Grid List/MOSES

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Project MOSES

Project MOSES: Military Open Simulator Enterprise Strategy is an exploratory effort designed to evaluate the ability of the Open Simulator to provide independent and secured access to a virtual environment.  This project is supported by the US Army Research Lab Simulation Training Technology Center. MOSES is open to the public, however users are asked to describe how they can contribute to the project when they register. The project currently has users from the military, industry, and academia.


1. To meet or exceed the service and capabilities provided by the Second Life Enterprise(R), previously provided by Linden Lab(R).

  • persistent virtual world stable server environment with redundancy (need to define stable)
  • VOIP
  • base content library
  • mesh import
  • media on a prim
  • provide graphical system monitoring mechanisms to start and stop processes remotely
  • provide graphical user management and setup

2. To provide a stable and in-kind Second Life®-like environment.

3. To provide guidance to other organizations wishing to replicate MOSES results

4. To link in a hypergrid manner to other organizations.

Login URI:
Approx # of Regions: 400
Approx # of Users: 300


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