CentOS 5.2 Build Instructions

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The following process worked for me, please feel free to improve it as it may not be the best way :)

From a fresh install:

 # yum update
 # yum install subversion ruby

To get Mono 1.9.1 I added the Mono.repo file in the /etc/yum.repo.d/ directory:

 # sudo su -
 # cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
 # wget http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Mono/RHEL_5/Mono.repo

I then installed mono

 # yum install mono nant libgdiplus mono-jscript mono-nunit

So far so good, mono -V shows 1.9.1 has installed :)

Now just a couple of other things that you may need:

 # yum install swig autoconf gawk bison gcc

And then build and install mono 2.0.1 from source

 # wget http://ftp.novell.com/pub/mono/sources/mono/mono-2.0.1.tar.bz2
 # tar xf mono-2.0.1.tar.bz2
 # cd mono-2.0.1
 # ./configure --with-libgdiplus=yes
 # make (may take a while)
 # make install

Yay! mono -V and I have Mono 2.0.1 :)

Note that I have OpenSim 0.6.4 running on mono 2.4. So newer versions of mono should work.

Now all i have to do is open the right ports and install OpenSim as usual...

Once you have OpenSimulator running you may want to follow these instructions for setting up a crontab entry that checks your server to see it is running and restarts if it ain't.

How to set up OSWatchdog to automatically restart a crashed server on Linux(Universal)

Potential Issues

Mantis #3626 references an issue where the build fails with references to a "TResponse" type. It appears that there is a bug in the mono 1.9.1 libraries and they don't get properly overwritten when the newer mono is installed. To fix this, add "--prefix=/usr" to the "./configure" line when building mono. Refer to http://opensimulator.org/mantis/view.php?id=3626 for more discussion about this problem.

I've had nant occasionally die with a SEGV exception when building OpenSim. In this case, rerunning nant was able to continue the build.

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