OpenSimulator talk:0.5 Release Target Discussion
From OpenSimulator
Suggested priorities:
- effective collision agent (so to be able to walk on the objects by default)
- effective inventory management (at least minimal but be sure that things remain there and not be lost)
- appearance (ok defaults, but at least man/woman), remembering what was worn before
- scripting should be maintained in objects!!! (now they disappear)
- allow in-object editing of scripts
- when I link objects I cannot unlink them :(
- things rezzed appear as if they were nocopy (they disappear from the inventory)
- allow Hello Avatar new scripting. It might appear very trivial and not useful, but gives a lot of self-assurance :)
And obviously have an object format for import-export objects that can be compatible with libsecondLife testclient export-import function. (import-export of inventory?)
Thanks for your active programming....
I think that even without the grid up, a local fast quick and dirt installation would be astonishing to make people starting building some local installations.