Test Page
From OpenSimulator
As of 2011-10-10 I copy/pasted this over to the linked UXSimStatus for further change/editing -- Justincc 20:22, 10 October 2011 (UTC)
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JSON User SimStats
As of OpenSim svn 9529 the xtended stats reporting will return a jsonp callback to allow popular javascript toolkits to use the returned data to create ajax monitoring applications in the browser. This is an advantage because after the page is loaded, the browser will interact directly with the region, eliminating traffic through the website (polling the region and servicing the browser). It also allows the creation of mashups to create mini-monitor apps in other pages.
To enable your stats reporting, set the following in your OpenSim.ini...
; Simulator Stats URI ; Enable JSON simulator data by setting a URI name (case sensitive) Stats_URI = "jsonSimStats"
...the URI can be anything you want, and is case sensitive. You can query the URI directly to return a json string to use in php, python, java, etc. or you may use one of the popular javascript toolkits to have OpenSim generate a callback for jsonp. The json serialization carries the following data...
{"AssetsInCache":5.0,"TimeAfterCacheMiss":0.0,"BlockedMissingTextureRequests":0.0,"AssetServiceRequestFailures":0.0, "abnormalClientThreadTerminations":0.0,"InventoryServiceRetrievalFailures":0.0,"Dilatn":0.967380821704865,"SimFPS":55.0, "PhyFPS":47.1628913879395,"AgntUp":0.0,"RootAg":0.0,"ChldAg":0.0,"Prims":0.0,"AtvPrm":0.0,"AtvScr":0.0,"ScrLPS":0.0, "PktsIn":0.0,"PktOut":0.0,"PendDl":0.0,"PendUl":0.0,"UnackB":0.0,"TotlFt":0.0,"NetFt":0.0,"PhysFt":0.0,"OthrFt":0.0, "AgntFt":0.0,"ImgsFt":0.0,"Memory":"8","Uptime":"05:12:19.0365590","Version":"OpenSimulator Server "}
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>JSON Test</title> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> SimFPS = 0; PhyFPS = 0; Memory = 0; RootAg = 0; ChldAg = 0; Uptime = ""; Version = ""; setInterval(function(){ $.getJSON( "http://ascent.bluewallgroup.com:9100/jsonSimStats/?callback=?", function(data){ SimFPS = Math.round(data.SimFPS); PhyFPS = Math.round(data.PhyFPS); Memory = Math.round(data.Memory); ChldAg = data.ChldAg; RootAg = data.RootAg; Uptime = data.Uptime; Version = data.Version; drawChart(); setTags(); })}, 3000 ); google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["gauge"]}); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); function drawChart() { var cdata = new google.visualization.DataTable(); cdata.addColumn('string', 'Label'); cdata.addColumn('number', 'Value'); cdata.addRows(3); cdata.setValue(0, 0, 'SimFPS'); cdata.setValue(0, 1, SimFPS); cdata.setValue(1, 0, 'PhyFPS'); cdata.setValue(1, 1, PhyFPS); cdata.setValue(2, 0, 'Memory'); cdata.setValue(2, 1, Memory); var chart = new google.visualization.Gauge(document.getElementById('chart_div')); var options = {width: 400, height: 120, redFrom: 90, redTo: 100, yellowFrom:75, yellowTo: 90, minorTicks: 5}; chart.draw(cdata, options); } $(function() { timer.start(100); }); function setTags() { $("#par-uptime").text("Uptime: " + Uptime); $("#par-ragent").text("Root Agent: " + RootAg); $("#par-version").text("Version: " + Version); $("#par-cagent").text("Child Agent: " + ChldAg); } </script> </head> <body> = BlueWall Development Region = <table> <tr><td> <div id="par-version">version</div> </td><td> <div id="par-ragent">root agent</div> </td></tr><tr><td> <div id="par-uptime">uptime</div> </td><td> <div id="par-cagent">child agent</div> </td></tr> </table> <div id="chart_div"></div> </body> </html>
JSON Grid Simstats
Python example to gain the region data from a grid service
- should work but this version not tested - *reference material*
import hashlib import urllib2 ''' value shown is an example, get this from your grid database each time - regions.regionSecret ''' regionsecret = 'fe21314b-6267-44f7-aa1e-6047e1c3f94a' ''' My region host ''' hostName = myregion.host.net ''' My region port ''' hostPort = 9000 ''' create an *UPPERCASE* SHA1 hash from the regionSecret ''' resourceName = str(hashlib.sha1(regionsecret).hexdigest()).upper() regionuri = hostName + ":" + hostPort + "/" + resourceName + "/" ''' data includes TimeZoneName , TimeZoneOffs, UxTime, Memory, Version and OSStatsURI ''' regiondata = simplejson.load(urllib2.urlopen(regionuri)) ''' OSStatsURI is the uri to query the OpenSim instance. return same data as the user set uri ''' simuri = regiondata['OSStatsURI'] simdata = simplejson.load(urllib2.urlopen(simuri))
Using shell environment variables in OpenSim configuration
We will need to use two new things in our configurations: a section [Environment] to tell us what variables we need to look at in the shell and we will need to use the Nini key expansion. Nini, can have keys that look like ${SECTION|VARIABLE} and can expand those to the variables we assign.
In your shell you will export your values and check the ones you want to use that are predefined by your system ...
export RT_ZONE=Zone_00
# You can see your HOSTNAME (It will be set by the system)... echo $HOSTNAME OSERV_00
In the ini you will include an [Environment] section...
[Environment] ; Our Environment section that defines the shell variables we are interested in RT_ZONE="" ; We might use a zone to setup an instance of OpenSim on a server HOSTNAME="" ; We might be interested in obtaining the host's name [Startup] regionload_regionsdir=/home/opensim/etc/Regions/${Environment|RT_ZONE}/ ; We set our regionload_regionsdir using the variables ConsolePrompt = "${Environment|HOSTNAME}:${Environment|RT_ZONE} " [DatabaseService] ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=${Environment|RT_ZONE};User ID=username;Password=userpass;" ; Here too
When OpenSim picks up the variables in your shell and processes all the configurations, the variable keys will be filled in with the variables picked up from the shell ...
[Environment] ; Our Environment section that defines the shell variables we are interested in RT_ZONE="" ; We might use a zone to setup an instance of OpenSim on a server HOSTNAME="" ; We might be interested in obtaining the host's name [Startup] regionload_regionsdir=/home/opensim/etc/Regions/Zone_00/ ; We set our regionload_regionsdir using the variables ConsolePrompt = "OSERV_00:Zone_09 " [DatabaseService] ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=Zone_00;User ID=username;Password=userpass;" ; Here too
This is a pretty good start. I think there will be a couple of places we might be able to use this to help us setup really flexible configuration systems for OpenSim.
Have Fun!
This is a test