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Line 11: Line 11:
Renders a dynamic texture on the prim containing the script and returns the UUID of the created texture.
Creates and renders a dynamic texture on the prim containing the script and returns the UUID of the created texture.
Line 21: Line 21:
|UUID of already existing dynamic texture. Intended to accept UUID from a previous call to OsSetDynamicTextureXXXX functions.
|UUID of already existing dynamic texture. Intended to accept UUID from a previous call to OsSetDynamicTextureXXXX functions in order to provide modification of an existing dynasmic texture
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|specify a time interval to update the texture
Line 56: Line 56:
The '''dynamicID''' parameter is not implemented. The value passed will be ignored.
The '''dynamicID''' parameter is not implemented. The value passed will be ignored.
The '''timer''' parameter is not implemented. The value passed will be ignored.

Revision as of 02:41, 4 August 2009

Technical Reference -> Terms -> Status Page -> OSSL Implemented Functions -> Dynamic textures -> OsSetDynamicTextureData


LSL: string osSetDynamicTextureData( string dynamicID, integer contentType, integer data, string extraParams,integer timer)
C#: string osSetDynamicTextureData( string dynamicID, int contentType, int data, string extraParams, int timer)



Creates and renders a dynamic texture on the prim containing the script and returns the UUID of the created texture.


Name Description Remarks
dynamicID UUID of already existing dynamic texture. Intended to accept UUID from a previous call to OsSetDynamicTextureXXXX functions in order to provide modification of an existing dynasmic texture NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
contentType specifies the type of the data parameter.

The following values are allowed:

  • vector - the data parameter contains a list of drawing instructions.
data Contains a series of drawing instructions...
extraParams additional optional parameters in the following format: [param]:[value],[param]:[value]

Multiple parameters are separated by comas. The following ones are supported:

  • width - width of the dynamic texture in pixels (example: width:200)
  • height - height of the dynamic texture in pixels (example: height:200)
  • alpha - alpha (transparency) component of the dynamic texture. Values are from 0-clear to 255-solid (example: aplha:255)
  • bgcolour - specifies the background color of the texture (example: bgcolour:Red)
  • altdatadelim - specifies a delimiter between the draw commands contained in the data parameter.
  • setalpha
  • integer value - any integer value is treated like specifing aplha component
timer specify a time interval to update the texture NOT IMPLEMENTED YET


The dynamicID parameter is not implemented. The value passed will be ignored. The timer parameter is not implemented. The value passed will be ignored.


// Example of OsSetDynamicTextureData used to render custom drawings on a prim
        string CommandList = ""; // Storage for our drawing commands
        CommandList = osSetPenSize( CommandList, 3 );                 // Set the pen width to 3 pixels
        CommandList = osSetPenColour( CommandList, "Red" );           // Set the pen color to red
        CommandList = osMovePen( CommandList, 28, 78 );               // Upper left corner at <28,78>
        CommandList = osDrawFilledRectangle( CommandList, 200, 100 ); // 200 pixels by 100 pixels
        // Now draw the rectangle
        osSetDynamicTextureData( "", "vector", CommandList, "width:256,height:256", 0 );

See Also

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