Talk:OSSL Proposals

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Revision as of 02:49, 11 February 2008 by Nitrus Nori (Talk | contribs)

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OSSL Proposal Table

osFunction Description Example Usage Signed Comment Commenter
int osWebTexture() Sets the texture from a web-url osWebTexture(string url,integer maptype); AFrisby? This would take considerable amount of time to load textures from URL's. What would happen if error response from HTTP? If such a feature was added, there should be a script command to send to the server by the master avatar to enable or disable the feature on the region on a per region basis. Comments? Nitrus Nori

int osShutdownRegion() Shuts down the region the script is currently in. The script this is run in has to be owned by the master avatar for that region. Returns 1 if the region is going down, 0 on failure. osShutdownRegion(); gryc OK, say this worked, how would one restart their region with out asking a grid admin? Not all master avatars will be running the region on their computer, say if the region was hosted by a service similar to opengrid. Nitrus Nori
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