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The OpenSimulator asset service stores asset data (textures, serialized objects, scripts, etc.) and provides this on request.


GET /assets

Uri format is




There is no content in the request body.

If the asset was not found, you will receive a 404 status code response with an empty body.

If the asset was found then asset data will be returned. Sample return data is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <Name>test texture</Name>
  <Description>test one</Description>


  • Data - Base64 encoding of the asset data. No maximum length.
  • FullID - UUID of the asset. This is identical to ID for historical reasons.
  • ID UUID of the asset. This is identical to ID for historical reasons.
  • Name - the name of the asset in the database. This is not actively used since assets are referred to by their inventory names. Can be useful for debugging purposes. Maximum size is 64 characters.
  • Description - Description of asset. This is not actively used but can be useful in debugging. Maximum size is 64 characters.
  • Type - Type of asset. An integer that comes from OpenMetaverse.AssetType.
  • Local - true or false. In other contexts signals whether asset is local to that simulator only. In the context of the asset service this should always be false.
  • Temporary - true or false. Signals whether the asset should be treated as temporary (and so can be removed on simulator restart) or permanent (which is the usual case).
  • CreatorID - The ID of the entity that created the asset. Often a UUID but not mandatory. This is not actively used but can be useful in debugging.
  • Flags - Multiple flags must be comma separated (e.g. <Flags>Maptile,Collectable</Flags>). Each flag can have leading or trailing whitespace (e.g. <Flags>Maptile,Collectable</Flags>). Possible flags are
    • Normal - Normal non-maptile immustable asset.
    • Maptile - Maptile asset.
    • Rewritable - Content can be rewritten
    • Collectable - Asset can be removed after some time (this is poorly defined and may not currently be used).

One should not rely on this element order. One should also be prepared to ignore or otherwise deal with extra elements.

Sample scripts

import httplib
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("localhost", 8003);
conn.request("GET", "/assets/f87f97ff-a493-4fb6-b263-1c8a0f1efc11")
response = conn.getresponse()
print "Status:" + str(response.status)

POST /assets

Uri format is



Sample request body

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <Name>test texture</Name>
  <Description>test one</Description>


  • Data - Base64 encoding of the asset data. No maximum length.
  • FullID - UUID of the asset. This is identical to ID for historical reasons.
  • ID UUID of the asset. This is identical to ID for historical reasons.
  • Name - the name of the asset in the database. This is not actively used since assets are referred to by their inventory names. Can be useful for debugging purposes. Maximum size is 64 characters.
  • Description - Description of asset. This is not actively used but can be useful in debugging. Maximum size is 64 characters.
  • Type - Type of asset. An integer that comes from OpenMetaverse.AssetType.
  • Local - true or false. Optional, defaults to false. In other contexts signals whether asset is local to that simulator only. In the context of the asset service this should always be false.
  • Temporary - true or false. Options, defaults to false. Signals whether the asset should be treated as temporary (and so can be removed on simulator restart) or permanent (which is the usual case).
  • CreatorID - The ID of the entity that created the asset. Optional, the default is blank. Often a UUID but not mandatory. This is not actively used but can be useful in debugging.
  • Flags - Multiple flags must be comma separated (e.g. <Flags>Maptile,Collectable</Flags>). Each flag can have leading or trailing whitespace (e.g. <Flags>Maptile,Collectable</Flags>). Optional, the default is Normal. Possible flags are
    • Normal - Normal non-maptile immustable asset.
    • Maptile - Maptile asset.
    • Rewritable - Content can be rewritten
    • Collectable - Asset can be removed after some time (this is poorly defined and may not currently be used).

The order of elements is not important.

If the request is well-formed XML, then data in the form.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <string>f87f97ff-a493-4fb6-b263-1c8a0f1efc12</string>

is always returned where string contains the UUID of the asset posted.

From OpenSimulator 0.7.5 onwards, an HTTP status code of 400 (Bad Request) will be returned if the XML is not well-formed. In OpenSimulator 0.7.4 and previously, the simulator would simply drop the request and not respond.

Sample scripts


import base64
import httplib
import sys 
import xml.dom.minidom as md
from xml.etree.cElementTree import Element, ElementTree, tostring
idString = "f87f97ff-a493-4fb6-b263-1c8a0f1efc12"
assetBaseElement = Element("AssetBase")
dataElement = Element("Data")
dataElement.text = base64.b64encode("Dummy data")
fullIdElement = Element("FullID")
guidElement = Element("Guid")
guidElement.text = idString
idElement = Element("ID")
idElement.text = idString
nameElement = Element("Name")
nameElement.text = "test texture"
descriptionElement = Element("Description")
descriptionElement.text = "test one"
typeElement = Element("Type")
typeElement.text = "0" 
doc = ElementTree(assetBaseElement)
rawXml = tostring(assetBaseElement)
mdDoc = md.parseString(rawXml)
print mdDoc.toprettyxml()
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("localhost", 8003);
conn.request("POST", "/assets", rawXml)
response = conn.getresponse()

DELETE /assets


POST /get_assets_exist

Returns whether assets exist in the assets database.


The Uri doesn't have any parameters in the path.

The request body contains a list of Asset UUID's.

Sample request body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ArrayOfString xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">


For each asset, returns whether it exists or not (true/false).

Sample response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ArrayOfBoolean xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">


Added in OpenSimulator 0.8.0. Older versions will return an error code because they don't support this request. That response is equivalent to returning 'false' for all the assets.

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