OpenSim.exe Command Line Options

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Command line arguments are usually helpful to modify the behavior of your OpenSimulator for somewhat customized environments or debugging.

Using Commandline Arguments

OpenSimulator internally uses Nini as a command line parser.


  • "/key:value" or "/key value" (Windows Style)
  • "-key=value" or "-key value" (*nix Style)

If you want to use the value contains spaces, put it in double-quotes(").

Note that "--" likes "--key=value" doesn't work. It seems a bug in the regular syntax in Nini ArgvParser.

Boolean Aliases

  • True: "=true", "=on", "=yes(in OpenSim 0.7.2-dev)"
  • False: "=false", "=off", "=no(in OpenSim 0.7.2-dev)"

They are not case-sensitive. You can type "True", "TRUE" or "tRue" for example.

Current Arguments

The following command line switches are known:

Switch Values Description Default
logconfig String(filepath) OpenSimulator will configure log4net using this file as configuration file OpenSim.exe.config
background Boolean If true, OpenSimulator will run in the background false
inifile String(filepath) The path to ini file OpenSim.ini
inimaster String(filepath) The path to master ini file OpenSimDefaults.ini
inidirectory String(filepath) The path to folder for config ini files. OpenSimulator will read all of *.ini files in this directory and override OpenSim.ini settings. config
physics "OpenDynamicsEngine", "basicphysics", "POS", "modified_BulletX" The name of the physics engine. It is the same as physics property in [Startup] section. See OpenSim.ini.example for the detailed information. It will override the settings in OpenSim.ini. OpenDynamicsEngine
gui Boolean "old-style" console (deprecated from Opensim 0.7, use -console=basic instead) false
console "basic","rest" If "basic", OpenSimulator will launch a simple console capable of processing commands. If "rest", a RestConsole. If others including empty, a console that uses cursor control and context help(default). (empty)
save_crashes Boolean If true, OpenSimulator will dump stacktraces into the file in the directory specified with 'crash_dir' when it crashes. Note: As of 0.7.1, it doesn't work. It works in 0.7.2-dev. false
crash_dir String(filepath) The path to the directory where crash logs will be created. When OpenSimulator crashes, it will be automatically created if not exists. Note: As of 0.7.1, it doesn't work. It works in 0.7.2-dev. crashes


  • Boolean - See #Boolean Aliases above.
  • filepath - The path relative to the working directory of the user or application, in the most cases, it will be bin/.
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