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Work in progress

Teleports in OpenSimulator involve a complex exchange of messages between the simulator hosting the source region, the simulator hosting the destination region (which may be the same simulator that is hosting the source region) and the viewer. This page documents that message exchange.

In terms of basic grid teleports (where all simulators are hosted on the same grid), there are five different scenarios.

  • Teleport within the same region (intra-region teleport).
  • Teleport to an out-of-sight region hosted on the same simulator (same simulator, out-of-sight teleport).
  • Teleport to an in-sight region hosted on the same simulator (same simulator, in-sight teleport).
  • Teleport to an out-of-sight region hosted on a different simulator (different simulator, out-of-sight teleport).
  • Teleport to an in-sight region hosted on a different simulators (different simulator, in-sight teleport).

These are listed in terms of complexity and hence reliability. Intra-region teleport is the simplest at all since the avatar just needs to be moved within the region - connections do not need to be torn down and established.

Same simulator, out-of-sight teleport is the next simplest. Though the avatar needs to be removed from one scene and placed in another, a second simulator is not involved. As the regions are out of sight of one another for the client's draw distance, no management of root and child agents is required (see Glossary for more information on agents).

Same simulator, in-sight teleport is similar to out-of-sight teleport except that some management of agents (e.g. downgrade root agent to child on the source region) needs to be done.

Different simulator, out-of-sight teleport is similar to same simulator, out-of-sight teleport except that the need to communicate between different simulator processes increases the complexity of the teleport and often introduces a network dependency (unless the simulators are hosted on the same machine).

Different simulator, in-sight teleport is the more complex normal grid teleport, since not only is there an interaction between source simulator, destination simulator and viewer, but upgrade and downgrades between child and root agents need to be managed as well.

Grid Teleport Procedure


Hypergrid Teleport Procedure


Open Grid Protocol Teleport Procedure

See OGP Explained "Teleport"



Teleports in OpenSimulator as of 2009-02-06


Teleport Study (2009-03-05)

The following four pictures compare the current agent transfer scheme with 3 possible agent transfer schemes. The different schemes have slightly different requirements with respect to authentication.





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