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(Lani Physical Vehicle Flight Engine v3 for ODE)
m (Lani Physical Vehicle Flight Scripts for ODE)
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// Offered under license:
// Atribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND
// Atribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC  
// ===============================================================
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// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
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// ===============================================================
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// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
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// Atribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND
// Atribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC  
// ===============================================================
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// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
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// ===============================================================
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// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
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// Atribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND
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// ===============================================================
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// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
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// Atribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND
// Atribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC  
// ===============================================================
// ===============================================================
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
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// Offered under license:
// Atribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND
// Atribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC  
// ===============================================================
// ===============================================================
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
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// Offered under license:
// Atribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND
// Atribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC  
// ===============================================================
// ===============================================================
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.

Revision as of 10:17, 24 February 2014


Lani Global


Lani Global Systems on Twitter

Tweets mainly covering OpenSim, OSGrid, HyperGrid, and 3D Virtual Worlds.

Lani Global OSGrid Photo Gallery

Lani Global - OSGrid Photo Gallery

Photos, snapshots, imagery, and art in OSGrid, OpenSim.

OpenSim Communications Projects

SubSpace Communications RP Chat System

Extended long distance Text Chat scripted wearable and rezzable system for: region-chat, region-to-region chat, grid-to-grid, standalone-to-standalone, etc.

Compatible with the OWI Open World Interface by Snoopy Pfeffer running on Dreamland Metaverse OpenSim servers

OpenSim RolePlay Projects

Myriad Lite RolePlay Gaming and Combat System

Myriad Lite RolePlay Gaming and Combat System Founder & Lead Developer: User:Allen_Kerensky

Open Source scripted RolePlay Gaming and Combat System specifically designed to be compatible with OpenSim.

"Myriad Lite is a project to adapt a pen-and-paper role-playing game rulebook into OpenSimulator Xengine and SecondLife Mono scripts, and the related 3D objects, needed to implement a pen-and-paper role-playing game in 3D virtual worlds." -- Allen Kerensky

Lani Global contributions to the Myriad project include: Animations, Textures, HUD Design, Trap Scripts, Alpha and Beta Testing, Collaboration, Promotion and Community Distribution.

OpenSim Community Projects

Sci Fi Hub of OSGrid

A community center for promotion of Science Fiction theme environments in OpenSim. Located in the Lani region in OSGrid. Includes the Sci Fi Teleport Poster Exchange project.

OpenSim Vehicle Projects

Physical Vehicle Designed for OpenSim

In August 2012, Lani Global Systems embarked on a Physical Vehicle project designed specifically for OpenSim. See Lani Physical Vehicle Flight Scripts. Prior to this project, multi-passenger physical vehicles were practically non-existent and unknown to the public in core-dev-OpenSim. To fulfill the cutting edge goals of this project, a new vehicle script was specially written to take advantage of the then-current (OpenSim v0.7.5 dev) working vehicle functions, while simultaneously minimizing previously encountered bugs and failures. The project succeeded. Free distribution to the OpenSim Community was implemented through the release of several boxed-product objects in September 2012:

1. "Ornithopter 3-seater(c)2012 LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS" Multi-Passenger Physical Flight Vehicle, complete with root prim engine script, multiple special effects scripts, animations, interlock system, lighting, seating, and moving canopy/physical-enclosure. copy/mod/trans.

2. "Physical Flight Vehicle Script Engine (c)2012 LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS" root prim, open source script, pilot animation. copy/mod/trans.

OpenSim Vehicle Bugs

Known Physical Vehicle Bugs Currently Existing in OpenSim

OpenSim Mantis Report # 0006333: Local Chat Fail for Driver of Vehicle: Sitting Passengers & Vehicle Text Commands

Pilot / Driver of physical vehicle can not communicate using local chat Say channels with sitting passenger(s) after the vehicle moves more than 20m (or 30m) from the point where the passenger(s) sits on the vehicle. This also affects chat say texting commands by Pilot / Driver to the vehicle. Say text commands from Pilot/Driver to vehicle fail more than 20m from the vehicle Pilot / Driver original point of sit.

The region doesn't seem to update the sitting avatar's location (or the vehicle's location) for chat texting purposes. Tests seem to indicate that the Passenger avatar's texting location remains at the location where the passenger sat on the vehicle.

Other Vehicle Bugs or Not-Yet-Implemented Parameters

Physical vehicle parameters for banking such as VEHICLE_BANKING_EFFICIENCY are not implemented (AFAIK) yet in OpenSim dev physics ODE.

OpenSim Change-Advocacy Projects

Proposed Change Regions_ini Default PhysicalPrimMax 10m to 64m

In the OpenSim simulator settings file: Regions.ini there is a line of the file:  ; PhysicalPrimMax = 10

This default should be changed to  ; PhysicalPrimMax = 64 to support the widespread use and distribution of physical vehicles content in the OpenSim Community. With more and more mesh being used, this has become an important issue.

The 10 meter prim size is an obsolete standard left over from the old days of SL. The current standard is 64 meter prim size.

Physical Vehicle Scale 001.png

Comparison of a mesh physical vehicle normal size using PhysicalPrimMax=64m with a Physical Vehicle forced to be reduced in size due to PhysicalPrimMax = 10m.

PhysicalPrimMax 64m Discussed at OpenSimulator Meeting

09 October 2012 Discussion of PhysicalPrimMax 64m Default Change Proposed at OpenSimulator Meeting in Wright Plaza on 09 October 2012. The PhysicalPrimMax discussion starts at chat log time 11:49. It starts to get interesting at about 11:52.

16 October 2012 Discussion of PhysicalPrimMax 32m Default Change was discussed at OpenSimulator Meeting in Wright Plaza on 16 October 2012. The PhysicalPrimMax discussion starts at chat log time 11:18. It starts to get interesting at about 11:32.

18 February 2014 Since BulletSim Physics is now standard in OpenSim distrubutions and the use of mesh is widespread for vehicles, another suggestion was made to increase the default to 64m. This was discussed at the OpenSim Dev meeting. Discussion of PhysicalPrimMax 64m Default Change Proposed at OpenSimulator Meeting in Wright Plaza on 18 February 2014, The PhysicalPrimMax 64m discussion is at chat log time 11:23 and 11:53 and 12:04.

PhysicalPrimMax Discussed at OSGrid Town Hall Meeting

At the OSGrid Town Hall Meeting on 07 October 2012 , Lani Global presented a proposal to the citizens of OSGrid. The complete transcript of this meeting is available at:

"As many of you know already, LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS has introduced a new MULTI-PASSENGER PHYSICAL FLIGHT VEHICLE and an open source Physical Flight Script Engine developed for OpenSim / OSGrid. I'm not announcing this to advertise it or boast :) I am saying this because, honestly, most people previously thought that multi-passenger physical vehicles didn't exist in OSGrid. "

"Also, I would like to speak up about an important thing that is HOLDING BACK some talented OSGrid Content Creators in this field of Physical Vehicles (boats, aircraft, spacecraft, automobiles, and amphibious craft). The thing in OSGrid that is now holding back physical vehicle Content Creators is: currently there is a DEFAULT in the OpenSim OSGrid dev simulator (ini) setup file of "Maximum Physical Prim Size = 10metres". This Default prim size is a carryover from the old SL 10m prim size standard. It is now obsolete! Default "Maximum Physical Prim Size = 10metres" is WAY TOO SMALL for the design of multi-passenger Physical Vehicles... especially MESH and Sculpty vehicles, yachts, ships, airplanes, and spacecraft built to-scale."

"I realize that this is a new area of interest. During the past month of development of my open source Physical Flight Script Engine for OpenSim/OSGrid, I have been talking with other vehicle builders in OSGrid, working on converting some of the existing vehicles, and we all are stifled by this 10 metre physical prim default limitation. We now want to propose a NEW DEFAULT for "OSGrid's OpenSim dev version" be changed to "Maximum Physical Prim Size = 64 metres". This is equivalent to the current Maximum Prim Size 64 metres in current (SL) compatible viewers."

"We recognize that it is possible for each simulator owner/operator to set their own Maximum Physical Prim Size to 64 metres. We have changed this setting in some regions and are happy to report that everything works fine with larger physical prim vehicles. However, many people who rent regions in OSGrid or who run their own regions, do not have the skills to change this default. While lone builders and owners of regions can change their own regions' Maximum Physical Prim Size to 64m, it is a different story for Content Creators. Vehicle designers who create free products and put them in the stores for the larger market of the OSGrid Community (and OpenSim HyperGrid Community) must build to whatever is the Default limit! "

"Currently, the Content Creators can not deliver all their wonderful designs for vehicles, and users can't modify or convert their existing vehicles, if even one prim in the vehicle is larger than 10 metres. I argue that this is an obsolete prim size limit that has no place in our open spirit of freedom OSGrid is known for. I'm asking for the support of fellow OSGrid Citizens in respectfully proposing that the obsolete default of 10m physical prims be changed to 64m in future releases of OSGrid OpenSim dev versions. "

Open Letter to the OpenSim Developers

View original open letter proposal, posted on Opensim-dev email list

View this thread on Opensim-dev email list

Dear OpenSim Devs,

Date: 15 October 2012

PROPOSAL TO CHANGE PhysicalPrimMax=32m

This proposes a change to file default parameter: PhysicalPrimMax=32m Old parameter was: PhysicalPrimMax=10m This parameter defines the maximum prim size limit (in any dimension x,y or z) at which the prim may be recognized by the region as a physical object. If any dimension of the prim is larger than this limit, the prim fails to become physical.


At the OpenSim Meeting last week in Wright Plaza OSGrid, I proposed changing the parameter default to PhysicalPrimMax=64m. However, after taking some data and doing some research testing various sizes and shapes of physical prims, I now propose PhysicalPrimMax=32m instead.


The maximum prim build size using v1 viewers in SL was 10m, but this became obsolete recently with v2 and v3 viewers going to 64m. There has been *no limit* on the size of a physical prim in SL using their Havok physics engine. A mega-prim in SL can be physical (I have successfully tested 1024x1024x1024 physical prims in SL). However, in OpenSim there is good reason to limit physical prim size, mainly due to the simulator physics load causing simulator FPS to slow down.


Q: Why would we want to change this default value?

A: The primary motivation for changing this is the growing popularity of PHYSICAL VEHICLES in OpenSim. Content creators for the OpenSim community must design their products for the most common default value limits.


Built to-scale vehicles require prim sizes larger than 10metres: boats, ships, trains, buses, airplanes, aircraft, spacecraft, automobiles, and amphibious craft. Especially multi-passenger vehicles and vehicles using tortured prims or mesh or sculpties. Tortured prims (path cut, dimpled, tapered) are often used to achieve the curve shapes of vehicles, and this leads to larger prim x,y, or z dimensions (even when the overall vehicle size is less than 10metres). Mesh vehicles tend to require larger prim size; an entire vehicle can be made with 1 mesh model.


32 metres is the proposed best parameter value. It is a compromise based on performance vs the value of having creative content. Certainly 10m prims are safe performance, however, 10m severely limits the existence of vehicle content.


In recent testing of free prims dropped to ground, it was found that there appears to be a "breaking point" in the physics FPS performance with physical prim size larger than 45 metres. When 64 metre torus shaped prims were tested, this brought the physics FPS down to a low level. But, when 32metre prim size torus prims were tested, acceptably good performance was achieved. Of course, physics performance varies considerably among simulators.


Please see collected data on size vs. shape on Physics FPS:


A proposal has been presented for a default change. The change would be from an obsolete, but "absolutely safe" default value, to a new value that is closer to the center of compromise in simulator performance, only when larger size physical prims are rezzed by users. The result of this change would yield a huge increase in physical vehicle content in the OpenSim Community.

Respectfully submitted,

Lani Global

Founder/Content Creator, LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS (tm)

Owner of Lani region of OSGrid, an OpenSim/HG 3-D Virtual Sci Fi World

Lani Global Regions in Opensim OSGrid and HyperGrid


Lani region of OSGrid is one of the most popular places in OpenSim. Creative Content for the OpenSim Community is developed and distributed. The Science Fiction environment features the Lani Global Systems Sci Fi Store, Lani Mall, the Sci Fi Hub of OSGrid, a RolePlay RP environment, RolePlay Gaming, Spacecraft Landing Docks, and the Alpha Station space station home pods for RP players. The Central Pyramid is a community center and gathering point for the Sci Fi Community of OpenSim. Lani region runs on a server by sim hosting company Dreamland Metaverse. It is HyperGrid enabled, in the Middle Realm at 8090,8090 grid coordinates. Some photo images and a real time graph of daily visitor count to Lani region can be found on the web at Most Popular Region of OSGrid


ixi region of OSGrid is a very popular Sci Fi sandbox area adjacent to Lani region. Creative Content for the OpenSim Community is designed, tested, and developed. ixi is well known for sandbox and RP Combat. ixi region is sponsored by Dreamland Metaverse , an OpenSim server sim hosting company. Changing rooms are provided for avatars. The Great Hall of Combat has seen hundreds of battles and duels fought. Research and development of vehicles. Myriad RP Gaming and Combat System is developed and tested. It is HyperGrid enabled, in the Middle Realm at 8089,8090 grid coordinates. Some photo images and a real time graph of daily visitor count to ixi region can be found on the web at ixi Region OSGrid visitor graph

Lani Global Systems LSL Scripts

Lani Physical Vehicle Flight Scripts for ODE

A physical flight hover vehicle engine and various accessory scripted parts for the vehicle child prims are presented here. These scripts have been thoroughly tested and used in many vehicles in OpenSim, with the OpenDynamicsEngine (ODE) physics engine.

These scripts are suitable for: Spacecraft, Hovercraft, Hoverpod, HoverJet, Helicopter, Ornithopter, Submarine, Flying Wing, Airplane, Aeroplane, Whirly Bird, Magic Carpet, Starships, Death Stars, Galactic Ships, Space Ships, Spaceship, and other types of vehicles.

A kit with a demonstration vehicle (Ornithopter) and all the parts (Engine, accessories, animations, sounds, etc) is available in the Lani Global Systems store, in Lani Mall. The mall is located in Lani region of OSGrid. HyperGrid

Lani Physical Vehicle Flight Engine v3 for ODE

This is the engine script. This script goes in the contents of the root prim, the "seat cushion" that the pilot of the vehicle sits on. This script needs a sitting animation and 2 sounds to be functional. (Note: the engine in this script kit is not designed for BulletSim Physics Engine.)

// Lani_Physical_Vehicle_Flight_Engine_v3_for_ODE.lsl
// (c)2014 LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS. All rights reserved.
// ===============================================================
// Offered under license:
// Atribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC
// ===============================================================
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
// HyperGrid
// Images
// Website
// Twitter
// Inspiration for this script is from various sources.
// Script Credits: 
// Lani Global: implementation in OpenSim of physical vehicle, linked controls, and FX.
// Basil Sosides: early phys proto functions demo.
// Vegaslon Plutonian: development of OpenSim ODE phys vehicle banking/tilt.
// ===================================================================================
// This engine is designed for use with OpenSim physics Open Dynamics Engine ODE only.
// ===================================================================================
string sit_message = "Fly"; //Sit message
string not_owner_message = "Sorry. You are not the owner."; //Not owner message
string PILOTANIM ="LaniPilotSit8"; // Anim for pilot
string TITLE=""; //floating text
string SOUND1 = "HOVER"; //sound for engine
string SOUND2 = "AirHiss";// sound for turning
vector SIT_POSITION = <-0.0,0.0,-0.21>; // position of pilot on sit prim
vector SIT_ROTATION_B = <0,0,90>; // rotation of pilot on sit prim
integer Private = 1;    // 1 = Owner Only Pilot. 0= Anyone can be Pilot.
float CAM_ZOOM = 17.0; // How far back the pilot's camera follows (default = 17.0 meters)
float CAM_ANGLE = 20.0; // Vertical angle pilot's camera follows (defaul - 20.0 degrees)
// Link Comms Channels
// 1 = Thrusters SFX
// 2 = Lights SFX
// 3 = Landing Gear SFX
// 4 = Canopy SFX
// 5 = Brake SFX
// 6 = Instrument Panel SFX
// 7 = Auxiliary SFX
integer CHANNEL_NUMBER = 1;  // initial link comms channel number to send on
integer ON_STATUS1 = FALSE; // set up the status so it starts in the OFF condition
string OFF_MESSAGE = "STATUS_OFF"; // status off message to send to other prims
string ON_MESSAGE = "STATUS_ON";   // status on message to send to other prims
string RIGHT_MESSAGE = "STATUS_RIGHT"; // status right message to send to other prims
string LEFT_MESSAGE = "STATUS_LEFT"; // status left message to send to other prims
string FORWARD_MESSAGE = "STATUS_FORWARD"; // status forward message to send to other prims
string REVERSE_MESSAGE = "STATUS_REVERSE"; // status reverse message to send to other prims
string ONSAY1 = " ON"; // text to announce the on status
string OFFSAY1 = " OFF"; // text to announce the off status
float POWER_FORWARD = 12; //Power for forward (1 to 30)
float POWER_REVERSE = 12; //Power for reverse (-1 to -30)
integer hr = 2; // initial climb rate
integer hrm = 8; // Maximum climb rate
float angz = 1.0; // Sharpness of turns/curves (practical values 0.5 to 1.0)
float THRUST;
integer RUN;
rotation SIT_ROTATION;
float SPEED;
integer OFFSET;
integer HELD;
SETUP_CAMERA(float degrees)
    rotation sitRot = llAxisAngle2Rot(<0, 0, 1>, degrees * PI); 
        CAMERA_ACTIVE, 1, // 1 is active, 0 is inactive
        CAMERA_BEHINDNESS_ANGLE, 0, // (0 to 180) degrees
        CAMERA_BEHINDNESS_LAG, 0.0, // (0 to 3) seconds
        CAMERA_DISTANCE, CAM_ZOOM, // ( 1 to 30) meters
        CAMERA_FOCUS_LAG, 0.0 , // (0 to 3) seconds
        CAMERA_FOCUS_THRESHOLD, 0.0, // (0 to 4) meters
        CAMERA_PITCH, CAM_ANGLE, // (-45 to 80) degrees
        CAMERA_POSITION_LAG, 0.0, // (0 to 3) seconds
        CAMERA_POSITION_THRESHOLD, 0.0, // (0 to 4) meters
        CAMERA_FOCUS_OFFSET, <0,0,3> // <-10,-10,-10> to <10,10,10> meters
        llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT, ALTITUDE);
        llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE, 0.1);
        llSetVehicleFloatParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE, 2.0);
        llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <0.01, 0.01, angz>);
        llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE, <100.0, 2.0, 1000.0>);
    RUN = 0;
    vector posv = llGetPos();
    ALTITUDE = posv.z - 19.75;
    llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, [PRIM_PHANTOM,FALSE]); 
    vector rotv = llRot2Euler(llGetRot());
    rotation rot = llEuler2Rot(<0,0,rotv.z>);
        llSetText(TITLE, <0.5, 0.5, 0.5>, 0.3);
        llSitTarget(SIT_POSITION, SIT_ROTATION);
        llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 1, OFF_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send off message to linked prims
        llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 2, OFF_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send off message to linked prims
        llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 3, ON_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send off message to linked prims
   on_rez(integer rn)
        llSetPos(llGetPos() + <0,0,0.5>);
        llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, [PRIM_PHANTOM,FALSE]); 
        llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 1, OFF_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send off message to linked prims
        llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 2, OFF_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send off message to linked prims
        llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 3, ON_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send off message to linked prims
    changed(integer change)
        if ((change & CHANGED_LINK) == CHANGED_LINK)
            AVATAR = llAvatarOnSitTarget();
            if (AVATAR != NULL_KEY)
                if( (AVATAR != llGetOwner()) & (Private == 1))
                    llSay(0, not_owner_message);
                    llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, CHANNEL_NUMBER, OFF_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send off message to linked prims        
                    llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 4, ON_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send on message to allow canopy
                    llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, [PRIM_PHANTOM,FALSE]);
                    llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE);
                    llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, [PRIM_PHYSICS,TRUE]);
                    AVATAR_B = AVATAR;
                    RUN = 1;
                RUN = 0;
                llSetPos(llGetPos() + <0,0,0.0>);
                llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, CHANNEL_NUMBER, OFF_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send off message to linked prims
                llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 1, OFF_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send off message to linked prims
                llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 2, OFF_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send off message to linked prims
                llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 3, ON_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send off message to linked prims
                llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 4, ON_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send on message to allow canopy
    run_time_permissions(integer perm)
        if (perm)
            llSetPos(llGetPos() + <0,0,0.1>);
            llOwnerSay("You are flying! use arrows Up/Down/Left/Right.\nAlt-Click on vehicle to adjust camera.\nStand up to stop.");
            llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 1, ON_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send off message to linked prims
            llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 3, OFF_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send off message to linked prims
            llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 4, OFF_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send off message to not allow canopy
            llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 1, OFF_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send off message to linked prims
            llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 2, OFF_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send off message to linked prims
            llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 3, ON_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send on message to linked prims
            llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 4, ON_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send on message to allow canopy
    control(key id, integer level, integer edge)
        if(RUN == 0)
        vector ANGLE_MOTOR; 
        vector vel = llGetVel(); // Current velocity
        SPEED = llVecMag(vel); // Speed
        if ((level & edge & CONTROL_UP) || ((level & CONTROL_UP)))
            ALTITUDE = ALTITUDE + hr;
            if(ALTITUDE > 8500) {ALTITUDE = 8500;}
            llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT, ALTITUDE);
            llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 1, FORWARD_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send forward message to linked prims
        if ((level & edge & CONTROL_DOWN) || ((level & CONTROL_DOWN)))
            ALTITUDE = ALTITUDE - hr;
            if(ALTITUDE < 2) {ALTITUDE = 2;}
            llSetVehicleFloatParam( VEHICLE_HOVER_HEIGHT, ALTITUDE);
            llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 1, REVERSE_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send reverse message to linked prims
        if(level & CONTROL_FWD)
            llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0,THRUST,0>); 
            llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 1, FORWARD_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send forward message to linked prims
        if(level & CONTROL_BACK)
            llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0,-THRUST,0>);
            llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 1, REVERSE_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send reverse message to linked prims
// right/left  
        if(level & CONTROL_ROT_RIGHT)
            ANGLE_MOTOR.z -= 0.5 + SPEED / (8 * THRUST); 
         llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 1, RIGHT_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send on message to linked prims
        if(level & CONTROL_ROT_LEFT)
            ANGLE_MOTOR.z += 0.5 + SPEED / (8 * THRUST); 
            llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, 1, LEFT_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send on message to linked prims
// Params for angular
        rotation angl = llGetRot(); 
        vector rotv1 = llRot2Euler(angl);
        rotation rot1 =llEuler2Rot(<0,DEG_TO_RAD*OFFSET,0>)* llEuler2Rot(<0,0,rotv1.z>) ; 
        llRotLookAt(rot1,0.02, 0.8); 

Lani Vehicle Head Lights v3

This is the vehicle lighting script. It goes in the contents of a child prim object that performs the vehicle headlights lighting.

// Lani_Vehicle_Lights_v3.lsl
// (c)2014 LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS. All rights reserved.
// ===============================================================
// Offered under license:
// Atribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC 
// ===============================================================
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
// HyperGrid
// Images
// Website
// Twitter
// Inspiration for this script is from various sources.
// Script Credits: 
// Lani Global: implementation in OpenSim of physical vehicle, linked controls, and FX.
float LIGHT_GLOW = 0.05; // level of glow (default = 0.15 ; practical range = 0.02 to 0.3)
float LIGHT_INTENSITY = 1.0;// intensity of light when on (default = 1.0; practical range = 0.1 to 1.0)
float LIGHT_DISTANCE = 20.0;// distance of light when on (default = 20.0; practical range = 4.0 to 20.0)
vector LIGHT_COLOR = <0.7, 0.7, 1.0> ; // color of the light emitted <RED,GREEN,BLUE> (black = <0.0,0.0,0.0>; white =<1.0,1.0,1.0>)
vector ON_COLOR_PRIM = <0.7, 0.7, 1.0> ; // color of the prim when on <RED,GREEN,BLUE> (black = <0.0,0.0,0.0>; white =<1.0,1.0,1.0>)
vector OFF_COLOR_PRIM = <0.7, 0.7, 1.0> ; // color of the prim when off <RED,GREEN,BLUE> (black = <0.0,0.0,0.0>; white =<1.0,1.0,1.0>)
float ON_ALPHA = 0.1; // transparency of prim when on (default = 0.2 ; practical range = 0.1 to 1.0)
float OFF_ALPHA = 0.0; // transparency of prim when off (default = 0.0 ; practical range = 0.1 to 1.0)
// GLOBAL STANDARD Link Message Channels
// 1 = Thrusters SFX
// 2 = Lights SFX
// 3 = Landing Gear SFX
// 4 = Canopy SFX
// 5 = Brake SFX
// 6 = Instrument Panel SFX
// 7 = Auxiliary SFX
// 8 = Lights
integer CHANNEL_NUMBER = 8;  // link comms channel number  
string OFF_MESSAGE = "STATUS_OFF"; // status off message 
string ON_MESSAGE = "STATUS_ON";   // status on message 
    link_message(integer SENDER, integer CHANNEL, string MESSAGE, key ID)
        if ( CHANNEL== CHANNEL_NUMBER ) // check the channel number 
            if ( MESSAGE == OFF_MESSAGE ) // check for message 
                llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, TRUE, LIGHT_COLOR, 0.0, LIGHT_DISTANCE, 0.75]); //<R,G,B>,INTENSITY,RADIUS,FALLOFF
                llSetPrimitiveParams( [ PRIM_GLOW, ALL_SIDES, 0.0 ] ); // sets no glow of the prim
                llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, OFF_COLOR_PRIM,OFF_ALPHA]); //sets the off color of the prim
            } // end of check for message
            if ( MESSAGE == ON_MESSAGE ) // check for message 
                llSetPrimitiveParams( [ PRIM_GLOW, ALL_SIDES, LIGHT_GLOW ] ); // sets the on glow of the prim
                llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, ON_COLOR_PRIM,ON_ALPHA]); //sets the on color of the prim
            } // end of check for message
        } // end of check the channel number
    }   // end of link_message 
}// end of default state 
// end of script

Lani Vehicle Running Lights v3

This is the vehicle running lights script. It goes in the contents of a child prim object that performs the vehicle red running lights.

// Lani_Vehicle_Running_Lights_v3.lsl
// (c)2014 LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS. All rights reserved.
// ===============================================================
// Offered under license:
// Atribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC
// ===============================================================
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
// HyperGrid
// Images
// Website
// Twitter
// Inspiration for this script is from various sources.
// Script Credits: 
// Lani Global: implementation in OpenSim of physical vehicle, linked controls, and FX.
float LIGHT_GLOW = 1.0; // level of glow (default = 0.15 ; practical range = 0.02 to 0.3)
float LIGHT_INTENSITY = 1.0;// intensity of light when on (default = 1.0; practical range = 0.1 to 1.0)
float LIGHT_DISTANCE = 5.0;// distance of light when on (default = 20.0; practical range = 4.0 to 20.0)
vector LIGHT_COLOR = <1.0, 0.0, 0.0> ; // color of the light emitted <RED,GREEN,BLUE> (black = <0.0,0.0,0.0>; white =<1.0,1.0,1.0>)
vector ON_COLOR_PRIM = <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>; // color of the prim when on <RED,GREEN,BLUE> (black = <0.0,0.0,0.0>; white =<1.0,1.0,1.0>)
vector OFF_COLOR_PRIM = <1.0, 0.0, 0.0> ; // color of the prim when off <RED,GREEN,BLUE> (black = <0.0,0.0,0.0>; white =<1.0,1.0,1.0>)
float ON_ALPHA = 1.0; // transparency of prim when on (default = 0.2 ; practical range = 0.1 to 1.0)
float OFF_ALPHA = 0.0; // transparency of prim when off (default = 0.0 ; practical range = 0.1 to 1.0)
// GLOBAL STANDARD Link Message Channels
// 1 = Thrusters SFX
// 2 = Lights SFX
// 3 = Landing Gear SFX
// 4 = Canopy SFX
// 5 = Brake SFX
// 6 = Instrument Panel SFX
// 7 = Auxiliary SFX
// 8 = Lights
integer CHANNEL_NUMBER = 8;  // link comms channel number  
string OFF_MESSAGE = "STATUS_OFF"; // status off message 
string ON_MESSAGE = "STATUS_ON";   // status on message 
    link_message(integer SENDER, integer CHANNEL, string MESSAGE, key ID)
        if ( CHANNEL== CHANNEL_NUMBER ) // check the channel number 
            if ( MESSAGE == OFF_MESSAGE ) // check for message 
                llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, TRUE, LIGHT_COLOR, 0.0, LIGHT_DISTANCE, 0.75]); //<R,G,B>,INTENSITY,RADIUS,FALLOFF
                llSetPrimitiveParams( [ PRIM_GLOW, ALL_SIDES, 0.0 ] ); // sets no glow of the prim
                llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, OFF_COLOR_PRIM,OFF_ALPHA]); //sets the off color of the prim
            } // end of check for message
            if ( MESSAGE == ON_MESSAGE ) // check for message 
                llSetPrimitiveParams( [ PRIM_GLOW, ALL_SIDES, LIGHT_GLOW ] ); // sets the on glow of the prim
                llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, ON_COLOR_PRIM,ON_ALPHA]); //sets the on color of the prim
            } // end of check for message
        } // end of check the channel number
    }   // end of link_message 
}// end of default state 
// end of script

Lani Vehicle Lighting Touch Switch v3

This is the vehicle lighting touch switch. It goes in the contents of a child prim object that can be touched to turn on/off the vehicle lighting. Normally this is a prim button on the dashboard or control console of the vehicle. This can also be edited to perform other linked message tasks. See script linked message channel notes.

// Lani_Vehicle_Lighting_Touch_Switch_v3.lsl
// (c)2014 LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS. All rights reserved.
// ===============================================================
// Offered under license:
// Atribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC 
// ===============================================================
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
// HyperGrid
// Images
// Website
// Twitter
// Inspiration for this script is from various sources.
// Script Credits: 
// Lani Global: implementation in OpenSim of physical vehicle, linked controls, and FX.
integer CHAT_CHANNEL = 0; // command chat channel
string CHAT_ON_COMMAND = "lights on"; // command for on
string CHAT_OFF_COMMAND = "lights off"; // command for OFF
integer CHANNEL_NUMBER = 8;  // link comms channel number to send on
integer ON_STATUS = FALSE; // set up the status so it starts in the OFF condition
string OFF_MESSAGE = "STATUS_OFF"; // status off message to send to other prims
string ON_MESSAGE = "STATUS_ON";   // status on message to send to other prims
string ONSAY = " ON"; // text to announce the on status
string OFFSAY = " OFF"; // text to announce the off status
vector ON_COLOR = <0.5, 0.5, 1.0>; // color when on
vector OFF_COLOR = <0.2, 0.0, 0.0>; // color when off
// 1 = CENTER Thruster SFX
// 2 = Wing Thrusters SFX
// 3 = Landing Gear SFX
// 4 = Canopy SFX
// 5 = Brake SFX
// 6 = Instrument Panel SFX
// 7 = Auxiliary SFX
// 8 = Lights
// 9 = Weapons
// 10= Other Stuff
    llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, CHANNEL_NUMBER, ON_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send on message to linked prims
    llOwnerSay(ONSAY + " by "+ llDetectedName(0)+ "."  ); // announce the on status
    llSetPrimitiveParams([ PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, ON_COLOR,1.0, PRIM_GLOW, ALL_SIDES, 0.15 ]); //sets the prim glow on and the on color
    llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, CHANNEL_NUMBER, OFF_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send on message to linked prims
    llOwnerSay(OFFSAY + " by "+ llDetectedName(0)+ "."  ); // announce the on status
    llSetPrimitiveParams([ PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, OFF_COLOR,1.0, PRIM_GLOW, ALL_SIDES, 0.0 ]); //sets the prim glow off and the prim off color 
    on_rez(integer start_param) 
        llListen( CHAT_CHANNEL, "", NULL_KEY, "" ); 
    touch_start(integer nullvar)
        if ( ON_STATUS ) // if status is on 
            ON_STATUS = FALSE; // turn status off
           // llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, CHANNEL_NUMBER, OFF_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send off message to linked prims
           // llSay(0,OFFSAY1); // announce the off status
        } // end the on status false if
        else // else turn status off
            ON_STATUS = TRUE; // turn status on
          //  llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, CHANNEL_NUMBER, ON_MESSAGE, NULL_KEY); //send on message to linked prims
           // llSay(0,ONSAY1); // announce the on status
        } // end the on status true else
    }   // end of touch_start 
    listen( integer CHANNEL, string NAME, key ID, string MESSAGE )
        if (CHANNEL == CHAT_CHANNEL )
            //llSay(0," received a message on channel " + (string)CHAT_CHANNEL);
            if (MESSAGE == CHAT_ON_COMMAND)
            ON_STATUS = TRUE; // turn status on
            if (MESSAGE == CHAT_OFF_COMMAND)
            ON_STATUS = FALSE; // turn status off
    } // end listen state
} // end default state

Lani Vehicle Landing Gear v3

This is the vehicle landing gear script. It goes in the contents of a child prim object that is the landing gear that is "extended" or appears whenever the pilot is not seated. Normally this script is is a prim button on the dashboard or control console of the vehicle.

// Lani_Vehicle_Landing_Gear_v3.lsl  
// (c)2014 LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS. All rights reserved.
// ===============================================================
// Offered under license:
// Atribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC 
// ===============================================================
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
// HyperGrid
// Images
// Website
// Twitter
// Inspiration for this script is from various sources.
// Script Credits: 
// Lani Global: implementation in OpenSim of physical vehicle, linked controls, and FX.
// Special Effects Link Message Receiver Slave for Link Sets.
// Used in LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS vehicles and gear.
// See attached license. 
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS LABORATORIES in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid. 
string ONSAY1 = " ON"; // text to announce the flip status
string OFFSAY1 = " OFF"; // text to announce the flop status
string SOUND_EFFECT1 = "HOVER"; // sound triggered for sound effect 1
string SOUND_EFFECT2 = "AirHiss"; // sound triggered for sound effect 2
float ANIM_SPEED = 0.10; // animated texture speed
// Link Comms Channels
// 1 = Thrusters SFX
// 2 = Lights SFX
// 3 = Landing Gear SFX
// 4 = Canopy SFX
// 5 = Brake SFX
// 6 = Instrument Panel SFX
// 7 = Auxiliary SFX
integer CHANNEL_NUMBER = 3;  // initial link comms channel number 
integer ON_STATUS1 = FALSE; // status flag starts flop (flip=TRUE flop=FALSE)
integer ON_STATUS2 = FALSE; // status2 flag starts flop (flip=TRUE flop=FALSE)
string OFF_MESSAGE = "STATUS_OFF"; // status off message 
string ON_MESSAGE = "STATUS_ON";   // status on message 
string RIGHT_MESSAGE = "STATUS_RIGHT"; // status right message 
string LEFT_MESSAGE = "STATUS_LEFT"; // status left message 
string FORWARD_MESSAGE = "STATUS_FORWARD"; // status forward message 
string REVERSE_MESSAGE = "STATUS_REVERSE"; // status reverse message 
    on_rez(integer start_param) 
        llResetScript(); // reset to initialize
       llSetAlpha(1.0, ALL_SIDES); // perform action on the prim 100% visible  
    link_message(integer SENDER, integer CHANNEL, string MESSAGE, key ID)
        if ( CHANNEL== CHANNEL_NUMBER ) // check the channel number 
            if ( MESSAGE == ON_MESSAGE ) // check for message 
                llSetAlpha(1.0, ALL_SIDES); // perform action on the prim 100% visible 
                llTriggerSound(SOUND_EFFECT2,0.5); // trigger the sfx sound2
            } // end of check for message
            if ( MESSAGE == OFF_MESSAGE ) // check for message
                llSetAlpha(0.0, ALL_SIDES); // perform action on the prim 0% visible          
            } // end of check for message 
        } // end of check the channel number
    }   // end of link_message 
}// end of default state 
// end of script

Lani Vehicle Propeller Thruster v3

This is the vehicle propeller thruster script. It goes in the contents of a child prim object that is the fan propeller gear that rotates when the vehicle is moved in certain directions. Normally this script is in a prim on the vehicle that has a circular texture that is animated by this script. It could be modified to provide rotation of the propeller via llTargetOmega or another method.

// Lani_Vehicle_Propeller_Thruster_v3.lsl 
// (c)2014 LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS. All rights reserved.
// ===============================================================
// Offered under license:
// Atribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC 
// ===============================================================
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
// HyperGrid
// Images
// Website
// Twitter
// Inspiration for this script is from various sources.
// Script Credits: 
// Lani Global: implementation in OpenSim of physical vehicle, linked controls, and FX.
// Special Effects Link Message Receiver Slave for Link Sets.
// Used in LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS vehicles and gear.
string ONSAY1 = " ON"; // text to announce the flip status
string OFFSAY1 = " OFF"; // text to announce the flop status
string SOUND_EFFECT1 = "HOVER"; // sound triggered for sound effect 1
string SOUND_EFFECT2 = "AirHiss"; // sound triggered for sound effect 2
float ANIM_SPEED = 0.1; // animated texture speed (default = 0.1 ; practical range = 0.01 to 2.0)
// Link Comms Channels
// 1 = Thrusters SFX
// 2 = Lights SFX
// 3 = Landing Gear SFX
// 4 = Canopy SFX
// 5 = Brake SFX
// 6 = Instrument Panel SFX
// 7 = Auxiliary SFX
integer CHANNEL_NUMBER = 1;  // initial link comms channel number 
integer ON_STATUS1 = FALSE; // status flag starts flop (flip=TRUE flop=FALSE)
integer ON_STATUS2 = FALSE; // status2 flag starts flop (flip=TRUE flop=FALSE)
string OFF_MESSAGE = "STATUS_OFF"; // status off message 
string ON_MESSAGE = "STATUS_ON";   // status on message 
string RIGHT_MESSAGE = "STATUS_RIGHT"; // status right message 
string LEFT_MESSAGE = "STATUS_LEFT"; // status left message 
string FORWARD_MESSAGE = "STATUS_FORWARD"; // status forward message 
string REVERSE_MESSAGE = "STATUS_REVERSE"; // status reverse message 
    on_rez(integer start_param) 
        llResetScript(); // reset to initialize
    link_message(integer SENDER, integer CHANNEL, string MESSAGE, key ID)
        if ( CHANNEL== CHANNEL_NUMBER ) // check the channel number 
            if ( MESSAGE == FORWARD_MESSAGE ) // check for message 
                llSetTextureAnim(ANIM_ON | SMOOTH | ROTATE | LOOP, ALL_SIDES,1,1,0, TWO_PI, ANIM_SPEED*TWO_PI); // perform action on the prim
            } // end of check for message
            if ( MESSAGE == REVERSE_MESSAGE ) // check for message 
                llSetTextureAnim(ANIM_ON | SMOOTH | ROTATE | LOOP, ALL_SIDES,1,1,0, TWO_PI, -ANIM_SPEED*TWO_PI); // perform action on the prim
            } // end of check for message
            if ( MESSAGE == RIGHT_MESSAGE ) // check for message
                llSetTextureAnim(ANIM_ON | SMOOTH | ROTATE | LOOP, ALL_SIDES,1,1,0, TWO_PI, ANIM_SPEED*TWO_PI); // perform action on the prim
              //  llTriggerSound(SOUND_EFFECT2,0.5); // trigger the sfx sound2 
            } // end of check for message
            if ( MESSAGE == LEFT_MESSAGE ) // check for message 
                llSetTextureAnim(ANIM_ON | SMOOTH | ROTATE | LOOP, ALL_SIDES,1,1,0, TWO_PI, ANIM_SPEED*TWO_PI); // perform action on the prim
               // llTriggerSound(SOUND_EFFECT2,0.5); // trigger the sfx sound2
            } // end of check for message
            if ( MESSAGE == OFF_MESSAGE ) // check for message 
                llSetTextureAnim(ANIM_ON | SMOOTH | ROTATE | LOOP, ALL_SIDES,1,1,0, TWO_PI, 0.0*TWO_PI); // perform off message action on the prim
                llStopSound(); // stop all sounds
            } // end of check for message
            if ( MESSAGE == ON_MESSAGE ) // check for message 
                llSetTextureAnim(ANIM_ON | SMOOTH | ROTATE | LOOP, ALL_SIDES,1,1,0, TWO_PI, 0.0*TWO_PI); // perform on message action on the prim
                llLoopSound(SOUND_EFFECT1,1.0); // loop the sfx sound1
            } // end of check for message
        } // end of check the channel number
    }   // end of link_message 
}// end of default state 
// end of script

Lani Vehicle Brake v3

This is the vehicle brake script. Put this in a small child prim to be used as a button on the dashboard or control console of the vehicle. Touch it after the flight to stop the vehicle just before the pilot un-sits. This will stabilize the vehicle so it does not move after the pilot gets up.

// Lani_Vehicle_Brake_v3.lsl
// (c)2014 LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS. All rights reserved.
// ===============================================================
// Offered under license:
// Atribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC 
// ===============================================================
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
// HyperGrid
// Images
// Website
// Twitter
// Inspiration for this script is from various sources.
// Script Credits: 
// Lani Global: implementation in OpenSim of physical vehicle, linked controls, and FX.
// Special Effects Link Message Receiver Slave for Link Sets.
// Used in LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS vehicles and gear.
// Put this in a small child prim as a button on the dashboard or control console of the vehicle.
// Touch it after the flight to stop the vehicle just before the pilot un-sits. 
// This will stabilize the vehicle.
string SOUND1 = "hydraulic_air_door_LANI_GLOBAL"; // Action sound name
float VOLUME1 = 0.5; // Volume level of action sound (0.0~1.0) default=0.5
integer is_open = FALSE; // assume brake state
        llSetPrimitiveParams ([PRIM_TYPE, PRIM_TYPE_SPHERE, 0, <0.001, 1.0, 0.0>, 9.5, <0.0, 0.0, 0.1>, <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>]);
        llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM,FALSE );
    }   // end of state_entry state
    touch_start(integer nullvar)
        if ( is_open )
        {   // it's open, so close it
            is_open = FALSE; 
            llTriggerSound(SOUND1, VOLUME1);
            llSetPrimitiveParams ([PRIM_TYPE, PRIM_TYPE_SPHERE, 0, <0.001, 1.0, 0.0>, 9.5, <0.0, 0.0, 0.1>, <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>]);
            //llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM,FALSE );
           // llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS,TRUE );
        {   // it's closed so open it
            is_open = TRUE; 
            llTriggerSound(SOUND1, VOLUME1);
            llSetPrimitiveParams ([PRIM_TYPE, PRIM_TYPE_SPHERE, 0, <0.003, 1.0, 0.0>, 9.5, <0.0, 0.0, 0.1>, <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>]);
            //llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM,FALSE );
          // llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS,TRUE );
    }   // end of touch_start state
}// END //

Lani Vehicle Spherical Touch Canopy v3

This is the vehicle canopy that can be touched to open and close to provide entry and exit of avatars for the vehicle. Put this in a child prim and add a transparent texture. It is interlocked via link message so that it does not operate while the pilot is seated.

// Lani_Vehicle_Spherical_Touch_Canopy_v3.lsl 
// (c)2014 LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS. All rights reserved.
// ===============================================================
// Offered under license:
// Atribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC 
// ===============================================================
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
// HyperGrid
// Images
// Website
// Twitter
// Inspiration for this script is from various sources.
// Script Credits: 
// Lani Global: implementation in OpenSim of physical vehicle, linked controls, and FX.
// Special Effects Link Message Receiver Slave for Link Sets.
// Used in LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS vehicles and gear.
// See attached license. 
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS LABORATORIES in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid. 
string OPENSAY1 = " OPEN"; // text to announce the flip status
string CLOSEDSAY1 = " CLOSED"; // text to announce the flop status
string SOUND_EFFECT1 = "hydraulic_air_door_LANI_GLOBAL"; // Action sound name
float VOLUME1 = 0.5; // Volume level of action sound (0.0~1.0) default=0.5
integer IS_OPEN = FALSE; // assume sphere hatch starts out closed (default:FALSE)
// Link Comms Channels
// 1 = Thrusters SFX
// 2 = Lights SFX
// 3 = Landing Gear SFX
// 4 = Canopy SFX
// 5 = Brake SFX
// 6 = Instrument Panel SFX
// 7 = Auxiliary SFX
integer CHANNEL_NUMBER = 4;  // initial link comms channel number 
integer CANOPY_ALLOW = TRUE; // allow canopy operation status flag starts flop (default=TRUE) 
string OFF_MESSAGE = "STATUS_OFF"; // status off message 
string ON_MESSAGE = "STATUS_ON";   // status on message  
    on_rez(integer start_param) 
        llResetScript(); // reset to initialize
        CANOPY_ALLOW = TRUE; // status flag starts flop (flip=TRUE  
        llSay(0," initialized & unlocked.");
    link_message(integer SENDER, integer CHANNEL, string MESSAGE, key ID)
        if ( CHANNEL== CHANNEL_NUMBER ) // check the channel number 
            if ( MESSAGE == ON_MESSAGE ) // check for message 
                    CANOPY_ALLOW = TRUE; // flip the canopy allow flag 
                    llSay(0," unlocked.");
            } // end of check for message
            if ( MESSAGE == OFF_MESSAGE ) // check for message
                    CANOPY_ALLOW = FALSE; // flop the canopy allow flag 
                  //  llSay(0," is locked due to: Pilot is seated.");
            } // end of check for message
        } // end of check the channel number
    }   // end of link_message 
    touch_end(integer num_detected)
        if ( CANOPY_ALLOW ) // if canopy touch action is allowed
            if (IS_OPEN)
            {   // already open so do this stuff
                llTriggerSound(SOUND_EFFECT1, VOLUME1);
                llSetPrimitiveParams ([PRIM_TYPE, PRIM_TYPE_SPHERE, 0, <0.001, 1.0, 0.0>, 9.5, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>]); // close the canopy prim
                llSay(0," CLOSED. by "+ llDetectedName(0) + ".");
                llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM,FALSE ); // be sure prim stays non phantom
                IS_OPEN = FALSE; // flip is open flag
            } // end of if is open
            else // already closed so do this stuff
                llTriggerSound(SOUND_EFFECT1, VOLUME1);
                llSetPrimitiveParams ([PRIM_TYPE, PRIM_TYPE_SPHERE, 0, <0.3, 0.92, 0.0>, 9.5, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>]); // open the canopy prim
                llSay(0," OPENED. by "+ llDetectedName(0)+ ".");
                llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM,FALSE ); // be sure prim stays non phantom
                IS_OPEN = TRUE; // flop is open flag
               // llSleep(0.5);
                //  llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS,TRUE );
            } // end of else already closed
        } // end of if canopy allowed 
        if ( ! CANOPY_ALLOW )
            llSay(0," touched by "+ llDetectedName(0)+". Sorry, canopy locked while pilot seated.");
        } // end of touch canopy touch action not allowed
    }   // end of touch_start state
}// end of default state 
// end of script

Lani Vehicle Passenger Seat v3

This is the vehicle passenger seat script. Vehicles can have multiple passenger seats. Put this in all the child prim seats where the passengers are to be seated. It requires an animation in the contents of the prim.

// Lani_Vehicle_Passenger_Seat v3.lsl
// (c)2014 LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS. All rights reserved.
// ===============================================================
// Offered under license:
// Atribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC 
// ===============================================================
// Developed by LANI GLOBAL SYSTEMS in Lani and ixi regions OSGrid.
// HyperGrid
// Images
// Website
// Twitter
// Inspiration for this script is from various sources.
// Script Credits: 
// Lani Global: implementation in OpenSim of physical vehicle, linked controls, and FX.
key avatar; 
vector pos = <1.35,0.0,-0.5>;  //position offset. note: must not be <0,0,0> 
rotation rot = <1,1,1,1>; //rotation offset. note: 1=90 degrees
string anim = "SitCommandChair2aZero"; //name of the anim. note: must be in Contents of the prim
        llSitTarget(pos, rot); // set the sit target position/rotation
    changed(integer change) //trigger on change
        avatar = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); //get the avatar's key
       if(change & CHANGED_LINK) // is avatar sitting on prim?
           if(avatar == NULL_KEY) // avatar is not sitting on prim
                llStopAnimation(anim); //stop the animation
                llReleaseControls(); //release anim control
                llSleep(0.05);//sleep to allow release of control
                llStopAnimation(anim); //stop the animation again in case of lag
                llReleaseControls(); //release anim control again in case of lag
                llResetScript(); //reset the script
           else if(avatar == llAvatarOnSitTarget()) //avatar is sitting on prim
                llRequestPermissions(avatar,PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION ); //get permission and run the anim
                llInstantMessage(llAvatarOnSitTarget(),"Use SubSpace Communicator for local chat");
                llOwnerSay(llKey2Name(llAvatarOnSitTarget()) + " is sitting.\n Use SubSpace Communicator to text chat with "+ llKey2Name(llAvatarOnSitTarget()) +"." ); // announce 
        run_time_permissions(integer perms) // permissions to animate
        if(perms) //assume permissions to animate
            llStopAnimation("sit"); //stop normal sit anim
            llStartAnimation(anim); //start running the anim
            llSleep(0.05);//sleep to allow anim to start
            llStartAnimation(anim); //start running the anim again in case of lag
            llUnSit(avatar); //if permissions not granted to animate then unsit the avatar
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