Talk:Using Git

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Revision as of 10:03, 15 August 2023 by Tampa (Talk | contribs)

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Anyone use Git Extensions for Windows? Supposedly integrates with Windows Explorer. Haven't used it myself, though, but thought I'd mention it for anyone seeking alternatives. --DaveCoyle 02:03, 5 August 2009 (UTC)

Not working with my login?

I'm trying an initial git clone (want to try and compile with bulletsim) - but can't login with windows git. Keeps asking for the password and then invallidating the password - problem?


I think you are using the methid for core developers. Look under Using_Git#Cloning_the_Repositry_.28for_Non_Core_Developers.29, this should work without asking for a password.
--Fritigern 10:35, 10 August 2011 (UTC)

Almost - I was using the non-core, but I hadn't noticed the copy-paste had changed the "git://" header to "ssh://" - changed this back and now pulling ok.

I do think that this article could do with a good rewrite to restructure it, so that stuff for non-developers are grouped together, and the stuff for developers are grouped together.
I will look into this.
--Fritigern 18:07, 11 August 2011 (UTC)

Definitely worth including Git Extensions for gui on Windows. By far the best option I have found, although only before the .net update happened, cause developers love their dark mode :) -Tampa

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