User:Dz/NPC Scripts

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(NPC Creation Scripts)
(Female NPC AO)
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<source lang = "lsl">
<source lang = "lsl">
// A basic OpenSimulator Walk and Stand animation override
// All Modifications are Copyright 2010 by Doug Osborn.
// This script is Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License
//  For a copy of the license terms  please see
// This work uses content from the Second Life® Wiki article llGetAnimation. (
// Copyright © 2007-2009 Linden Research, Inc. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License
// This AO is optimized for OpenSimulator and DOES NOT POLL the animation list multiple times a second
// It relies instead on the CHANGED ANIMATION event.  The timer is ONLY active when your avatar is swapping between stands.
// It is NOT optimized code.  Yes it could be smaller and probably faster.  This is simple, and is intended to provide a working object
// instead of a lasting tribute to anyones programming prowess.  Feel free to Optimize and re-distribute to your hearts content.
// To use:  Place this script in an object that will be attached to your avatar
//          Place the animations in the same prim
//          Change the CUSTOMIZATION section to reflect the names of YOUR animations.
//          Attach to your avatar or a HUD position
// To Reset  Detach and re-attach the object    or  Edit the object and Reset the script
// All of the overrides available via the traditional ZHAO can be controlled via this script. 
// The following Animation Types can be used
// [ Standing ]
// [ Walking ]
// [ Sitting ]
// [ Sitting On Ground ]
// [ Crouching ]
// [ Crouch Walking ]
// [ Landing ]
// [ Standing Up ]
// [ Falling ]
// [ Flying Down ]
// [ Flying Up ]
// [ Flying ]
// [ Flying Slow ]
// [ Hovering ]
// [ Jumping ]
// [ Pre Jumping ]
// [ Running ]
// [ Turning Right ]
// [ Turning Left ]
// [ Floating ]
// [ Swimming Forward ]
// [ Swimming Up ]
// [ Swimming Down ]
//  **************************  Customize YOUR AO  by  changing the names of the Animations, and the cycle time for your stands here.
// Change the folling lines to reflect the animation names you want to use
list StandNames = ["ao-sweetness-stand1", "ao-sweetness-stand2", "ao-sweetness-stand3", "ao-sweetness-stand4", "ao-sweetness-stand5"];
integer StandTime = 12;  //  change this number to the number of seconds between stands
string WalkAnimation = "sweetness walk";  //  Change this string to the name of the walk animation you want to use
string RunAnimation = "AO-Run-Female";  //  Change this string to the name of the walk animation you want to use
string SitAnimation = "sweetness-sit-1";  //  Change this string to the name of the crouch animation you want to use
string CrouchAnimation = "AO-Crouch-Female";    //  Change this string to the name of the crouch animation you want to use
string FlyAnimation = "sweetness-fly-1";  //  Change this string to the name of the fly animation you want to use
string HoverAnimation = "sweetness-hover4";  //  Change this string to the name of the hover animation you want to use
string SoftLandAnimation = "AO-Softland1-Female";  //  Change this string to the name of the softland animation you want to use
integer LandingTime = 3;                          //  Change this to reflect the length of the standing animation in seconds.
string JumpAnimation = "AO-JumpFlip1-Female";  //  Change this string to the name of the walk animation you want to use
//  *******************************************************************************************************************************
// *****  Below there be dragons  <wink>  not really!  ******* 
//  You should not need to change anything below these lines
//  You are welcome to.  If you break it, you get to keep all the parts!
key Owner; // the wearer's key
string LastAnimation = ""; // last llGetAnimation value seen
string LastAnimName = "";
string newAnimation = "";
float StandCount = 0.0;
integer PowerStatus = 1;
vector onColor = <42,255,42>;          // all nice and green
vector offColor = <128,128,128>;        // and grey
// User functions
Initialize(key id)
    if (id == NULL_KEY)                        // detaching
        llSetTimerEvent(0.0);                      // stop the timer
    else                                        // attached, or reset while worn
        llRequestPermissions(id, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);
        Owner = id;
        StandCount = (float) llGetListLength(StandNames);
    vector color;
    if (PowerStatus == 0)
        PowerStatus = 1;
        newAnimation = llGetAnimation(Owner);
        llOwnerSay("Over-ride active");
        color = onColor;
        PowerStatus = 0;
        llOwnerSay("Over-ride off");
        color = offColor;
    llSetColor(color/255.0, ALL_SIDES);
            if (LastAnimation != newAnimation)   
                if (newAnimation == "Walking")
                    if(WalkAnimation != "")
                        LastAnimName = WalkAnimation;
                if (newAnimation == "Running")
                    if(RunAnimation != "")
                        LastAnimName = RunAnimation;
                if (newAnimation == "Standing")
                    if(StandCount > 0.0)
                        integer whichone = (integer)llFrand(StandCount);// pick a new stand
                        LastAnimName = llList2String (StandNames,whichone);
                if (newAnimation == "Sitting")
                if (newAnimation == "Flying")
                    if(FlyAnimation != "")
                        LastAnimName = FlyAnimation;
                if (newAnimation == "Hovering")
                    if(HoverAnimation != "")
                        LastAnimName = HoverAnimation;
                if (newAnimation == "Soft Landing")
                    if(SoftLandAnimation != "")
                        LastAnimName = SoftLandAnimation;
                if (newAnimation == "Crouching")
                    if(CrouchAnimation != "")
                        LastAnimName = CrouchAnimation;
                if (newAnimation == "Jumping")
                    if(JumpAnimation != "")
                        LastAnimName = JumpAnimation;
// Event handlers
    state_entry() {
        // script was reset while already attached
        if (llGetAttached() != 0) {
    attach(key id) {
    run_time_permissions(integer perm)
            llOwnerSay("Over-ride active");
    touch_start(integer whodunit)
        integer whichone = (integer)llFrand(StandCount);      // pick the new stand at random
        LastAnimName = llList2String (StandNames,whichone);
//        llOwnerSay( "using " + LastAnimName);    // uncomment this to see which stand gets trigger by the timer
    changed (integer change)
        if (change & CHANGED_ANIMATION)
            newAnimation = llGetAnimation(Owner);
            LastAnimation = newAnimation; // so we can check for changes
            llOwnerSay("started " + newAnimation);  // uncomment this to see the event types you can respond to
            llOwnerSay( "using " + LastAnimName);  // uncomment this to see which animations are being used

Revision as of 00:06, 7 May 2013


NPC Utility Scripts

These are useful utilites I have developed over time to help me use NPCs in OpenSimulator. Many of them are assembled from bits and pieces of code I have read/seen/fixed/admired. Some of the code snippets appear with permissions, Please do not remove the attributions where they can be found in the comments. The code has been shared, only asking simple consideration. Please respect the wishes of the original authors as I have attempted to do.

Remember, you will need to enable NPC functions, and may need to set the severity level of allowed osNPC function calls for these scripts to work.

If you have feedback on script errors, please post it to the page discussion User_talk:Dz/NPC_Scripts

NPC BotKiller

Sometimes..things go wrong...and you have a region full of wandering NPC's. Drop this code in a prim and touch it... It can take a while to remove them all.

PLEASE DON'T NUKE other peoples NPC's.

// OpenSimian BotKiller
// Kills all the NPC's in the region.. Please use with discretion.
// Iterate over a list of avatar keys, using them as an arguments to osNpcRemove
// Add a delay to the timer if sim performance starts to drag during logouts
// Feel free to use/distribute/modify to suit your needs
// Prepared for transfer to MOSES grid -  D Osborn  5.3.2013
integer who2kill = 0;
integer howmany = 0;
list avatars = [];
       llSetText("waiting ", <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 1.0);
    touch_end(integer total_number)  // should not change state in touch_start events....
       avatars = osGetAvatarList();
       howmany = llGetListLength(avatars)/3;
       state KillThem;
    changed(integer change)    //  Reset on region restart
       if (change & CHANGED_REGION_RESTART)
state KillThem
       llSetText("Processing ", <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 1.0);
       llSetTimerEvent(3.0);                            // remove 1 every 3 seconds to minimize performance impact
       llSetText("Removed so far : " + (string) (who2kill + 1), <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 1.0);
           state default;          
       llSetTimerEvent(3.0/ llGetRegionTimeDilation());   // Use timedilation to add to the delay if lagging
    touch_end(integer interrupt)   // abort by touching the object while it is processing
    changed(integer change)
       if (change & CHANGED_REGION_RESTART)

NPC Router

This script re-directs any NPC that collides with the object to a random destination selected from an internal list.

Once the routers are placed, a text label display can be toggled by touching it. This makes it easy to collect locations

Routers should be placed to facilitate collisions with the avatar capsules.

The real trick of this router design is the rotate calculations. These prevents the NPCs from walking backwards when assigned new targets "behind" them.

// OpenSimian NPC router
//  Douglas Osborn  MOSES version 2013May06
// Assign random destination to a NPC that collides with volume detect object
// Drop the script in a prim, resize and position the prim to facilitate collision with NPC av capsules
// Modify the list of destination vectors to reflect your layout. 
// Router position text labels can be toggled by touching the prim.  This also triggers the setpos()
// This design imlements rotation calculations to prevent NPC avatars from walking backwards
//  Permissions and information about the rotation functions was here..
//  Due credit is here ...    Written by Pedro Oval, 2011-01-11
rotation PointAtHoriz2Rot(vector target)
    return llRotBetween(<1., 0., 0.>, <target.x, target.y, 0.>);
rotation PointAt2Rot(vector target)
    rotation r = PointAtHoriz2Rot(target);
    return llRotBetween(<1., 0., 0.>, target/r) * r;
//   end of Pedros' rotation magic
list DestinationList = [<70.0,70.0,30.0>,<97.0,100.0,37.0>,<70.0,190.0,33.0>];
//  Modify DestinationList..  Keep the list of vectors small to minimize processing
//  Be VERY careful about assigning destinations outside of the region.
//  NPC's will move in a direct line, design your "paths" to be as free of obstacles as possible
integer numDests = 0;
integer showPos = 0;
       llVolumeDetect(TRUE); // Starts llVolumeDetect
        numDests = llGetListLength(DestinationList);
    touch_start (integer numtouches)
        while (numtouches)
                llSetText("", ZERO_VECTOR, 0.0);
                // Comment out the following 2 lines if you do NOT want your targets to "snap" to integer value locations
                vector newpos = llGetPos();
                llSetPos(<llFloor(newpos.x),llFloor(newpos.y), llFloor(newpos.z)>);
                showPos = 1;
                llSetText((string) llGetPos(), ZERO_VECTOR, 1.0);
                llSay(0,(string) llGetPos());
    collision_start(integer num)
       integer i = 0;
           integer DestOffset = llFloor(llFrand(numDests));
           vector NewDest = llList2Vector(DestinationList,DestOffset) ;
           osNpcSetRot(llDetectedKey(i), PointAt2Rot(NewDest - llGetPos()));
           osNpcMoveToTarget(llDetectedKey(i), NewDest, OS_NPC_NO_FLY);
       while(num > ++i);
    changed(integer change)
       if (change & CHANGED_REGION_RESTART)

NPC Creation Scripts

Basic Clone Generator

This script generates a set number of copies of the avatar that triggers it.


Advanced Clone Generator

This script supports the deployment of large numbers of NPC bots. It maintains an internal library of appearance Notecards. Notecards are generated by touching the object and selecting the [Clone Me] button. The user will be required to provide a unique name to store an appearance.

Selecting the [Choose One] menu option will present the user with a menu to select the appearance notecard used to generate the NPC's.

Select [Create Bots] to generate the NPC's. They are created slowly to minimize impact on sim performance. Touching the generator before all NPC's are generated will stop the process.


NPC Animation Scripts

My experience with NPC animation is that a basic AO, coupled with an ability to "move to" and "sit on" animation poseballs, provides support for a broad range of applications. Indeed, the paradigm works well for the RLV designs implemented in modern viewers.

Basic NPC AO (Animation Override)

The intent is to provide a low impact way to animate NPC's with unique walks, stands, sits, flying, and hover animations. The design features an auto-off, and back on, when sitting on integrated objects.

An AO script is not much use with the animations to go with it. There are a number of good AO animation sets available in some of the public domain OAR and IAR files. I had the pleasure once to meet the creator of the animations contained in the Linda Kellie OAR files. The following scripts are adapted to those animation names so that you can drop them, and the animations (after you DL them) into a single prim and attach it to your HUD. Touch the HUD to toggle on and off.

Female NPC AO

// A basic OpenSimulator Walk and Stand animation override
// All Modifications are Copyright 2010 by Doug Osborn.
// This script is Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License
//  For a copy of the license terms  please see
// This work uses content from the Second Life® Wiki article llGetAnimation. (
// Copyright © 2007-2009 Linden Research, Inc. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License
// This AO is optimized for OpenSimulator and DOES NOT POLL the animation list multiple times a second
// It relies instead on the CHANGED ANIMATION event.  The timer is ONLY active when your avatar is swapping between stands.
// It is NOT optimized code.  Yes it could be smaller and probably faster.  This is simple, and is intended to provide a working object
// instead of a lasting tribute to anyones programming prowess.  Feel free to Optimize and re-distribute to your hearts content.
// To use:   Place this script in an object that will be attached to your avatar
//           Place the animations in the same prim
//           Change the CUSTOMIZATION section to reflect the names of YOUR animations.
//           Attach to your avatar or a HUD position
// To Reset  Detach and re-attach the object    or   Edit the object and Reset the script
// All of the overrides available via the traditional ZHAO can be controlled via this script.  
// The following Animation Types can be used
// [ Standing ]
// [ Walking ]
// [ Sitting ]
// [ Sitting On Ground ]
// [ Crouching ]
// [ Crouch Walking ]
// [ Landing ]
// [ Standing Up ]
// [ Falling ]
// [ Flying Down ]
// [ Flying Up ]
// [ Flying ]
// [ Flying Slow ]
// [ Hovering ]
// [ Jumping ]
// [ Pre Jumping ]
// [ Running ]
// [ Turning Right ]
// [ Turning Left ]
// [ Floating ]
// [ Swimming Forward ]
// [ Swimming Up ]
// [ Swimming Down ]
//  **************************   Customize YOUR AO  by  changing the names of the Animations, and the cycle time for your stands here.
// Change the folling lines to reflect the animation names you want to use
list StandNames = ["ao-sweetness-stand1", "ao-sweetness-stand2", "ao-sweetness-stand3", "ao-sweetness-stand4", "ao-sweetness-stand5"];
integer StandTime = 12;  //  change this number to the number of seconds between stands
string WalkAnimation = "sweetness walk";   //  Change this string to the name of the walk animation you want to use
string RunAnimation = "AO-Run-Female";   //  Change this string to the name of the walk animation you want to use
string SitAnimation = "sweetness-sit-1";   //  Change this string to the name of the crouch animation you want to use
string CrouchAnimation = "AO-Crouch-Female";    //  Change this string to the name of the crouch animation you want to use
string FlyAnimation = "sweetness-fly-1";   //  Change this string to the name of the fly animation you want to use
string HoverAnimation = "sweetness-hover4";   //  Change this string to the name of the hover animation you want to use
string SoftLandAnimation = "AO-Softland1-Female";   //  Change this string to the name of the softland animation you want to use
integer LandingTime = 3;                          //  Change this to reflect the length of the standing animation in seconds.
string JumpAnimation = "AO-JumpFlip1-Female";   //  Change this string to the name of the walk animation you want to use
//  *******************************************************************************************************************************
// *****  Below there be dragons  <wink>   not really!  *******  
//  You should not need to change anything below these lines
//  You are welcome to.  If you break it, you get to keep all the parts!
key Owner; // the wearer's key
string LastAnimation = ""; // last llGetAnimation value seen
string LastAnimName = "";
string newAnimation = "";
float StandCount = 0.0;
integer PowerStatus = 1;
vector onColor = <42,255,42>;           // all nice and green
vector offColor = <128,128,128>;        // and grey
// User functions
Initialize(key id) 
    if (id == NULL_KEY)                         // detaching
        llSetTimerEvent(0.0);                       // stop the timer
    else                                        // attached, or reset while worn
        llRequestPermissions(id, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);
        Owner = id;
        StandCount = (float) llGetListLength(StandNames);
    vector color;
    if (PowerStatus == 0) 
        PowerStatus = 1;
        newAnimation = llGetAnimation(Owner);
        llOwnerSay("Over-ride active");
        color = onColor;
        PowerStatus = 0;
        llOwnerSay("Over-ride off");
        color = offColor;
    llSetColor(color/255.0, ALL_SIDES);
            if (LastAnimation != newAnimation)    
                if (newAnimation == "Walking") 
                    if(WalkAnimation != "")
                        LastAnimName = WalkAnimation;
                if (newAnimation == "Running") 
                    if(RunAnimation != "")
                        LastAnimName = RunAnimation;
                if (newAnimation == "Standing") 
                    if(StandCount > 0.0)
                        integer whichone = (integer)llFrand(StandCount);// pick a new stand
                        LastAnimName = llList2String (StandNames,whichone);
                if (newAnimation == "Sitting") 
                if (newAnimation == "Flying") 
                    if(FlyAnimation != "")
                        LastAnimName = FlyAnimation;
                if (newAnimation == "Hovering") 
                    if(HoverAnimation != "")
                        LastAnimName = HoverAnimation;
                if (newAnimation == "Soft Landing") 
                    if(SoftLandAnimation != "")
                        LastAnimName = SoftLandAnimation;
                if (newAnimation == "Crouching") 
                    if(CrouchAnimation != "")
                        LastAnimName = CrouchAnimation;
                if (newAnimation == "Jumping") 
                    if(JumpAnimation != "")
                        LastAnimName = JumpAnimation;
// Event handlers
    state_entry() {
        // script was reset while already attached
        if (llGetAttached() != 0) {
    attach(key id) {
    run_time_permissions(integer perm) 
            llOwnerSay("Over-ride active"); 
    touch_start(integer whodunit)
        integer whichone = (integer)llFrand(StandCount);      // pick the new stand at random
        LastAnimName = llList2String (StandNames,whichone);
//        llOwnerSay( "using " + LastAnimName);    // uncomment this to see which stand gets trigger by the timer
    changed (integer change)
        if (change & CHANGED_ANIMATION)
            newAnimation = llGetAnimation(Owner);
            LastAnimation = newAnimation; // so we can check for changes
            llOwnerSay("started " + newAnimation);  // uncomment this to see the event types you can respond to 
            llOwnerSay( "using " + LastAnimName);  // uncomment this to see which animations are being used



Advanced NPC AO

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