Remoteadmin:admin get agents
From OpenSimulator
admin_get_agents get information about agents in a given region
Contents[hide] |
Enabling admin_get_agents
If not all functions are enabled, use admin_get_agents to enable the function in the [RemoteAdmin] section
enabled_methods = admin_get_agents,...
Required Parameters
These parameters are required
parameter | Description | Values |
region_name | Name of the region to look for agents (or region_id below) | |
region_id | UUID of the region to look for agents (or region_name above) |
Optional Parameters
These parameters are optional and do not need to be set
parameter | Description | Values |
include_children | If true, then return information about child agents as well as root agents. |
Returned Parameters
Returned Parameters
These parameters are returned by Remote Admin
parameter | Description | Values |
success | true | |
regions | Regions for which information is returned. | See regions |
parameter | Description | Values |
name | Name of region | |
id | UUID of region | |
agents | Agents found in the region requested. | See agents |
parameter | Description | Values |
name | Name of agent | |
type | Type of agent | Npc or User |
id | UUID of agent | |
current_parcel_id | UUID of parcel the agent is currently over | |
pos_x | X position of the agent | |
pos_y | Y position of the agent | |
pos_z | Z position of the agent | |
vel_x | X velocity of the agent | |
vel_y | Y velocity of the agent | |
vel_z | Z velocity of the agent | |
lookat_x | X gaze direction of the agent | |
lookat_y | X gaze direction of the agent | |
lookat_z | X gaze direction of the agent | |
is_sat_on_ground | true if the agent is sat on the ground | |
is_sat_on_object | true if the agent is sat on an object | |
is_flying | true if the agent is flying |
Error messages
No error messages
- This was introduced in git master commit 3072f25 (OpenSimulator 0.7.6 development).
( [regions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [agents] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lookat_y] => 0.04238708 [lookat_z] => 0 [is_sat_on_ground] => False [type] => User [current_parcel_uuid] => fc2f2820-7181-4a9f-8cba-f73d3e14f72e [name] => John Joe [uuid] => bb293b8c-4986-4ab4-844a-5d22639f2d75 [vel_y] => 0 [vel_z] => 0 [is_flying] => False [is_sat_on_object] => False [pos_x] => 134.6547 [pos_y] => 122.7092 [pos_z] => 25.27129 [vel_x] => 0 [lookat_x] => 0.9991013 ) ) [uuid] => 11111111-bf88-45ac-aace-35bd76426c81 [name] => test one ) ) [success] => 1 )
This example needs the RemoteAdmin PHP Class file available here.
<?php // Including the RemoteAdmin PHP class. include('RemoteAdmin.php'); // Instantiate the class with parameters identical to the Python example above $myRemoteAdmin = new RemoteAdmin('', 9000, 'secret'); // Invoke admin_save_oar (multiple parameters) $parameters = array('password' => 'plop', 'region_name' => 'test one', 'include_children' => 'false'); $response = $myRemoteAdmin->SendCommand('admin_get_agents', $parameters); print_r($response); ?>
<?php $request = xmlrpc_encode_request("admin_get_agents", array("password" => "plop", "region_name" => "test one", "include_children" => "false")); $context = stream_context_create(array('http' => array( 'method' => "POST", 'header' => "Content-Type: text/xml\r\nConnection: close\r\n", 'content' => $request ))); $fp = fopen("http://localhost:5000", 'rb', false, $context); $file = stream_get_contents($fp); fclose($fp); $response = xmlrpc_decode($file); if ($response && xmlrpc_is_fault($response)) { trigger_error("xmlrpc: $response[faultString] ($response[faultCode])"); } else { print_r($response); } ?>