// Example of osDrawPolygon
// Storage for our drawing commands
string CommandList = "";
// "PenSize 3;"
CommandList = osSetPenSize( CommandList, 3 );
// "PenColor Blue;"
CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, "Blue" );
// "Polygon 128,20,20,186,236,186;"
CommandList = osDrawPolygon( CommandList, [128,20,236], [20,186,186] );
// "PenColor Green;"
CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, "Green" );
//"Polygon 128,236,20,70,236,70;"
CommandList = osDrawPolygon( CommandList, [128,20,236], [236,70,70] );
// "PenSize 5;"
CommandList = osSetPenSize( CommandList, 5 );
// "PenColor Red;"
CommandList = osSetPenColor( CommandList, "Red" );
//"Polygon 20,20,236,20,236,236,20,236;"
CommandList = osDrawPolygon( CommandList, [20,236,236,20], [20,20,236,236] );
// Now draw the polygons
osSetDynamicTextureData( "", "vector", CommandList, "", 0 );