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I recently had to do a backup and restore of my PostgreSQL database.  Here, for the benefit of the other PostgreSQL user are my notes.  I did my backup and restore because I was updating the database software.
{{delete|This page is merged into [[Backups]]}}
* Shutdown OpenSim
* Use the pg_dump command to backup the database.
** In my case, I did this as the postgres user.  It should work as the OpenSim (or whatever user owns the OpenSim database) user.
** pg_dump -b -Fc -C -f opensim.db.backup opensim
** The -b option requests that large objects are included in the dump.  This would be things like textures and sounds.
** The -Fc option creates the backup file as a gzipped tar file
** The -C option includes commands to create the database when restoring
** The -f option specifies the name of the output file.  In this case opensim.db.backup
** There are a number of other options that can be used.  For example, if you're doing the backup on a different machine, the -h option allows you to specify the machine that the database is running on.
* Copy the opensim.db.backup file to a CD-ROM or wherever you want it saved.
* Do what you need to do.  In my case, it was upgrading the PostgreSQL software
* While PostgreSQL was shutdown, I saved a tar of its /data directory to make it easier to recover if the upgrade went bad.
* I also took copies of the configuration files in the /data directory so that I didn't have to recreate them.
* Delete the /data directory
* Initialize the new database
** The command is initdb -D <path to /data directory>
* Start the new PostgreSQL software (it will complain about data formats if you try this before you delete the old /data and run initdb)
* Create the opensim user
* Restore the data using pg_restore
** pg_restore -C -d template1 opensim.db.backup
** Read the PostgreSQL documentation for more information.
In my case, it seemed to work fine.  After I started up OpenSim, I logged in and found everything as it should be.  I would really recommend trying this first on a test Sim that you didn't care about.  Also study the documentation before trying this.  Your setup may be different than mine.

Revision as of 19:55, 2 January 2011

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