Submitting code to OpenSim

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Revision as of 13:56, 28 November 2008 by Justincc (Talk | contribs)

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Code is submitted to OpenSim via patches attached to our Mantis bug tracker. One way to generate these is by using the Subversion command line

svn diff > my.patch

from the root OpenSim directory. This will package up all your changes into a nice easily appliable file. I also hear that this can be done graphically via TortoiseSVN on Windows.

  • Please run the unit tests (via nant test on the command line) before submitting your patch. Also, patches which add new tests are very welcome.
  • Please put only one logical change in a patch at a time. Patches that contain more than one logical change tend to be larger, more complex and hence take more time to be applied. At worse, developers will tend not to look at them because it's hard to disentangle all the possible effects.
  • In your Mantis, the title line should ideally start with [PATCH]. When you've opened it, change the state to patch included. Once you've put in on a Mantis, you may want to hop on the IRC channels and mention it someone there (though at the moment we're pretty good at getting round to these, since e-mails about newly opened mantis entries are sent to developers automatically).
  • If you're looking for an initial piece of code to do, the bugs in Mantis are a very good starting point. You may want to see if there's anybody on IRC to discuss the difficulty of a particular bug (they do vary, sometimes in unexpected ways).
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