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Must be specified in Regions.ini SizeX, SizeY and SizeZ otherwise there is an error with regions of different sizes.


Noted that the old Aurora UDP messages for varregion size are now obsolete. Unclear how it's done now. Ubit says this is now done via a capability. Name and format of that capability are unknown.--Animats (talk) 13:17, 14 May 2023 (PDT)

They are encapsulated in a Event capability message, with same name. The fields are same (with some extensions for var regions), with same names as on lludp message template file, and are encoded in LLSD, typically LLSDxml. SL viewers and derivatives, convert the serialized data of LLUDP or Event, to a internal format (LLSD) and may use shared processing code (Ubit May 15 2023)

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