build each one and replace the compiled .dylib files in the opensim/bin folder.
svn co libopenmetaverse-read-only
cd libopenmetaverse-read-only
    • To build, remove the Makefile file, which is for Linux, and rename Makefile.osx to just Makefile, then give the command: make )
    • Remove the other versions of the two libraries (similar names, different extensions, like "". Two libode's and three libopenjpeg's).
  • Configure your sim: Copy OpenSim.ini.example to OpenSim.ini and customize it per its comments.
  • Likewise copy and customize StandaloneCommon.ini in bin/config-include
  • Note that the comments say that the current SQLite plugin doesn't work on OS X. Either solve that, or install MySQL, which requires no compiling and is relatively easy to set up:
    • From, download MySQL 5.1.40 for 10.5 PowerPC (installer, not 64-bit)
    • Run the installer. (which installs to /usr/local)
    • Install MySQL.prefPane into System Preferences by double-clicking it.
    • Open the pref pane and start MySQL.
    • (Optional:) For unattended startup, install MySQLStartupItem (doesn't always work for me).
    • (Recommended:) In Terminal, do the one-time setup of MySQL with this command: mysql_secure_installation
    • In MySQL, create the opensim user per the comments in OpenSim.ini. Give it all the create privileges.
      • Since this is a Mac, you could use Sequel Pro (donationware) to do that in a nice GUI. Standard connection, host: (if on the same Mac)
  • You're ready to run OpenSim. In that new Terminal window, cd to your OpenSim-source/bin folder.
mono OpenSim.exe
  • If all is well, you will be prompted "New region name []: "
  • Turn to "Running OpenSim for the first time" on wiki page Configuration
  • When fully up and running, the prompt is "Region (<region-name>) #"


For Ubuntu users on older distributions (7.10, 8.04, 9.10 etc.) you need to upgrade your version of mono to at least 2.4.3. For anyone who needs to upgrade their Mono, see Update Mono on Ubuntu.

Ubuntu Karmic (9.10) includes mono packages.

Ubuntu Lucid (10.04) includes mono 2.4.4 packages

Ubuntu Maverick (10.10) includes mono 2.6.7 packages

To build:

sudo apt-get install nant mono-gmcs libmono-microsoft8.0-cil \
     libmono-system-runtime2.0-cil libgdiplus libmono-i18n2.0-cil libmono-oracle2.0-cil
Download opensim
cd opensim

Ubuntu 11.04

Ubuntu Natty (11.04) includes mono 2.6.7 packages.

In this version, one only needs to apt-get install nant - this will pull down all the other required packages as dependencies. This may also be true for some of the earlier Ubuntu releases. Thus, to build:

sudo apt-get install nant
Download opensim
cd opensim

To run the regression test suite, you will also need to install nunit-console, like so

sudo apt-get install nunit-console
nant test

RHEL, Fedora, CentOS or other RedHats

After getting run your OpenSimulator binary distributions, you'll need to get mono development library and install nant to build OpenSimulator from the source. See both sections below.

Getting Mono Libraries

If you have installed mono packages from the core repository for your distributions when you run OpenSim.exe binary distribusion, just type:

sudo yum install mono-devel

If not, just type (given that you have already set up yum repository for mono) :

sudo yum install mono-addon-devel

Both command will install its dependencies as well.

Installing NAnt

Run "yum info nant" to check the version of nant package. If you find the package, then just type:

sudo yum install nant

You can now run nant out-of-the-box.

If you can't find nant package in yum repository, or you feel its version is too early for building OpenSimulator, obtain NAnt from NAnt Project Site. See User Manual there for detailed instruction. As of 0.90, you will need to create startup script like that (given you have expanded NAnt to /usr/local/nant) :

sudo vi /usr/bin/nant

Then inside this file :

exec mono /usr/local/nant/bin/NAnt.exe "$@"

After that, make it executable :

sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/nant

You can now run and nant to compile OpenSimulator.


Install an openSUSE 11.1, 11 or 10.3 with its default options, add the online repositories when finished installing do an online update with all the latest packages.

In yast install these packages, for running Opensim in standalone mode. (there is a slight diffrence between 10.3 and 11/11.1 but following should be same)

- check that mono-core is installed

just in case you do not already have it installed

 sudo zypper install mono-data-oracle

A tip for OpenSuSE 11.1 users - you can install packages from the command line using the 'zypper' tool. For example, to install 'nant', use this command:

 sudo zypper install nant

If you just want to use SQLite then jump to last section within this post.

  • Optional mysql - for Opensim running in Grid mode:

Install these mysql packages via yast


(note that selecting mysql in the Yast2 Installer will select the other packages automatically)

Before building create the mysql database.

/etc/init.d/mysql start
mysql -u root -p -h localhost
(when asked for password just hit enter)
mysql> create database opensim;
mysql> use opensim;
mysql> create user 'opensim'@'localhost' identified by 'thePassword';
mysql> grant all on *.* to 'opensim'@'localhost';
mysql> quit
  • note that the grant all command may differ if you're adding the opensim database to an existing mysql installation.

On current builds set the connection string inside bin/OpenSim.ini after coppying the OpenSim.ini.example file. If you are changing to MySQL from SQLite, the connection string for mysql also exists in the bin/Region/*xml files.

  • It is important to remember this if you start out using the built-in SQLite database engine.

Build after installation of above in bash terminal. I save it in /opt

su -
cd /opt
Download opensim
cd opensim

Or, if you have a current (0.6+), you can simply execute:


After this you should be able to continue on starting the diffrent Servers, look in the mysql-config section,or just run your OpenSim as a Standalone.


On FreeBSD 6.2,

cd /usr/ports/devel/subversion/ && make install clean (you may also need to rebuild apr-svn if this step fails)
cd /usr/ports/lang/mono/ && make install clean
cd /usr/ports/devel/nant/ && make install clean
cd /usr/ports/databases/sqlite3/ && make install clean
cd /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/libgdiplus/ && make install clean
cd /opensim/installation/directory/
Download opensim
cd opensim
Note: Follow the instructions on the FAQ to fix the
"System.DllNotFoundException: ./" issue, but use "gmake" instead of "make"

For ODE Physics you must do the following:

cd /usr/ports/graphics/libGL/ && make install clean
cd /usr/ports/graphics/libGLU/ && make install clean
cd /opensim/installation/directory/
svn co opensim-libs
cd opensim-libs/unmanaged/OpenDynamicsEngine2/
./configure --enable-shared --enable-release --disable-demos
mv ./ode/src/.libs/ /opensim/installation/directory/opensim/bin/


Debian 4

For detailed instructions please see Debian 4 Build Instructions

Debian 5

1. Install Debian in the usual way. In the package list choose just the last option - 'Standard system' Leave all other install options unchecked unless you have other reason to install them.

2. Log in as your root user make sure it works.

3. type: aptitude update (or apt-get update)

4. type: aptitude install nant and answer 'y' to 'Do you want to continue'- This will install nant and all of its dependancies.

5. type: apt-get install git-core and answer 'y' to 'Do you want to continue'.

6. type: aptitude install build-essential swig autoconf gawk mono-common binfmt-support bison libglib2.0-dev gettext and answer 'y' to 'Do you want to continue'

7. type: wget to download mono

8. type: tar xf mono-2.4.3.tar.bz2 to extract the mono source code to a directory (substitute the latest build)

9. type: cd mono-2.4.3 to change int the directory you just created

10. type: ./configure --with-libgdiplus=yes - wait for it to finish

11. type: make - and wait some more as this takes a bit - moreso on older machines

12. type: make install

13. type: cd /

14 type: git clone git://

15 type: cd opensim

16. type: git checkout -b 0.6.8-post-fixes origin/0.6.8-post-fixes (substitute the latest build)

17. type: git pull

18. type: apt-get -u upgrade and answer 'y' to 'do you want to continue?'. This will update all packages to their latest versions via apt (it will not upgrade opensim or mono as they were compiled seperately)

19. Reboot, just to make sure it all comes up cleanly (type: shutdown -r now)

20. Login, type: cd /

21. type: cd opensim

22. type: ./

23 type: nant - wait for this to finish

24. type: cd bin

25. type: cp OpenSim.ini.example OpenSim.ini

26. type: mono OpenSim.exe

27. Answer the onscreen wizard promts and Opensim will start in standalone mode.

To add MySql support type: apt-get install mysql-server and answer 'y' to 'Do you want to Continue'. You will be prompted for a password for the MySQL root user, enter it twice as requested. Edit OpenSim.ini to use MySql as directed elsewhere.

Debian testing/unstable (will be Debian 7)

Updated 2011 April 19

  1. Get root access on a Debian/Linux machine or install a fresh copy yourself. see This is the most difficult and longest step in our list, but there are many resources to help you through if this is your first time.
  2. Log in as your root user.
  3. Check /etc/debian_version to be sure of what release you are working with, by typing: `cat /etc/debian_version'. As of this writing it should reply "wheezy/sid".
  4. type: `apt-get update'
  5. type: `apt-get dist-upgrade' This will upgrade all packages to their latest versions and will handle conflicts which may arise. See: `man apt-get' for more information. If you did not install from scratch this will bring the system up to date. For more information about running and maintaining a Debian system enter: `apt-get install debian-reference' and point a web browser at /usr/share/doc/debian-reference-common/html/index.en.html This is a book length document (read it later).
  6. type: `apt-get install mono-complete nant git build-essential swig autoconf gawk binfmt-support bison gettext' and answer 'y' to 'Do you want to continue'.
  7. Reboot, just to make sure it all comes up cleanly (type: `shutdown -r now')
  8. Login again, type: `cd /usr/src'
  9. type: `git clone git://'
  10. type: `cd opensim'
  11. type: `git branch -r' will show you the available branches in the remote repository. You want the most recent release which will be listed as something like "origin/"
  12. type: `git checkout -b origin/'
  13. type: `git pull'
  14. type: `./'
  15. type: `nant'
  16. type: `cd bin' to switch directories to /usr/src/opensim/bin
  17. type: `cp OpenSim.ini.example OpenSim.ini' (The [Architecture] section is what determines if you will be running a standalone or grid server. You want the default standalone variant to get started with.)
  18. type: `cd config-include' you are now in /usr/src/opensim/bin/config-include
  19. type: `cp StandaloneCommon.ini.example StandaloneCommon.ini' See Configuration for more information on configuring OpenSim.
  20. type: `cd ..' to change directories back to /usr/src/opensim/bin
  21. type: `mono OpenSim.exe'
  22. The startup wizard will ask you a number of questions. The defaults are fine but you can fill these in to your taste:

region name, estate name, owner first name, owner last name, owner password, and owner email

Remember the external host name and port number, you need these to construct the login URI to connect to with your client. http://hostname:portnumber/

Opensim will then finish starting and leave you at a prompt which looks like:

Region (regionName) #

Where to go from here:

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