User:Allen Kerensky

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Revision as of 09:30, 16 June 2012 by Allen Kerensky (Talk | contribs)

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Allen Kerensky


I am adapting a tabletop pen-and-paper role-playing game called Myriad into a scripted system for the OpenSimulator Xengine and SecondLife Mono interpreters.


C# Developer to create OpenSim module which implements
Myriad RPG in a region as middleware which takes to the region database

C++ Developer to create Third Party Viewer patch to implement
Myriad RPG in the viewer/client

Myriad Universal RPG System

It is helpful to read through the original rulebook to understand the rules and assumptions "behind" the Myriad Lite software below.

MYRIAD: A UNIVERSAL RPG SYSTEM by Ashok Desai is freely downloadable as a PDF e-book from Lulu.

You also also purchase the "Myriad Special Extended Edition" from that site for additional rules and information.

I do not make any financial gain if you purchase the book, but if you would like to support the original writer I recommend it.

Myriad Online Reference

To provide an online reference for the rules and data, which can be used as comment links in the code, I have included the text of the original Myriad RPG system book here for reference.

Note: Myriad Lite includes rules and data from the Special Extended Edition, which is not reprinted here.

Development Roadmap


I as develop the system, I wrap up and post everything as a milestone snapshot called a Preview.

The latest Preview Release is the recommended place to start if you are exploring the system.


Between previews, I post bugfixes and in-progress development pieces to a dev page.

These dev pieces are based on the latest preview release, and are "layered" on top of the latest preview release, which is required to use these pieces.


  • LightShare - updated LightShare notes and scripts for OpenSim and OSgrid
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