User talk:Riebling

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Removed link to sample (scene_oar.tar.gz - justincc's very basic environment containing a few prims, one script and a big chasm) because the hosting service reports the file has been removed.

Added text explaining the dissonance between ".oar" format and ".tar.gz" files actually linked to the page. When I first downloaded a .tar.gz file and inspected it's contents, I thought "oh crap this must not be a .oar file, it's just a bunch of .xml files" but in fact it was, and they're interchangeable. So I guess the semantics are that ".oar format" refers to the CONTENTS of the zipped tar file, whereas ".tar.gz" refers to the format of the archived and compressed contents. But to tell folks the preferred naming convention is ".oar" and then never use it in the example downloads = dissonance! We prefer harmony. :)

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