User:Allen Kerensky

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Allen Kerensky


I am adapting a tabletop pen-and-paper role-playing game called Myriad into a scripted system for the OpenSimulator Xengine and SecondLife Mono interpreters.

Myriad Universal RPG System

It is helpful to read through the original rulebook to understand the rules and assumptions "behind" the Myriad Lite software below.

MYRIAD: A UNIVERSAL RPG SYSTEM by Ashok Desai is freely downloadable as a PDF e-book from Lulu.

You also also purchase the "Myriad Special Extended Edition" from that site for additional rules and information.

I do not make any financial gain if you purchase the book, but if you would like to support the original writer I recommend it.

Myriad Online Reference

To provide an online reference for the rules and data, which can be used as comment links in the code, I have included the text of the original Myriad RPG system book here for reference.

Note: Myriad Lite includes rules and data from the Special Extended Edition, which is not reprinted here.

Development Roadmap


I as develop the system, I wrap up and post everything as a milestone snapshot called a Preview.

The latest Preview Release is the recommended place to start if you are exploring the system.


Between previews, I post bugfixes and in-progress development pieces to a dev page.

These dev pieces are based on the latest preview release, and are "layered" on top of the latest preview release, which is required to use these pieces.


  • LightShare - updated LightShare notes and scripts for OpenSim and OSgrid
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