Configuring Scripting

From OpenSimulator

Revision as of 12:44, 6 January 2014 by Justincc (Talk | contribs)

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Script configuration in OpenSimulator occurs in three major configuration sections within OpenSim.ini

  1. [Permisssions]
  2. [LL-Functions]
  3. [XEngine] - For another script engine this would be a different section. However, OpenSimulator only ships with XEngine.

Parameters in each of these sections are detailed below.


  • allowed_script_creators - This can be "all" or "gods"
  • allowed_script_editors - This can be "all" or "gods"


  • AllowGodFunctions - If true, god functions can be executed by gods (e.g. If false then not even gods can execute these functions.
  • max_external_urls_per_simulator. Change the max number of URLs that scripts can request in this simulator. Default is 100. Present since commit 22f25df (16 June 2012, OpenSimulator master dev branch post
  • max_listens_per_region - Change the max number of llListens per region. Default is 1000.
  • max_listens_per_script - Change the max number of llListens per script. Default is 64.


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