From OpenSimulator

Revision as of 06:09, 4 August 2007 by Idoru (Talk | contribs)

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Frequently asked questions

I cannot start my sim

I start the sim and it doesn't connect

When OpenSim is first started, it needs configuration.

It will print some text and wait for input - either an enter to accept a default value, or another value you can supply.

I cannot connect to my OpenSim

I connect but cannot move

If the client connects but the avatar can only spin in place and not move, then the sim is not correctly configured. It completed the initial login function, but packets are not being exchanged between the client and the sim, probably due to a network configuration error on the sim.

Can I teleport from the Linden Lab Second Life grid to my Sim?

No, OpenSim islands cannot connect to the Linden Lab grid.

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