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Release Notes


Welcome to OpenSimulator, an open-source multi-user 3D virtual environment and metaverse server platform.

This is a security release following on from As such, it contains a single functional fix and no other changes. There are no database migrations.

As ever, OpenSimulator is a highly complex system. Various usage scenarios (standalone, grid, hypergrid, etc.) in combination with different dependencies (e.g. different versions of mono on Linux/Mac) can sometimes produce unexpected or unstable behaviour.

This release is compatible with the existing OpenSimulator 0.7.6 database without any migrations. There is some additional config in OpenSimDefaults.ini but if you have not changed this file (as is strong recommended) then you do not need to worry about these.

As this is a wiki page, please feel free to update it with more information about migration or other issues as and when these come to light.

You can download this release of OpenSimulator from http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Download

Known issues

  • Arbitrary key:value storage for regions has not yet been implemented for SQLite or MSSQL. This is necessary for temporary attachments settings to be persisted. This functionality is considered experimental.
  • Regression in RLV functionality where objects given via the llGiveInventoryFolder() function with a folder name with the format #RLV/~gift are still placed in the #RLV folder but now with the name still as "#RLV/~gift" rather than just "~gift". This is being addressed in http://opensimulator.org/mantis/view.php?id=6311. Any help from viewer developers on this would be much appreciated.
  • No form of prim equivalence is implemented for meshes.
  • Loading scripts from the library section of inventory does not work properly.
  • The non-default Warp3D maptile generator currently leaks memory very badly. We recommend that you only use this once at the beginning of each simulator session.


OpenSimulator requires:

  • .NET Framework 3.5 when running under Windows.
  • At least Mono 2.4.3 when running under Mono (Linux or Mac). Mono 2.6.x and Mono 2.10.x onwards work well. Mono 2.8.x versions are reported as less stable in some situations. OpenSimulator should also run under Mono 3.0.3 and later although, as with Mono 2.10 and earlier, there are still issues when running under the optional new sgen garbage collector.



  • llHTTPRequest() and osSetDynamicTextureURL*() script functions are now prevented from making calls to localhost and addresses on the LAN hosting the simulator by default. If you need to make exceptions to this rule, please configure [Network] OutboundDisallowForUserScriptsExcept as appropriate.


  • llHTTPRequest() is disallowed from making requests to private service endpoints.
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