Talk:Debian 4 Build Instructions

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Revision as of 00:52, 20 January 2009 by PocoLoco (Talk | contribs)

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According to the README in the Source distribution the valid parameters to "--with-libgdiplus=" are

<copy-paste README> --with-libgdiplus=installed,sibling,<path> </end copy-paste>

"--with-libgdiplus=yes" makes no more sense than the instructions previously linked to advising "--with-libgdiplus=no"

Include a paragraph about placing Mono-2.0.1 in /usr/local/bin

I'm thinking it would be a good idea to include instructions for using the command "./configure --prefix=/usr/local" so that this Mono installation gets put in /usr/local/bin so as not to disturb any pre-existing installations of Mono. Most common distros of Linux that have /usr/local/bin in $PATH will have it following /bin and /usr/bin so that software that requires/depends on Mono < 2.0.1 will still find the proper binary when using $PATH. Of course user needs to specify <path> when calling Mono-2.0.1 but seems a small point that is easily remedied. Not to mention the benefit of easily reverting OpenSim to using previous install of Mono by having it still available in /usr/bin

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