Automating Tasks

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Revision as of 06:36, 27 May 2008 by Suz (Talk | contribs)

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Automate Grid Startup


Create a batch file to start up your grid, e.g. startGrid.bat ;

 @Echo OFF

For /F "Usebackq" %%i In (`Tasklist ^| Find /C "OpenSim"`) Do If /I %%i GTR 0 Echo There are %%i OpenSimulator processes running already. I quit! & Goto END

:: %PROGRAMFILES% expands to your normal application path
:: On an English system this is normally C:\Program Files

Echo Starting User Server...
start "UserServer" /MIN /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\OpenSim" OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.exe
sleep 5
Echo Starting Grid Server...
start "GridServer" /MIN /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\OpenSim" OpenSim.Grid.GridServer.exe
sleep 5
Echo Starting Asset Server...
start "AssetServer" /MIN /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\OpenSim" OpenSim.Grid.AssetServer.exe
sleep 5
Echo Starting Inventory Server...
start "InventoryServer" /MIN /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\OpenSim" OpenSim.Grid.InventoryServer.exe
sleep 5
Echo Starting Region Server...
start "RegionServer" /MIN /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\OpenSim" OpenSim.exe -gridmode=true


PS! Check that you have sleep command installed, I'm unsure if all Windows versions have that.
If sleep is not installed one can use a localhost ping instead to replace "sleep 3".

PING -n 4>nul

This knowledgebase article describes how to add a batch file to startup of Windows (before logon).
Note that you have to start all applications and answer the configuration questions once before adding it to any startup.

If you start the server before logon then there will be no window to close if you want to shut down the server, so you can create a "StopGrid.BAT" with:

taskkill /FI "IMAGENAME eq OpenSim.*"
sleep 3
taskkill /FI "IMAGENAME eq OpenSim.*"
sleep 3
taskkill /F /FI "IMAGENAME eq OpenSim.*"

Or a more advanced batch that shut server processes down in the opposite order as recommended in the manual.

@Echo OFF

For /F "Usebackq" %%i In (`Tasklist ^| Find /C "OpenSim"`) Do If /I %%i EQU 0 Echo There are no OpenSimulator processes running. Nothing to stop.. & Goto END

Echo Stopping Region Server...
taskkill /T /IM OpenSim.exe > NUL 2>&1
If ERRORLEVEL 128 Echo Region Server was not running! & Echo. & Goto n1
If ERRORLEVEL 1 taskkill /T /F /IM OpenSim.exe > NUL 2>&1
If ERRORLEVEL 0 Echo Region Server stopped. & Echo. & Goto n1
Goto r1

Echo Stopping Inventory Server...
taskkill /T /IM OpenSim.Grid.InventoryServer.exe > NUL 2>&1
If ERRORLEVEL 128 Echo Inventory Server was not running! & Echo. & Goto n2
If ERRORLEVEL 1 taskkill /T /F /IM OpenSim.Grid.InventoryServer.exe > NUL 2>&1
If ERRORLEVEL 0 Echo Inventory Server stopped. & Echo. & Goto n2
Goto r2

Echo Stopping Asset Server...
taskkill /T /IM OpenSim.Grid.AssetServer.exe > NUL 2>&1
If ERRORLEVEL 128 Echo Asset Server was not running! & Echo. & Goto n3
If ERRORLEVEL 1 taskkill /T /F /IM OpenSim.Grid.AssetServer.exe > NUL 2>&1
If ERRORLEVEL 0 Echo Asset Server stopped. & Echo. & Goto n3
Goto r3

Echo Stopping Grid Server...
taskkill /T /IM OpenSim.Grid.GridServer.exe > NUL 2>&1
If ERRORLEVEL 128 Echo Grid Server was not running! & Echo. & Goto n4
If ERRORLEVEL 1 taskkill /T /F /IM OpenSim.Grid.GridServer.exe > NUL 2>&1
If ERRORLEVEL 0 Echo Grid Server stopped. & Echo. & Goto n4
Goto r4

Echo Stopping User Server...
taskkill /T /IM OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.exe > NUL 2>&1
If ERRORLEVEL 128 Echo User Server was not running! & Echo. & Goto END
If ERRORLEVEL 1 taskkill /T /F /IM OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.exe > NUL 2>&1
If ERRORLEVEL 0 Echo User Server stopped. & Echo. & Goto END
Goto r5


(Batch edits, Suz 04:46, 27 May 2008 (PDT))

Linux/Mac OS X

You can use this startup script

  • Use Screen Command

Use the screen command to automate startup

  • Setup screen command and setup shell file

Linux install:

apt-get install screen (ubuntu)
pacman -S screen (archlinux)

Mac OS X: Download either MacPorts,, or Fink, to download *nix packages MacPorts

sudo port install screen


Need command line for Fink.
  • Create file
cd opensim/bin
sleep 3
screen -S UserServer -d -m  mono OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.exe
sleep 3
screen -S GridServer -d -m mono OpenSim.Grid.GridServer.exe
sleep 3
screen -S AssetServer -d -m mono OpenSim.Grid.AssetServer.exe
sleep 3
screen -S InventoryServer -d -m mono OpenSim.Grid.InventoryServer.exe
sleep 3
screen -S OpenSim -d -m mono OpenSim.exe -gridmode=true

Startup and access servers


If you have permission issues

chmod 755

To see a list of the servers in screen:

screen -ls or screen -list

Output will look like the following:

There are screens on:
     8419.OpenSim  (Detached)
     8403.InventoryServer  (Detached)
     8378.AssetServer  (Detached)
     8360.GridServer  (Detached)
     8347.UserServer  (Detached)

To access server

screen -r 8419.OpenSim
screen -r 8403.InventoryServer

To exit screen, leaving server running, and to return to shell

ctrl-a d

Shutdown Servers

Either manually access each sceen

screen -r 8419.OpenSim

Or use

killall mono


for i in `ps afxu | grep -i "mono.*OpenSim" | grep -v grep | awk {'print $2'}`; do kill $i; done

Or to shut down each session clean, make a stop script,

screen -S InventoryServer -X eval "stuff shutdown^M"
sleep 5
screen -S AssetServer -X eval "stuff shutdown^M"
sleep 5
screen -S GridServer -X eval "stuff shutdown^M"
sleep 5
screen -S UserServer -X eval "stuff shutdown^M"

This depends on the screen NAME to be the same as in the startup script described above! --Suz 01:42, 18 May 2008 (PDT)

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