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VMWARE based :

Change default language for the console (it's optional default config is ok):

      1. Edit /root/.login.conf
      2. Add the lines
         :lang=de_DE.ISO8859-1: (example given for German)

Change keyboard for the console:

   Run sysinstall, then Configure> Console


   Run sysinstall, then Configure> Networking> Interfaces> lnc0. Let it DHCP probe for an address.
   Set hostname="localhost" in /etc/rc.conf

Setup SSH

   Set sshd_enabled="YES"
   Edit /etc/sshd/sshd_config
   Set PermitRootLogin yes (Yes I know it's bad... but at this time using OpenSim is also unsecure too ;-)

Apply software updates (notes there is not port collection installed)

   For core software (i.e. not in FreeBSD ports), run freebsd-update fetch && freebsd-update install
   For software installed from FreeBSD ports, look at the portupgrade tool (see pkg_info portupgrade)

Install Usefull Utils

   pkg_add -r wget
   pkg_add -r python

Install Subversion

   pkg_add -r subversion

Install Mono

   pkg_add -r mono

Install nant

   pkg_add -r nant

Install sqlite3

   pkg_add -r sqlite3

Install libgdiplus

   pkg_add -r libgdiplus

Reload the $path for /usr/local/bin

   csh (Reload the $path for /usr/local/bin)

Create the install dir

   cd /usr/local
   mkdir opensim 

Download the SVN Trunk

   svn co trunk

Download LibSL

   svn co svn:// libsl

Install gmake, compile and copy

   pkg_add -r gmake
   cp /usr/local/opensim/libsl/openjpeg-libsl/ /usr/local/opensim/trunk/bin/

Run Prebuild

   cd /usr/loca/opensim/trunk

Run Nant


Run Opensim

  cd /usr/local/opensim/trunk/bin
  mono OpenSim.exe
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