Inworld Data

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Revision as of 09:11, 13 February 2008 by Phrearch (Talk | contribs)

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Managing inventory


Folders and items which will appear in the standard common library for all avatars can be configured here. The root folder (currently called OpenSim Library) is hardcoded, but you can add your own configuration of folders and items directly beneath this, in addition to (or instead of) the contents of the default OpenSim library.

To add a new library, edit Libraries.xml. The entry in here needs to point to two further xml files, one which details your library inventory folders and another which details your library inventory items. Each inventory item will need to be associated with an asset. Assets are configured separately in the bin/assets directory. If you are running in grid mode, any library you add must be present in both your grid servers installation and in every region installation, otherwise library items will fail in the regions where the inventory configuration is not present. The reasons for this are historical and will probably be lifted in a future revision.

Files in the attic directory are currently unused.


A link the mailing list entry describing the xml structure for including library scripts (and other items)

Perl script that generates assetset, inventory folders, and inventory items files that can be used to create a custom library. Takes a directory tree of jp2 and lsl scripts and creates the mirrored structure in inventory under OpenSim Library. See usage instructions inside script.

Library Collection

  • Free Assets - Free items, textures, heightmaps and scripts.
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