Linux Gridserver

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* Mono 1.9.1 - .NET framework
* Mono 1.9.1 - .NET framework
* OpenSSH - Remote terminal connection
* OpenSSH - Remote terminal connection
* RSync - Remote backup tool
* Nant - Building tool
* Nant - Building tool
* Ratbox Ircd - IRC chat
* Ngircd  - Easy and fast IRC-server
* Asterisk - Voice
* SVN - Backup
* SVN - Backup
* Screen - Multiple terminal-sessions
* Screen - Multiple terminal-sessions
==Setup a Grid==
==Setup a Grid==
===Step 1: Create a suitable production direction structure===
===Step 1: Installation with Moo===
  cd /opt
* Download the Moo script from console as root in somedir (e.g. ~/source/moo)
  mkdir opensim opensim/production opensim/builds opensim/scripts opensim/library/ opensim/source opensim/backup
* Unpack
  tar xvfz Moo.tar.gz
* Start the Moo-installer
./moo install
Moo: Install OpenSimulator in /opt/opensim? (y/n) <=y
This will install the latest svn along with the "right" directory structures in /opt/opensim
Next thing you see something like:
Moo: Ok, we need some basic config-files. Renaming...
Moo: Take a sip of coffee. This part might be important.
Moo: I will try to create a database based on the information you provide.
Moo: Now edit mysql_connection.ini, so MySQL can do it's thing...
Press any key to continue
If you don't know the vi-editor, please read up a bit about that before editing or you may become frustrated with it :-)
So, change database, username and password to reflect your MySQL settings. Save the file now, and quit the editor. After this you'll
notice you end up in yet another config-file. This is OpenSim.ini...
There are alot of settings you can tweak, but for now I'll stick with the most basic settings to start a grid.
* Set gridmode to true
* Disable current storage_plugin and storage_connection_string (disabling by putting ';' at the start of the line)
* Enably mysql storage_plugin and storage_connection_string (and enter the right db-info into the connection string)
* Change asset_database to "grid"
* Set serverside_object_permissions to true
* Set meshing to Meshmerizer
* Set physics to OpenDynamicsEngine
* Save and exit
The administrator menu will now autostart.
* Select services menu > Start UGAIM Services
When it says done, press exit
* Now select User-Service
USER SERVER: Default Startup Message [Welcome to OGS]: Welcome to my gridservices
USER SERVER: Default Grid Server URI []: <enter>
USER SERVER: Key to send to grid server [null]: <enter>
USER SERVER: Key to expect from grid server [null]: <enter>
USER SERVER: Default Inventory Server URI []: <enter>
USER SERVER: DLL for database provider [OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll]: <enter>
USER SERVER: Connection String for Database []:
Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=dbuser;Password=dbpw;
USER SERVER: Http Listener port [8002]: <enter>
USER SERVER: Use SSL? true/false [False]: <enter>
USER SERVER: Known good region X [1000]: <enter>
USER SERVER: Known good region Y [1000]: <enter>
Setup is now completed, and the User service should be fine now. Press ctrl-a + d to return to the Moo-menu.
Select the Grid-service
===Step 2: Get the software===
We are going to install the latest and greatest opensim svn-server from the svn-trunk.
cd /opt/opensim/builds
svn info
Now get the revision-number(4523 at the moment), and make a directory for it...
mkdir 4523
cd 4523
svn co .
===Step 3: Setup a first run===
===Step 3: Setup a first run===

Revision as of 04:05, 3 July 2008

This tutorial is meant to setup a production environment on your Linux-server.


Recommended Software and Versions

  • Archlinux - Fast and lightweight linux-distro
  • Mono 1.9.1 - .NET framework
  • OpenSSH - Remote terminal connection
  • RSync - Remote backup tool
  • Nant - Building tool
  • Ngircd - Easy and fast IRC-server
  • SVN - Backup
  • Screen - Multiple terminal-sessions

Setup a Grid

Step 1: Installation with Moo

  • Download the Moo script from console as root in somedir (e.g. ~/source/moo)
  • Unpack
tar xvfz Moo.tar.gz
  • Start the Moo-installer
./moo install
Moo: Install OpenSimulator in /opt/opensim? (y/n) <=y

This will install the latest svn along with the "right" directory structures in /opt/opensim Next thing you see something like:

Moo: Ok, we need some basic config-files. Renaming...
Moo: Take a sip of coffee. This part might be important.
Moo: I will try to create a database based on the information you provide.
Moo: Now edit mysql_connection.ini, so MySQL can do it's thing...
Press any key to continue

If you don't know the vi-editor, please read up a bit about that before editing or you may become frustrated with it :-) So, change database, username and password to reflect your MySQL settings. Save the file now, and quit the editor. After this you'll notice you end up in yet another config-file. This is OpenSim.ini...

There are alot of settings you can tweak, but for now I'll stick with the most basic settings to start a grid.

  • Set gridmode to true
  • Disable current storage_plugin and storage_connection_string (disabling by putting ';' at the start of the line)
  • Enably mysql storage_plugin and storage_connection_string (and enter the right db-info into the connection string)
  • Change asset_database to "grid"
  • Set serverside_object_permissions to true
  • Set meshing to Meshmerizer
  • Set physics to OpenDynamicsEngine
  • Save and exit

The administrator menu will now autostart.

  • Select services menu > Start UGAIM Services

When it says done, press exit

  • Now select User-Service
USER SERVER: Default Startup Message [Welcome to OGS]: Welcome to my gridservices
USER SERVER: Default Grid Server URI [1]: <enter>
USER SERVER: Key to send to grid server [null]: <enter>
USER SERVER: Key to expect from grid server [null]: <enter>
USER SERVER: Default Inventory Server URI [2]: <enter>
USER SERVER: DLL for database provider [OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll]: <enter>
USER SERVER: Connection String for Database []:
Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=dbuser;Password=dbpw;
USER SERVER: Http Listener port [8002]: <enter>
USER SERVER: Use SSL? true/false [False]: <enter>
USER SERVER: Known good region X [1000]: <enter>
USER SERVER: Known good region Y [1000]: <enter>

Setup is now completed, and the User service should be fine now. Press ctrl-a + d to return to the Moo-menu.

Select the Grid-service

Step 3: Setup a first run

  • We first build the binaries now
sh ./
  • I hope for you that the build will be succesful. If not, check out your mono-version and check out if all dependencies are available. Now we copy the build to the production directory
cd bin
cp -R * /opt/opensim/production
  • Prepare the configuration-files
cd /opt/opensim/production
cp OpenSim.ini.example OpenSim.ini
cp mysql_connection.ini.example mysql_connection.ini
  • Setup mysql-storage in OpenSim.ini and mysql_connection.ini (don't setup Grid-mode yet)
  • Run /opt/opensim/scripts/, to fix the router-loopback issue
  • Edit /etc/hosts.allow, and make sure it allows the service you are running (OpenSim thinks localhost is your LAN-IP, not the loopback-device). The 192.68.1. part is your local-ip range. We are setting up local allowance for the mysql-daemon, and global allowance of the SSH-daemon:
mysqld: 192.168.1. localhost
sshd: ALL
  • Now run OpenSimulator
cd /opt/opensim/production
mono OpenSim.exe
  • If the settings are correct, OpenSim will ask you to setup initial settings. Enter your administrator avatar info, the LAN-IP for internal IP, and the WAN-IP for external ip. After everything is entered, the region-server will run in standalone mode. We now setup Grid mode.

Step 4: Setup a Grid server

In our configuration, we will have the mysql-server, the UGAI-services and one Region-Service on our box. It's easy to extend it later with more Region-Services and/or other boxes.

  • Copy the ugair script to /opt/opensim/scripts
  • Run the script
cd /opt/opensim/scripts
  • Start the UGAIR-services
  • Switch to each Screen session, and go through the initial service setup of each service
  • Make sure you have the Region Server running in grid-mode (check OpenSim.ini)

Step 4:Adding custom textures

Check out Inworld Data

See also Ogltree_Install_Instructions

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