Chat log from the meeting on 2012-07-30

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(Created page with " <br> [2012/07/31 10:54] Nebadon Izumi: hello <br> [2012/07/31 10:54] Mike Kayaker: Hello <br> [2012/07/31 10:55] Richardus Raymaker: hi nebadon <br> [2012/07/31 10:55] You d...")
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[2012/07/31 10:54]  Nebadon Izumi: hello
[2012/07/31 10:54]  Mike Kayaker: Hello
[2012/07/31 10:55]  Richardus Raymaker: hi nebadon
[2012/07/31 10:55]  You decline Sound Pattern in combi with NPCs from Taarna Welles.
[2012/07/31 10:56]  BlueWall.Slade Hello everybody
[2012/07/31 10:56]  Mike Kayaker: Hello!
[2012/07/31 10:56]  Richardus Raymaker: hello mike
[2012/07/31 10:56]  Taarna Welles: hello
[2012/07/31 10:57]  Robert Adams: Hello all
[2012/07/31 10:57]  Master Dubrovna: Hello everyone
[2012/07/31 10:57]  Nebadon Izumi: hello BlueWall
[2012/07/31 10:57]  Richardus Raymaker: hi bluewall
[2012/07/31 10:58]  BlueWall.Slade I have been running my dev regions on mono-sgen for several days now w/o issue
[2012/07/31 10:58]  Nebadon Izumi: cool
[2012/07/31 10:58]  Nebadon Izumi: what kind of script load?
[2012/07/31 10:58]  BlueWall.Slade not really much
[2012/07/31 10:59]  Richardus Raymaker: i have seen some intressting. on windows when your low on ram and the GC is gettinbg active (i think, becausde memory usage drop) opensim show red messages with time-out warnings
[2012/07/31 10:59]  BlueWall.Slade we can't slow down
[2012/07/31 10:59]  BlueWall.Slade so running out of VM fro us sux
[2012/07/31 10:59]  Richardus Raymaker: what your doing han ?
[2012/07/31 11:00]  Han Held: Demonstrating the bug I just filed :D
[2012/07/31 11:00]  Robert Adams: that's the thread watchdog timers.... swapping takes way to long
[2012/07/31 11:00]  Nebadon Izumi: what is the bug Han?
[2012/07/31 11:01]  Han Held: Teleport routing doesn't work as expected; brb, finding the mantis number
[2012/07/31 11:01]  Richardus Raymaker: ok, robert iots only short that am on low memory. but its intressting
[2012/07/31 11:01]  BlueWall.Slade
[2012/07/31 11:01]  Han Held: Yep
[2012/07/31 11:01]  Han Held: thanks
[2012/07/31 11:01]  BlueWall.Slade teleporting into megaregions is realy bad
[2012/07/31 11:02]  BlueWall.Slade maybe I dont' have something set right, but it's terrible for me
[2012/07/31 11:02]  Han Held: What's weird is that teleport working SORTA works in lbsa; I've no idea why
[2012/07/31 11:02]  Richardus Raymaker: hmm, seems to work ok for me
[2012/07/31 11:02]  Nebadon Izumi: we have a telehub
[2012/07/31 11:02]  Nebadon Izumi: in Lbsa
[2012/07/31 11:03]  Richardus Raymaker: does it need some script ?
[2012/07/31 11:03]  Nebadon Izumi: it basically over rides all teleport requests
[2012/07/31 11:03]  Han Held: That's probably the difference? In lbsa it works properly when you're in the middle, but if you double-click TP behind the couches or whatever, it doesn't work.
[2012/07/31 11:03]  BlueWall.Slade Han - you should upgrade mono
[2012/07/31 11:03]  Richardus Raymaker: Han, it worked fine last time. when i clicked in corner of sim
[2012/07/31 11:03]  Richardus Raymaker: still started in center
[2012/07/31 11:03]  Han Held: I was clicking all over lbsa this morning testing
[2012/07/31 11:04]  Taarna Welles: Heya Justin
[2012/07/31 11:04]  Justin Clark-Casey: hello taarna, folks
[2012/07/31 11:04]  Nebadon Izumi: hello Justin
[2012/07/31 11:04]  Han Held: I'm on debian so I was afraid to upgrade anything; but I'll look and read up on backports
[2012/07/31 11:04]  Richardus Raymaker: i think it works only when you come from other sim han
[2012/07/31 11:04]  Han Held: Hi, Justin
[2012/07/31 11:04]  BlueWall.Slade Hi Justin
[2012/07/31 11:04]  Richardus Raymaker: hi justin
[2012/07/31 11:04]  logger sewell: hey Justin
[2012/07/31 11:04]  stiven wycliffe: alguien habla español????
[2012/07/31 11:05]  Taarna Welles: I have a question about using NPC's in combination with sounds. May I rez an image about it?
[2012/07/31 11:05]  Andrew Hellershanks: Hey, everyone
[2012/07/31 11:05]  Richardus Raymaker: hi andrew
[2012/07/31 11:05]  Nebadon Izumi: heh man, is 19.049 MB/s bad for object churn Justin?
[2012/07/31 11:05]  logger sewell: hey Andrew
[2012/07/31 11:05]  Han Held: Hi Sarah
[2012/07/31 11:05]  Sarah Kline: hi all
[2012/07/31 11:05]  Justin Clark-Casey: It strikes me as a lot of memory to be getting through every second
[2012/07/31 11:05]  Andrew Hellershanks: Power just came back after about a 15 or so minute outage due to a thunderstorm we are still having.
[2012/07/31 11:05]  Richardus Raymaker: eeuw, that jams the network
[2012/07/31 11:06]  Tiffany Magic: Hello Justin and Andrew... and everyone else
[2012/07/31 11:06]  Nebadon Izumi: thats what this region is hitting right now
[2012/07/31 11:06]  Nebadon Izumi: its not network Richardus
[2012/07/31 11:06]  Nebadon Izumi: its machine memory
[2012/07/31 11:06]  Justin Clark-Casey: taarna: I think you would need build permissio nfor that?
[2012/07/31 11:06]  Taarna Welles: I shall give you the image Justing
[2012/07/31 11:06]  Richardus Raymaker: or give it to nebadon
[2012/07/31 11:06]  Andrew Hellershanks still needs to go after a different viewer so he can see the trees in the planter.
[2012/07/31 11:07]  BlueWall.Slade Hi Sarah, Andrew, Tiffany
[2012/07/31 11:07]  Sarah Kline: hiBlue
[2012/07/31 11:07]  Nebadon Izumi: try Zen viewer Andrew
[2012/07/31 11:07]  Nebadon Izumi: thats what I am using
[2012/07/31 11:07]  Nebadon Izumi: your on Windows right?
[2012/07/31 11:07]  Andrew Hellershanks: Zen?
[2012/07/31 11:07]  Richardus Raymaker: what version you have ? still .2 ?
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Andrew Hellershanks: Bit your tongue. I'm on Linux. :-)
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Dahlia Trimble: hi
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Nebadon Izumi: oh then nevermind
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Nebadon Izumi: Zen is windows only
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Nebadon Izumi: heh
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Andrew Hellershanks: ok.
[2012/07/31 11:08]  BlueWall.Slade Hey Dahlia
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Robert Adams: Firestorm is good, too.... a V3 viewer with V1ish UI
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Andrew Hellershanks: I see other people here using Firestorm or Singularity
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Nebadon Izumi: I guess maybe Tea Pot or Firestorm then
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Justin Clark-Casey: tarna: so what is this a picture of?
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Andrew Hellershanks: Robert, Sounds worth a look.
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Richardus Raymaker: make it cubic nebadon. then it can be watched from all sides
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Taarna Welles: @Justin: Well when you use NPC's you get a kind of fall off with sounds
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Han Held: Coolviewer is getting the V3 internals; the next release or so should be based on the 3.3 engine
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Robert Adams: the best feature is V1 formatted chat
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Taarna Welles: so no sound you can hear in a proper way
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Justin Clark-Casey: a fall off with sounds?
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Taarna Welles: if you delete the NPC's the issue is gone
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Justin Clark-Casey: what sounds?
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Taarna Welles: inworld sounds
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Justin Clark-Casey: you're saying NPCs are somehow intefering with completely unrelated sounds?
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Richardus Raymaker: just inworld sound justin
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Nebadon Izumi: what script function are you using?
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Richardus Raymaker: or sound prim you wear
[2012/07/31 11:10]  Taarna Welles: so if you have a piano for example with sounds you hardly can hear them
[2012/07/31 11:10]  Taarna Welles: if you wear them you have the same
[2012/07/31 11:10]  Taarna Welles: if you delete the NPC's the sounds are back
[2012/07/31 11:10]  Taarna Welles: I have tested this on different estates and regions
[2012/07/31 11:10]  Taarna Welles: no clue why this is
[2012/07/31 11:10]  Nebadon Izumi: odd
[2012/07/31 11:10]  Richardus Raymaker: i have test it to. if you wear a sound prim simple touch_start with llPlaysound then the sound is softer or gone at places on the sim
[2012/07/31 11:10]  Justin Clark-Casey: so this is a fixed sound source?
[2012/07/31 11:10]  Sarah Kline: Isn't there a 16m limit anyway?
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Taarna Welles: I have no idea
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Sarah Kline: to worn sounds
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Richardus Raymaker: some places its normal. but the camera distance keep the same from prim to your camera
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Nebadon Izumi: so what your saying is that when the NPCs are present
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Nebadon Izumi: the sound diminishes?
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Taarna Welles: I put boxes on the region to visualize the sound pattern
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Richardus Raymaker: also a static onworld object have weird problems like no sound or soft at all, depends on place
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Taarna Welles: kind of Neb
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Justin Clark-Casey: and what does these boxes mean?
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Justin Clark-Casey: do
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Taarna Welles: the boxes are the sound pattern
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Taarna Welles: blue is poor
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Taarna Welles: red is strong
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Sarah Kline: weird
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Taarna Welles: orange is middle sound volume
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Andrew Hellershanks: Richardus, did you have different parcels on the land?
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Justin Clark-Casey: and where are the objects that are generating these?
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Nebadon Izumi: hmm that is really odd
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Nebadon Izumi: could it be the viewer is maybe being confused
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Taarna Welles: the boxes are to visualize otherwise I can't explain what happens
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Nebadon Izumi: it thinks maybe you are the NPC
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Nebadon Izumi: and its sending sounds to wrong location
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Taarna Welles: in 3 different viewers I had the same
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Richardus Raymaker: nebadon i have the same problem with singulairty. as soon you kill npc's its gone
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Justin Clark-Casey: where are the objects??
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Richardus Raymaker: andrew no that sim have only 1 parcel
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Taarna Welles: The objects Justin are boxes to visualise the sound pattern in volume
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Justin Clark-Casey sighs
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Justin Clark-Casey: where are these sounds originating from?
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Justin Clark-Casey: sorry, I'm a little overstressed atm
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Justin Clark-Casey: need a holiday
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Taarna Welles: they are sounds you record
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Richardus Raymaker: Justin you mean the NPC or the sound ? the sound you wear on your avatar with testing. that shows the result the best
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Sarah Kline: presumably the things saying npc
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Sarah Kline: the text lol
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Justin Clark-Casey: but taarna, what is the point origin of the sounds?
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Justin Clark-Casey: what is generating them?
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Justin Clark-Casey: what are the sounds?
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Richardus Raymaker: piano or sound prim you wear
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Taarna Welles: the point is you can't use an object with sounds if there is a NPC around
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Richardus Raymaker: otherwise taarna let them see the maptile
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Taarna Welles: so there is a kind of collision
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Nebadon Izumi: let me rez the NPC here
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Nebadon Izumi: and see if sounds stop
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Nebadon Izumi: 1 sec
[2012/07/31 11:15]  Taarna Welles: Nebadon you have to rez the NPC, then the sound
[2012/07/31 11:15]  Richardus Raymaker: oh, note the effect most start after you relog
[2012/07/31 11:15]  Nebadon Izumi: there are already sounds here Taarna
[2012/07/31 11:15]  Taarna Welles: then you need to fly around or better is to wear the sound
[2012/07/31 11:15]  Richardus Raymaker: not when you activate npc and listen
[2012/07/31 11:15]  Nebadon Izumi: like the fountain outside
[2012/07/31 11:15]  NPC Rezzer v2.3 #0: Removing this NPCs from this scene!
[2012/07/31 11:15]  Taarna Welles: and you have to fly around
[2012/07/31 11:15]  NPC Mover v2.3 #0: attach: 7ca79c92-b57b-430a-ad12-96d4148eefdb
[2012/07/31 11:15]  Nebadon Izumi: ok
[2012/07/31 11:15]  Taarna Welles: also there is a different on the south side or north side of a region
[2012/07/31 11:15]  Nebadon Izumi: the NPC is moving around
[2012/07/31 11:16]  Nebadon Izumi: he is downstairs
[2012/07/31 11:16]  Nebadon Izumi: let me get more sounds out here
[2012/07/31 11:16]  Simulator Version v0.5 shouts: OpenSim 0.7.4 Dev          6ee17f5: 2012-07-26 21:39:53 -0400 (Unix/Mono)
[2012/07/31 11:16]  Sarah Kline: i hear the fountain
[2012/07/31 11:16]  Richardus Raymaker: i hear it to, but as soon npc is active i relog
[2012/07/31 11:17]  Taarna Welles: yes if you relog you will notice you get the pattern
[2012/07/31 11:17]  Richardus Raymaker: curiopus what a moveing npc is doing with sound
[2012/07/31 11:17]  Richardus Raymaker: brb
[2012/07/31 11:17]  Taarna Welles: kk
[2012/07/31 11:18]  Taarna Welles: I'll relog and come back
[2012/07/31 11:18]  Richardus Raymaker: hi dahlia
[2012/07/31 11:18]  Taarna Welles: because then it happens or you can measure
[2012/07/31 11:18]  Nebadon Izumi: i can still hear the fountain
[2012/07/31 11:18]  Nebadon Izumi: as the NPC walks by it
[2012/07/31 11:19]  Richardus Raymaker: for now only hear the fountain
[2012/07/31 11:19]  Richardus Raymaker: but let it rezz
[2012/07/31 11:19]  Richardus Raymaker: and you did not relog nebadon
[2012/07/31 11:19]  Richardus Raymaker: or this sound prims working ?
[2012/07/31 11:19]  Nebadon Izumi: yes
[2012/07/31 11:19]  Nebadon Izumi: i hear all the sound orbs
[2012/07/31 11:19]  Richardus Raymaker: not for me
[2012/07/31 11:19]  Nebadon Izumi: 2 birds and ocean waves
[2012/07/31 11:19]  Richardus Raymaker: then relog nebadon
[2012/07/31 11:20]  Dahlia Trimble: hi richardus
[2012/07/31 11:20]  Nebadon Izumi: ok brb
[2012/07/31 11:20]  Richardus Raymaker: and you lose it
[2012/07/31 11:20]  Dahlia Trimble: I hear birds
[2012/07/31 11:20]  Richardus Raymaker: andrew can you rebake
[2012/07/31 11:21]  Richardus Raymaker: very very soft now
[2012/07/31 11:21]  Nebadon Izumi: hrmm ya it is lower now
[2012/07/31 11:21]  Nebadon Izumi: the fountain is not though
[2012/07/31 11:21]  Richardus Raymaker: sometimes its gone. other corners its fine
[2012/07/31 11:21]  Richardus Raymaker: yes fountain is fine
[2012/07/31 11:21]  Nebadon Izumi: how strange
[2012/07/31 11:22]  Andrew Hellershanks: I can hear seagulls
[2012/07/31 11:22]  Nebadon Izumi: actually
[2012/07/31 11:22]  Nebadon Izumi: hrmm
[2012/07/31 11:22]  Taarna Welles: so I invite you Nebanon another day to show you what I exactly mean
[2012/07/31 11:22]  hippie balbozar: i hear fine?
[2012/07/31 11:22]  Sarah Kline: giggles
[2012/07/31 11:22]  Richardus Raymaker: hippi, it only start after relog
[2012/07/31 11:22]  Richardus Raymaker: hi sarah
[2012/07/31 11:22]  Sarah Kline: removes seagulls from pocket
[2012/07/31 11:22]  hippie balbozar: i just relogged
[2012/07/31 11:22]  Taarna Welles: so it might be a combination with the viewer
[2012/07/31 11:22]  Tiffany Magic: Ooooo... where can we find those seagull sounds?
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Justin Clark-Casey: well, from the viewer's pov, NPCs are just like normal vatars
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Nebadon Izumi: ok
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Nebadon Izumi: i think i see why
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Justin Clark-Casey: so one would expect any issue there to also be seen with ordinary avatars
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Richardus Raymaker: yes. but then its not logic the interfere with inworld sounds
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Nebadon Izumi: the fountain is using llLoopSound
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Nebadon Izumi: the orbs are using llPlaySound
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Richardus Raymaker: btw i have seen it once with avatar to
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Nebadon Izumi: llLoopSound seems to not be effected
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Nebadon Izumi: but llPLaySound is
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Taarna Welles: it also happens with no loop sound scripts
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Richardus Raymaker: aha. only tested playsound
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Nebadon Izumi: yep
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Taarna Welles: yes Richard we only tested playsound
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Nebadon Izumi: can you hear the ocean now?
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Justin Clark-Casey: I think this is going to be a viwer issue t obe frank
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Richardus Raymaker: there's the sund normal back
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Justin Clark-Casey: oops
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Sarah Kline: are we flooding?
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Taarna Welles: yes I can hear the ocean
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Nebadon Izumi: i changed the ocean water to llLoopSound
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Nebadon Izumi: and now its loud
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Taarna Welles: lol
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Richardus Raymaker: its normal now
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Nebadon Izumi: ya
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Justin Clark-Casey: there's no obvious mechanism server side that would adjust volume after the viewer has been notified of a sound location
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Nebadon Izumi: only llPlaySound is effected by NPC's it seems
[2012/07/31 11:25]  Nebadon Izumi: how odd
[2012/07/31 11:25]  Taarna Welles: thank you Nebadon pffff
[2012/07/31 11:25]  Taarna Welles: :)
[2012/07/31 11:25]  Taarna Welles: Well I have no clue and I also don't know how to solve it. This is beyond my knowlegde
[2012/07/31 11:26]  Nebadon Izumi: very bizzaro
[2012/07/31 11:26]  Richardus Raymaker: well, its a bad side effect from npc
[2012/07/31 11:26]  Justin Clark-Casey: llLoopSound and llPlaySound look like they're being handled different
[2012/07/31 11:26]  Justin Clark-Casey: ly
[2012/07/31 11:26]  Richardus Raymaker: and cant explain it how the code of npc can change sound
[2012/07/31 11:26]  Nebadon Izumi: it must have something to do with location
[2012/07/31 11:27]  Nebadon Izumi: the NPC is some how screwing up the sound locatiojn
[2012/07/31 11:27]  Richardus Raymaker: yes.
[2012/07/31 11:27]  Nebadon Izumi: only thing I can think
[2012/07/31 11:27]  Taarna Welles: It effect the whole region if you have an NPC around
[2012/07/31 11:27]  Taarna Welles: it happens also with one NPC
[2012/07/31 11:27]  Nebadon Izumi: that makes sense Taarna
[2012/07/31 11:27]  Nebadon Izumi: it would make less sense if it didnt effect the whole sim
[2012/07/31 11:28]  Justin Clark-Casey: ahhh, I think I see it
[2012/07/31 11:28]  Taarna Welles: Maybe I have to write a mantis about this odd thingy?
[2012/07/31 11:28]  Nebadon Izumi: maybe not
[2012/07/31 11:28]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[2012/07/31 11:28]  Justin Clark-Casey: SoundModule.TriggerSound is changing the gain for every scene presence, when it should not
[2012/07/31 11:28]  Justin Clark-Casey: so the more users (including npcs) the lower the gain
[2012/07/31 11:28]  Richardus Raymaker: aha, there you have it
[2012/07/31 11:28]  Taarna Welles: nice :)
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Richardus Raymaker: also explain why it only happens with relog
[2012/07/31 11:29]  NPC Rezzer v2.3 #0: Removing this NPCs from this scene!
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok cool, I will fix that
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: well good thing I left the NPC setup here
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Justin Clark-Casey: and we'll see if that helps
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Taarna Welles: woot woot
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: that certainly made things easier
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: rut roh
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: im stuck
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: simulator is deadski
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: 0fps
[2012/07/31 11:30]  Nebadon Izumi: lets see if it recovers
[2012/07/31 11:30]  Nebadon Izumi: seems unlikely it will
[2012/07/31 11:30]  Richardus Raymaker: hmm 0fps thats long time ago i have seen that one
[2012/07/31 11:30]  logger sewell: who has the ocean loop ?
[2012/07/31 11:30]  Taarna Welles: ehm don't blaim me please :)
[2012/07/31 11:30]  Marcus Llewellyn: I chose the right time to TP in. :)
[2012/07/31 11:30]  Nebadon Izumi: its Marcus's fault
[2012/07/31 11:30]  Richardus Raymaker: hi marcus
[2012/07/31 11:30]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
[2012/07/31 11:30]  paulie Flomar: I didnt break it!
[2012/07/31 11:31]  Marcus Llewellyn: Yup. My bad.
[2012/07/31 11:31]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, looks like heartbeat and AsyncLSLCmdHandlerThread have locked together
[2012/07/31 11:31]  Richardus Raymaker: hee pauli
[2012/07/31 11:31]  Richardus Raymaker: i think that alien did it
[2012/07/31 11:31]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok, I need to capture a stack trace from this
[2012/07/31 11:31]  Nebadon Izumi: you going to kill it?
[2012/07/31 11:31]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah leave it to me
[2012/07/31 11:31]  Nebadon Izumi: ok
[2012/07/31 11:31]  Justin Clark-Casey: I need to start screen recording first
[2012/07/31 11:31]  Nebadon Izumi: kk
[2012/07/31 11:32]  Nebadon Izumi: everyone prepare for be dumped
[2012/07/31 11:32]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
[2012/07/31 11:32]  Richardus Raymaker: justin throws old fashion bomb inside with long rope
[2012/07/31 11:32]  Nebadon Izumi: everyone please wait a few minutes before relogging
[2012/07/31 11:32]  Taarna Welles: kk
[2012/07/31 11:32]  Sarah Kline: soundloops maybe
[2012/07/31 11:32]  Nebadon Izumi: otherwise you will dump to lbsa
[2012/07/31 11:32]  Nebadon Izumi: and then probably crash that sim too
[2012/07/31 11:32]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
[2012/07/31 11:37]  Teleport completed from
[2012/07/31 11:37]  The region you have entered is running a different simulator version. Click this message for details.
[2012/07/31 11:38]  Justin Clark-Casey: damn, accidentally hit the process with the wrong signal
[2012/07/31 11:38]  Richardus Raymaker: ai
[2012/07/31 11:39]  Tiffany Magic: Uh huh... you just wanted to kick all of us in the butt, Justin.
[2012/07/31 11:39]  Richardus Raymaker: hi tiffany
[2012/07/31 11:39]  Justin Clark-Casey: ha ha
[2012/07/31 11:39]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[2012/07/31 11:39]  Nebadon Izumi: ok now we have to recreate everything exactly as it was from the top of the meeting!
[2012/07/31 11:39]  Richardus Raymaker: we anyway got throw out of the window
[2012/07/31 11:39]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
[2012/07/31 11:39]  Tiffany Magic: When you have time, I have a question or two about the newest version.
[2012/07/31 11:39]  Nebadon Izumi: sure Tiffany
[2012/07/31 11:39]  Nebadon Izumi: shoot
[2012/07/31 11:40]  Richardus Raymaker: hi pauli
[2012/07/31 11:40]  Tiffany Magic: We are running the Git Master version on a test server. We still can't import anything and have attachment points stick. Is there a solution to that?
[2012/07/31 11:40]  paulie Flomar: :)
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Nebadon Izumi: how are you importing them?
[2012/07/31 11:41]  logger sewell: imp
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Tiffany Magic: Used Imp
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Nebadon Izumi: that doesnt preserve anything
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Nebadon Izumi: it doesnt even preserve linkset order
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Richardus Raymaker: only the cubes..
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Nebadon Izumi: you need to use IAR
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Richardus Raymaker: yes
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Nebadon Izumi: or Second Inventory
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Richardus Raymaker: or oar
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Richardus Raymaker: but load it on sandbox
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Nebadon Izumi: OAR doesnt make sense for attachments
[2012/07/31 11:42]  Richardus Raymaker: ok. right
[2012/07/31 11:42]  Tiffany Magic: Well... Second Inventory didn't import the attachments points in 7.1... will it in 7.4?
[2012/07/31 11:42]  Nebadon Izumi: its always worked for me Tiffany
[2012/07/31 11:42]  Nebadon Izumi: but
[2012/07/31 11:42]  Richardus Raymaker: but justin, you know the NPC sound problem.
[2012/07/31 11:42]  Nebadon Izumi: you need to make sure the area your in
[2012/07/31 11:42]  Nebadon Izumi: has scripts enabled
[2012/07/31 11:42]  Nebadon Izumi: otherwsie attach points will not work
[2012/07/31 11:42]  Justin Clark-Casey: richardus: yes, I will be putting a fix for it later today
[2012/07/31 11:42]  Nebadon Izumi: they are restored via a script I think
[2012/07/31 11:43]  NPC Rezzer v2.3 #0: Removing this NPCs from this scene!
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Nebadon Izumi: hrmm guess what Justin
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Nebadon Izumi: i killed the sim again
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Marcus Llewellyn is using LL's HTTP project viewer. :)
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Andrew Hellershanks: yes. SI creates a script that sets some properties.
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Nebadon Izumi: i know what is doing it
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Tiffany Magic: Damselfly used Second Inventory and can't get the attachment points to hold.
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Richardus Raymaker: Good boy :)
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Nebadon Izumi: its the NPC
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Nebadon Izumi: when i removed the NPC the sim died
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Andrew Hellershanks: Usually we can't talk as soon as the sim dies
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Justin Clark-Casey: alright, well we can wait til l the end of the meeting before I kill this thing again
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Nebadon Izumi: thats exactly what happened last time
[2012/07/31 11:44]  Nebadon Izumi: ok
[2012/07/31 11:44]  Nebadon Izumi: ya we only have a few more minutes
[2012/07/31 11:44]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, in this case, it's the scene and lsl threads that have stopped, everything else (such as in and out udp packet thrads) are fine
[2012/07/31 11:44]  Richardus Raymaker: hope justin press the right keys this time
[2012/07/31 11:44]  Justin Clark-Casey: which suggests a deadlock
[2012/07/31 11:44]  Tiffany Magic: Melanie has come up with a solution in Avination for attachment points.... has that been shared anywhere?
[2012/07/31 11:44]  Nebadon Izumi: ya wierd as soon as i hit the prim to derez the npc it croaked
[2012/07/31 11:44]  Andrew Hellershanks: Tiffany, you could ask about the estate issue while you are at it.
[2012/07/31 11:44]  Richardus Raymaker: but static npc's seems to work fine
[2012/07/31 11:44]  Nebadon Izumi: which is exactly what happened last time too
[2012/07/31 11:45]  Nebadon Izumi: everyone down at the landing point, sim is frozen
[2012/07/31 11:45]  Nebadon Izumi: were going to ride out meeting like this though
[2012/07/31 11:45]  Marcus Llewellyn: You hear anything about avatar physics, Neb?
[2012/07/31 11:45]  Richardus Raymaker: nah, like to crash from high alltitude
[2012/07/31 11:45]  Justin Clark-Casey: well, actually maybe I will kill it now
[2012/07/31 11:45]  Nebadon Izumi: no didnt follow up today about it
[2012/07/31 11:45]  Justin Clark-Casey: before other stuff clouds the picture
[2012/07/31 11:45]  Marcus Llewellyn nods amiably.
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Richardus Raymaker: ok justin
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Richardus Raymaker: fire at will
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: i'll try to contact melanie in a bit
[2012/07/31 11:46]  BlueWall.Slade laterz
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: actually
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: we can stay
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: kill -3 didnt kill the sim
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Tiffany Magic: Thank you Nebadon!
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Marcus Llewellyn: No problem. It isn't exactly apriority to me.. just a curiosity. But I'm sure other people would like it working.
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: and we still got the dump
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, looks like it's staying up
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: ya sometimes it stays running
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: depends on how bad its frozen
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Richardus Raymaker: working what marcus. its a bit blurred now
[2012/07/31 11:46]  stiven wycliffe: is working
[2012/07/31 11:47]  Marcus Llewellyn: Avatar physics... jiggles breats, belly, and butt.
[2012/07/31 11:47]  Tiffany Magic: One other thing... in the new versions of opensim, when we create a new sim, it doesn't make an estate for it. It used to in the older versions.
[2012/07/31 11:47]  Richardus Raymaker: and bounceing
[2012/07/31 11:47]  Richardus Raymaker: ohh no thats something that need to get removed
[2012/07/31 11:47]  Marcus Llewellyn: Yes... there's a number of parameters for them.
[2012/07/31 11:47]  Andrew Hellershanks: My local storm is back for round 3
[2012/07/31 11:48]  Marcus Llewellyn: I think some people will disagree. ;) It is in a lot of demand.
[2012/07/31 11:48]  Richardus Raymaker: box some for here andrew
[2012/07/31 11:48]  stiven wycliffe: spanish plis
[2012/07/31 11:48]  Justin Clark-Casey: tiffany: that should not have changed
[2012/07/31 11:48]  Richardus Raymaker: well avatar phyics is not so important. there bigger problems to fix
[2012/07/31 11:48]  Justin Clark-Casey: stiven: this meeting is in English
[2012/07/31 11:48]  Tiffany Magic: It did, Justin.
[2012/07/31 11:49]  Tiffany Magic: 7.1 added the estate. 7.3 and 7.4 don't.
[2012/07/31 11:49]  Justin Clark-Casey: how do you know an estate it not created?
[2012/07/31 11:49]  Nebadon Izumi: stiven
[2012/07/31 11:49]  Justin Clark-Casey: 7.3 is old
[2012/07/31 11:49]  BlueWall.Slade Han, I do 't see the TP issue on my dev grid
[2012/07/31 11:49]  Tiffany Magic: We are running 7.4 on the Git Master version.
[2012/07/31 11:50]  Andrew Hellershanks: Tiffany, it is just git master you are using.
[2012/07/31 11:50]  Marcus Llewellyn: Can anyone tell me if the PRIM_SLICE constant is implemented for llSetPrimitiveParams (and it's Link and Fast cousins)?
[2012/07/31 11:50]  Justin Clark-Casey: it is not
[2012/07/31 11:50]  Marcus Llewellyn: Thanks. :)
[2012/07/31 11:50]  Tiffany Magic: Ok... would you please ask the question, Andrew?
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Richardus Raymaker: hmm marcus. tests fail ?
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Han Held: Hm, ok, I'll try to download the latest opensim from git and make a grid this afternoon. I have the behavoir on the osgrid distribution but I haven't tried "stock" opensim or the diva distro.
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Andrew Hellershanks: Tiffany, you already asked. I was just clarifying the version of code.
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Nebadon Izumi: OSgrid is stock
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Nebadon Izumi: its like 99.9% stock
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Marcus Llewellyn: I tried using it Sunday without success, yes. I worked around it by exploiting other prim properties, but wanted to be certain.
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Han Held: That's what I thought
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Nebadon Izumi: we add 2 dlls
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Nebadon Izumi: and change the ini's slightly
[2012/07/31 11:51]  BlueWall.Slade I will see what my estate/region settings are
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Nebadon Izumi: otherwise its stock
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Andrew Hellershanks: Tiffany, I haven't tested that part of the system to have seen what it is doing or not doing.
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Justin Clark-Casey: han: what behaviour is that?
[2012/07/31 11:52]  Han Held: So if I have that behavoir here, it should be in what I'd download from git, wouldn't it?
[2012/07/31 11:52]  Richardus Raymaker: wich dll's nebadon ?
[2012/07/31 11:52]  Nebadon Izumi: ossearch and osprofile
[2012/07/31 11:52]  Richardus Raymaker: and what version ?
[2012/07/31 11:52]  BlueWall.Slade it depends on the estate, parcel and region settings
[2012/07/31 11:52]  Richardus Raymaker: ok. thats pretty old with dll's
[2012/07/31 11:52]  Han Held: Justin: teleport routing isn't working as expected:
[2012/07/31 11:52]  Nebadon Izumi: i dont think teleport routing has ever worked 100%
[2012/07/31 11:52]  Han Held: let me demonstrate....
[2012/07/31 11:52]  Nebadon Izumi: not that I recall
[2012/07/31 11:52]  Nebadon Izumi: Han
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: the sim is frozen remember
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: wow you can teleport
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: interesting
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Richardus Raymaker: well still seems to work nebadon
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Han Held: Yep
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Han Held: Sorry, I hope I didn't mess anything up
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: this is the wierdest freeze up of all time
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Andrew Hellershanks: :-)
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: can you guys see me animating?
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Taarna Welles: :)
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Han Held: Yes
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Richardus Raymaker: yes
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
[2012/07/31 11:53]  paulie Flomar: yes
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Taarna Welles: Are you drunk?
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Marcus Llewellyn: Is it just like one thread or something that's runaway?
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Justin Clark-Casey: initial analysis suggests some 3 way deadlock when the npc going away triiggers sensor removal
[2012/07/31 11:53]  hippie balbozar: yes
[2012/07/31 11:53]  paulie Flomar: and TP does still work!
[2012/07/31 11:54]  Justin Clark-Casey: nebadon: your NPCs have attachment scripts with sensors?
[2012/07/31 11:54]  Han Held: I just tp'd o.o
[2012/07/31 11:54]  Nebadon Izumi: it has attachments
[2012/07/31 11:54]  Nebadon Izumi: no sensor
[2012/07/31 11:54]  Robert Adams: Nebadon forgot to take his drugs this morning
[2012/07/31 11:54]  Nebadon Izumi: it has llListens though
[2012/07/31 12:00]  Han Held: nope, given all the scripts it's probably gonna take a while, I would guess
[2012/07/31 12:01]  Teleport completed from
[2012/07/31 12:03]  Nebadon Izumi: well
[2012/07/31 12:03]  Nebadon Izumi: atleast we were able to identify a few bugs today
[2012/07/31 12:03]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[2012/07/31 12:04]  Andrew Hellershanks: Great.
[2012/07/31 12:04]  Andrew Hellershanks: All you have to do next is fix them. :-)
[2012/07/31 12:05]  Nebadon Izumi: hopefully we can get some fixes in soon
[2012/07/31 12:05]  Nebadon Izumi: ya
[2012/07/31 12:05]  Han Held: Well, I saved the log from the last crash, but not the one before that
[2012/07/31 12:05]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
[2012/07/31 12:05]  Han Held: the chat log, I mean.
[2012/07/31 12:05]  Richardus Raymaker: i think its good that the are found before finlay 0.7.4
[2012/07/31 12:05]  Nebadon Izumi: hrm ya let me see if i have the whole thing here
[2012/07/31 12:06]  Nebadon Izumi: i have it
[2012/07/31 12:06]  Nebadon Izumi: unfortunately no time stamps
[2012/07/31 12:06]  Marcus Llewellyn: I turned on Bullet last week, just for giggles. It actually almost feels like it's to the point where I might want to switch to it.
[2012/07/31 12:06]  Nebadon Izumi: that makes it dificult to post in the wiki
[2012/07/31 12:07]  Nebadon Izumi: I did not have the same feeling Marcus
[2012/07/31 12:07]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[2012/07/31 12:07]  Richardus Raymaker: i have one with time stamps. i think but you need to remove maby soem stuff
[2012/07/31 12:07]  Han Held: can you remove it and the submit it?
[2012/07/31 12:07]  Marcus Llewellyn: I understand... but I don't do much with physics in my regions. I just wanted to see how well it worked for non-physical builds and walking or flying about.
<br> [2012/07/31 10:54]  Nebadon Izumi: hello
<br> [2012/07/31 10:54]  Mike Kayaker: Hello
[[Category:Office Hour Logs]]
<br> [2012/07/31 10:55] Richardus Raymaker: hi nebadon
<br> [2012/07/31 10:55] You decline Sound Pattern in combi with NPCs from Taarna Welles.
<br> [2012/07/31 10:56]  BlueWall.Slade Hello everybody
<br> [2012/07/31 10:56]  Mike Kayaker: Hello!
<br> [2012/07/31 10:56]  Richardus Raymaker: hello mike
<br> [2012/07/31 10:56]  Taarna Welles: hello
<br> [2012/07/31 10:57]  Robert Adams: Hello all
<br> [2012/07/31 10:57]  Master Dubrovna: Hello everyone
<br> [2012/07/31 10:57]  Nebadon Izumi: hello BlueWall
<br> [2012/07/31 10:57]  Richardus Raymaker: hi bluewall
<br> [2012/07/31 10:58]  BlueWall.Slade I have been running my dev regions on mono-sgen for several days now w/o issue
<br> [2012/07/31 10:58]  Nebadon Izumi: cool
<br> [2012/07/31 10:58]  Nebadon Izumi: what kind of script load?
<br> [2012/07/31 10:58]  BlueWall.Slade not really much
<br> [2012/07/31 10:59]  Richardus Raymaker: i have seen some intressting. on windows when your low on ram and the GC is gettinbg active (i think, becausde memory usage drop) opensim show red messages with time-out warnings
<br> [2012/07/31 10:59]  BlueWall.Slade we can't slow down
<br> [2012/07/31 10:59]  BlueWall.Slade so running out of VM fro us sux
<br> [2012/07/31 10:59]  Richardus Raymaker: what your doing han ?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:00]  Han Held: Demonstrating the bug I just filed :D
<br> [2012/07/31 11:00]  Robert Adams: that's the thread watchdog timers.... swapping takes way to long
<br> [2012/07/31 11:00]  Nebadon Izumi: what is the bug Han?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:01]  Han Held: Teleport routing doesn't work as expected; brb, finding the mantis number
<br> [2012/07/31 11:01]  Richardus Raymaker: ok, robert iots only short that am on low memory. but its intressting
<br> [2012/07/31 11:01]  BlueWall.Slade
<br> [2012/07/31 11:01]  Han Held: Yep
<br> [2012/07/31 11:01]  Han Held: thanks
<br> [2012/07/31 11:01]  BlueWall.Slade teleporting into megaregions is realy bad
<br> [2012/07/31 11:02]  BlueWall.Slade maybe I dont' have something set right, but it's terrible for me
<br> [2012/07/31 11:02]  Han Held: What's weird is that teleport working SORTA works in lbsa; I've no idea why
<br> [2012/07/31 11:02]  Richardus Raymaker: hmm, seems to work ok for me
<br> [2012/07/31 11:02]  Nebadon Izumi: we have a telehub
<br> [2012/07/31 11:02]  Nebadon Izumi: in Lbsa
<br> [2012/07/31 11:03]  Richardus Raymaker: does it need some script ?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:03]  Nebadon Izumi: it basically over rides all teleport requests
<br> [2012/07/31 11:03]  Han Held: That's probably the difference? In lbsa it works properly when you're in the middle, but if you double-click TP behind the couches or whatever, it doesn't work.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:03]  BlueWall.Slade Han - you should upgrade mono
<br> [2012/07/31 11:03]  Richardus Raymaker: Han, it worked fine last time. when i clicked in corner of sim
<br> [2012/07/31 11:03]  Richardus Raymaker: still started in center
<br> [2012/07/31 11:03]  Han Held: I was clicking all over lbsa this morning testing
<br> [2012/07/31 11:04]  Taarna Welles: Heya Justin
<br> [2012/07/31 11:04]  Justin Clark-Casey: hello taarna, folks
<br> [2012/07/31 11:04]  Nebadon Izumi: hello Justin
<br> [2012/07/31 11:04]  Han Held: I'm on debian so I was afraid to upgrade anything; but I'll look and read up on backports
<br> [2012/07/31 11:04]  Richardus Raymaker: i think it works only when you come from other sim han
<br> [2012/07/31 11:04]  Han Held: Hi, Justin
<br> [2012/07/31 11:04]  BlueWall.Slade Hi Justin
<br> [2012/07/31 11:04]  Richardus Raymaker: hi justin
<br> [2012/07/31 11:04]  logger sewell: hey Justin
<br> [2012/07/31 11:04]  stiven wycliffe: alguien habla español????
<br> [2012/07/31 11:05]  Taarna Welles: I have a question about using NPC's in combination with sounds. May I rez an image about it?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:05]  Andrew Hellershanks: Hey, everyone
<br> [2012/07/31 11:05]  Richardus Raymaker: hi andrew
<br> [2012/07/31 11:05]  Nebadon Izumi: heh man, is 19.049 MB/s bad for object churn Justin?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:05]  logger sewell: hey Andrew
<br> [2012/07/31 11:05]  Han Held: Hi Sarah
<br> [2012/07/31 11:05]  Sarah Kline: hi all
<br> [2012/07/31 11:05]  Justin Clark-Casey: It strikes me as a lot of memory to be getting through every second
<br> [2012/07/31 11:05]  Andrew Hellershanks: Power just came back after about a 15 or so minute outage due to a thunderstorm we are still having.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:05]  Richardus Raymaker: eeuw, that jams the network
<br> [2012/07/31 11:06]  Tiffany Magic: Hello Justin and Andrew... and everyone else
<br> [2012/07/31 11:06]  Nebadon Izumi: thats what this region is hitting right now
<br> [2012/07/31 11:06]  Nebadon Izumi: its not network Richardus
<br> [2012/07/31 11:06]  Nebadon Izumi: its machine memory
<br> [2012/07/31 11:06]  Justin Clark-Casey: taarna: I think you would need build permissio nfor that?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:06]  Taarna Welles: I shall give you the image Justing
<br> [2012/07/31 11:06]  Richardus Raymaker: or give it to nebadon
<br> [2012/07/31 11:06]  Andrew Hellershanks still needs to go after a different viewer so he can see the trees in the planter.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:07]  BlueWall.Slade Hi Sarah, Andrew, Tiffany
<br> [2012/07/31 11:07]  Sarah Kline: hiBlue
<br> [2012/07/31 11:07]  Nebadon Izumi: try Zen viewer Andrew
<br> [2012/07/31 11:07]  Nebadon Izumi: thats what I am using
<br> [2012/07/31 11:07]  Nebadon Izumi: your on Windows right?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:07]  Andrew Hellershanks: Zen?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:07]  Richardus Raymaker: what version you have ? still .2 ?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:08]  Andrew Hellershanks: Bit your tongue. I'm on Linux. :-)
<br> [2012/07/31 11:08]  Dahlia Trimble: hi
<br> [2012/07/31 11:08]  Nebadon Izumi: oh then nevermind
<br> [2012/07/31 11:08]  Nebadon Izumi: Zen is windows only
<br> [2012/07/31 11:08]  Nebadon Izumi: heh
<br> [2012/07/31 11:08]  Andrew Hellershanks: ok.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:08]  BlueWall.Slade Hey Dahlia
<br> [2012/07/31 11:08]  Robert Adams: Firestorm is good, too.... a V3 viewer with V1ish UI
<br> [2012/07/31 11:08]  Andrew Hellershanks: I see other people here using Firestorm or Singularity
<br> [2012/07/31 11:08]  Nebadon Izumi: I guess maybe Tea Pot or Firestorm then
<br> [2012/07/31 11:08]  Justin Clark-Casey: tarna: so what is this a picture of?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:08]  Andrew Hellershanks: Robert, Sounds worth a look.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:09]  Richardus Raymaker: make it cubic nebadon. then it can be watched from all sides
<br> [2012/07/31 11:09]  Taarna Welles: @Justin: Well when you use NPC's you get a kind of fall off with sounds
<br> [2012/07/31 11:09]  Han Held: Coolviewer is getting the V3 internals; the next release or so should be based on the 3.3 engine
<br> [2012/07/31 11:09]  Robert Adams: the best feature is V1 formatted chat
<br> [2012/07/31 11:09]  Taarna Welles: so no sound you can hear in a proper way
<br> [2012/07/31 11:09]  Justin Clark-Casey: a fall off with sounds?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:09]  Taarna Welles: if you delete the NPC's the issue is gone
<br> [2012/07/31 11:09]  Justin Clark-Casey: what sounds?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:09]  Taarna Welles: inworld sounds
<br> [2012/07/31 11:09]  Justin Clark-Casey: you're saying NPCs are somehow intefering with completely unrelated sounds?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:09]  Richardus Raymaker: just inworld sound justin
<br> [2012/07/31 11:09]  Nebadon Izumi: what script function are you using?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:09]  Richardus Raymaker: or sound prim you wear
<br> [2012/07/31 11:10]  Taarna Welles: so if you have a piano for example with sounds you hardly can hear them
<br> [2012/07/31 11:10]  Taarna Welles: if you wear them you have the same
<br> [2012/07/31 11:10]  Taarna Welles: if you delete the NPC's the sounds are back
<br> [2012/07/31 11:10]  Taarna Welles: I have tested this on different estates and regions
<br> [2012/07/31 11:10]  Taarna Welles: no clue why this is
<br> [2012/07/31 11:10]  Nebadon Izumi: odd
<br> [2012/07/31 11:10]  Richardus Raymaker: i have test it to. if you wear a sound prim simple touch_start with llPlaysound then the sound is softer or gone at places on the sim
<br> [2012/07/31 11:10]  Justin Clark-Casey: so this is a fixed sound source?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:10]  Sarah Kline: Isn't there a 16m limit anyway?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:11]  Taarna Welles: I have no idea
<br> [2012/07/31 11:11]  Sarah Kline: to worn sounds
<br> [2012/07/31 11:11]  Richardus Raymaker: some places its normal. but the camera distance keep the same from prim to your camera
<br> [2012/07/31 11:11]  Nebadon Izumi: so what your saying is that when the NPCs are present
<br> [2012/07/31 11:11]  Nebadon Izumi: the sound diminishes?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:11]  Taarna Welles: I put boxes on the region to visualize the sound pattern
<br> [2012/07/31 11:11]  Richardus Raymaker: also a static onworld object have weird problems like no sound or soft at all, depends on place
<br> [2012/07/31 11:11]  Taarna Welles: kind of Neb
<br> [2012/07/31 11:11]  Justin Clark-Casey: and what does these boxes mean?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:11]  Justin Clark-Casey: do
<br> [2012/07/31 11:11]  Taarna Welles: the boxes are the sound pattern
<br> [2012/07/31 11:11]  Taarna Welles: blue is poor
<br> [2012/07/31 11:12]  Taarna Welles: red is strong
<br> [2012/07/31 11:12]  Sarah Kline: weird
<br> [2012/07/31 11:12]  Taarna Welles: orange is middle sound volume
<br> [2012/07/31 11:12]  Andrew Hellershanks: Richardus, did you have different parcels on the land?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:12]  Justin Clark-Casey: and where are the objects that are generating these?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:12]  Nebadon Izumi: hmm that is really odd
<br> [2012/07/31 11:12]  Nebadon Izumi: could it be the viewer is maybe being confused
<br> [2012/07/31 11:12]  Taarna Welles: the boxes are to visualize otherwise I can't explain what happens
<br> [2012/07/31 11:12]  Nebadon Izumi: it thinks maybe you are the NPC
<br> [2012/07/31 11:12]  Nebadon Izumi: and its sending sounds to wrong location
<br> [2012/07/31 11:12]  Taarna Welles: in 3 different viewers I had the same
<br> [2012/07/31 11:13]  Richardus Raymaker: nebadon i have the same problem with singulairty. as soon you kill npc's its gone
<br> [2012/07/31 11:13]  Justin Clark-Casey: where are the objects??
<br> [2012/07/31 11:13]  Richardus Raymaker: andrew no that sim have only 1 parcel
<br> [2012/07/31 11:13]  Taarna Welles: The objects Justin are boxes to visualise the sound pattern in volume
<br> [2012/07/31 11:13]  Justin Clark-Casey sighs
<br> [2012/07/31 11:13]  Justin Clark-Casey: where are these sounds originating from?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:13]  Justin Clark-Casey: sorry, I'm a little overstressed atm
<br> [2012/07/31 11:13]  Justin Clark-Casey: need a holiday
<br> [2012/07/31 11:13]  Taarna Welles: they are sounds you record
<br> [2012/07/31 11:13]  Richardus Raymaker: Justin you mean the NPC or the sound ? the sound you wear on your avatar with testing. that shows the result the best
<br> [2012/07/31 11:13]  Sarah Kline: presumably the things saying npc
<br> [2012/07/31 11:14]  Sarah Kline: the text lol
<br> [2012/07/31 11:14]  Justin Clark-Casey: but taarna, what is the point origin of the sounds?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:14]  Justin Clark-Casey: what is generating them?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:14]  Justin Clark-Casey: what are the sounds?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:14]  Richardus Raymaker: piano or sound prim you wear
<br> [2012/07/31 11:14]  Taarna Welles: the point is you can't use an object with sounds if there is a NPC around
<br> [2012/07/31 11:14]  Richardus Raymaker: otherwise taarna let them see the maptile
<br> [2012/07/31 11:14]  Taarna Welles: so there is a kind of collision
<br> [2012/07/31 11:14]  Nebadon Izumi: let me rez the NPC here
<br> [2012/07/31 11:14]  Nebadon Izumi: and see if sounds stop
<br> [2012/07/31 11:14]  Nebadon Izumi: 1 sec
<br> [2012/07/31 11:15]  Taarna Welles: Nebadon you have to rez the NPC, then the sound
<br> [2012/07/31 11:15]  Richardus Raymaker: oh, note the effect most start after you relog
<br> [2012/07/31 11:15]  Nebadon Izumi: there are already sounds here Taarna
<br> [2012/07/31 11:15]  Taarna Welles: then you need to fly around or better is to wear the sound
<br> [2012/07/31 11:15]  Richardus Raymaker: not when you activate npc and listen
<br> [2012/07/31 11:15]  Nebadon Izumi: like the fountain outside
<br> [2012/07/31 11:15]  NPC Rezzer v2.3 #0: Removing this NPCs from this scene!
<br> [2012/07/31 11:15]  Taarna Welles: and you have to fly around
<br> [2012/07/31 11:15]  NPC Mover v2.3 #0: attach: 7ca79c92-b57b-430a-ad12-96d4148eefdb
<br> [2012/07/31 11:15]  Nebadon Izumi: ok
<br> [2012/07/31 11:15]  Taarna Welles: also there is a different on the south side or north side of a region
<br> [2012/07/31 11:15]  Nebadon Izumi: the NPC is moving around
<br> [2012/07/31 11:16]  Nebadon Izumi: he is downstairs
<br> [2012/07/31 11:16]  Nebadon Izumi: let me get more sounds out here
<br> [2012/07/31 11:16]  Simulator Version v0.5 shouts: OpenSim 0.7.4 Dev          6ee17f5: 2012-07-26 21:39:53 -0400 (Unix/Mono)
<br> [2012/07/31 11:16]  Sarah Kline: i hear the fountain
<br> [2012/07/31 11:16]  Richardus Raymaker: i hear it to, but as soon npc is active i relog
<br> [2012/07/31 11:17]  Taarna Welles: yes if you relog you will notice you get the pattern
<br> [2012/07/31 11:17]  Richardus Raymaker: curiopus what a moveing npc is doing with sound
<br> [2012/07/31 11:17]  Richardus Raymaker: brb
<br> [2012/07/31 11:17]  Taarna Welles: kk
<br> [2012/07/31 11:18]  Taarna Welles: I'll relog and come back
<br> [2012/07/31 11:18]  Richardus Raymaker: hi dahlia
<br> [2012/07/31 11:18]  Taarna Welles: because then it happens or you can measure
<br> [2012/07/31 11:18]  Nebadon Izumi: i can still hear the fountain
<br> [2012/07/31 11:18]  Nebadon Izumi: as the NPC walks by it
<br> [2012/07/31 11:19]  Richardus Raymaker: for now only hear the fountain
<br> [2012/07/31 11:19]  Richardus Raymaker: but let it rezz
<br> [2012/07/31 11:19]  Richardus Raymaker: and you did not relog nebadon
<br> [2012/07/31 11:19]  Richardus Raymaker: or this sound prims working ?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:19]  Nebadon Izumi: yes
<br> [2012/07/31 11:19]  Nebadon Izumi: i hear all the sound orbs
<br> [2012/07/31 11:19]  Richardus Raymaker: not for me
<br> [2012/07/31 11:19]  Nebadon Izumi: 2 birds and ocean waves
<br> [2012/07/31 11:19]  Richardus Raymaker: then relog nebadon
<br> [2012/07/31 11:20]  Dahlia Trimble: hi richardus
<br> [2012/07/31 11:20]  Nebadon Izumi: ok brb
<br> [2012/07/31 11:20]  Richardus Raymaker: and you lose it
<br> [2012/07/31 11:20]  Dahlia Trimble: I hear birds
<br> [2012/07/31 11:20]  Richardus Raymaker: andrew can you rebake
<br> [2012/07/31 11:21]  Richardus Raymaker: very very soft now
<br> [2012/07/31 11:21]  Nebadon Izumi: hrmm ya it is lower now
<br> [2012/07/31 11:21]  Nebadon Izumi: the fountain is not though
<br> [2012/07/31 11:21]  Richardus Raymaker: sometimes its gone. other corners its fine
<br> [2012/07/31 11:21]  Richardus Raymaker: yes fountain is fine
<br> [2012/07/31 11:21]  Nebadon Izumi: how strange
<br> [2012/07/31 11:22]  Andrew Hellershanks: I can hear seagulls
<br> [2012/07/31 11:22]  Nebadon Izumi: actually
<br> [2012/07/31 11:22]  Nebadon Izumi: hrmm
<br> [2012/07/31 11:22]  Taarna Welles: so I invite you Nebanon another day to show you what I exactly mean
<br> [2012/07/31 11:22]  hippie balbozar: i hear fine?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:22]  Sarah Kline: giggles
<br> [2012/07/31 11:22]  Richardus Raymaker: hippi, it only start after relog
<br> [2012/07/31 11:22]  Richardus Raymaker: hi sarah
<br> [2012/07/31 11:22]  Sarah Kline: removes seagulls from pocket
<br> [2012/07/31 11:22]  hippie balbozar: i just relogged
<br> [2012/07/31 11:22]  Taarna Welles: so it might be a combination with the viewer
<br> [2012/07/31 11:22]  Tiffany Magic: Ooooo... where can we find those seagull sounds?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:23]  Justin Clark-Casey: well, from the viewer's pov, NPCs are just like normal vatars
<br> [2012/07/31 11:23]  Nebadon Izumi: ok
<br> [2012/07/31 11:23]  Nebadon Izumi: i think i see why
<br> [2012/07/31 11:23]  Justin Clark-Casey: so one would expect any issue there to also be seen with ordinary avatars
<br> [2012/07/31 11:23]  Richardus Raymaker: yes. but then its not logic the interfere with inworld sounds
<br> [2012/07/31 11:23]  Nebadon Izumi: the fountain is using llLoopSound
<br> [2012/07/31 11:23]  Nebadon Izumi: the orbs are using llPlaySound
<br> [2012/07/31 11:23]  Richardus Raymaker: btw i have seen it once with avatar to
<br> [2012/07/31 11:23]  Nebadon Izumi: llLoopSound seems to not be effected
<br> [2012/07/31 11:23]  Nebadon Izumi: but llPLaySound is
<br> [2012/07/31 11:23]  Taarna Welles: it also happens with no loop sound scripts
<br> [2012/07/31 11:24]  Richardus Raymaker: aha. only tested playsound
<br> [2012/07/31 11:24]  Nebadon Izumi: yep
<br> [2012/07/31 11:24]  Taarna Welles: yes Richard we only tested playsound
<br> [2012/07/31 11:24]  Nebadon Izumi: can you hear the ocean now?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:24]  Justin Clark-Casey: I think this is going to be a viwer issue t obe frank
<br> [2012/07/31 11:24]  Richardus Raymaker: there's the sund normal back
<br> [2012/07/31 11:24]  Justin Clark-Casey: oops
<br> [2012/07/31 11:24]  Sarah Kline: are we flooding?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:24]  Taarna Welles: yes I can hear the ocean
<br> [2012/07/31 11:24]  Nebadon Izumi: i changed the ocean water to llLoopSound
<br> [2012/07/31 11:24]  Nebadon Izumi: and now its loud
<br> [2012/07/31 11:24]  Taarna Welles: lol
<br> [2012/07/31 11:24]  Richardus Raymaker: its normal now
<br> [2012/07/31 11:24]  Nebadon Izumi: ya
<br> [2012/07/31 11:24]  Justin Clark-Casey: there's no obvious mechanism server side that would adjust volume after the viewer has been notified of a sound location
<br> [2012/07/31 11:24]  Nebadon Izumi: only llPlaySound is effected by NPC's it seems
<br> [2012/07/31 11:25]  Nebadon Izumi: how odd
<br> [2012/07/31 11:25]  Taarna Welles: thank you Nebadon pffff
<br> [2012/07/31 11:25]  Taarna Welles: :)
<br> [2012/07/31 11:25]  Taarna Welles: Well I have no clue and I also don't know how to solve it. This is beyond my knowlegde
<br> [2012/07/31 11:26]  Nebadon Izumi: very bizzaro
<br> [2012/07/31 11:26]  Richardus Raymaker: well, its a bad side effect from npc
<br> [2012/07/31 11:26]  Justin Clark-Casey: llLoopSound and llPlaySound look like they're being handled different
<br> [2012/07/31 11:26]  Justin Clark-Casey: ly
<br> [2012/07/31 11:26]  Richardus Raymaker: and cant explain it how the code of npc can change sound
<br> [2012/07/31 11:26]  Nebadon Izumi: it must have something to do with location
<br> [2012/07/31 11:27]  Nebadon Izumi: the NPC is some how screwing up the sound locatiojn
<br> [2012/07/31 11:27]  Richardus Raymaker: yes.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:27]  Nebadon Izumi: only thing I can think
<br> [2012/07/31 11:27]  Taarna Welles: It effect the whole region if you have an NPC around
<br> [2012/07/31 11:27]  Taarna Welles: it happens also with one NPC
<br> [2012/07/31 11:27]  Nebadon Izumi: that makes sense Taarna
<br> [2012/07/31 11:27]  Nebadon Izumi: it would make less sense if it didnt effect the whole sim
<br> [2012/07/31 11:28]  Justin Clark-Casey: ahhh, I think I see it
<br> [2012/07/31 11:28]  Taarna Welles: Maybe I have to write a mantis about this odd thingy?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:28]  Nebadon Izumi: maybe not
<br> [2012/07/31 11:28]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
<br> [2012/07/31 11:28]  Justin Clark-Casey: SoundModule.TriggerSound is changing the gain for every scene presence, when it should not
<br> [2012/07/31 11:28]  Justin Clark-Casey: so the more users (including npcs) the lower the gain
<br> [2012/07/31 11:28]  Richardus Raymaker: aha, there you have it
<br> [2012/07/31 11:28]  Taarna Welles: nice :)
<br> [2012/07/31 11:29]  Richardus Raymaker: also explain why it only happens with relog
<br> [2012/07/31 11:29]  NPC Rezzer v2.3 #0: Removing this NPCs from this scene!
<br> [2012/07/31 11:29]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok cool, I will fix that
<br> [2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: well good thing I left the NPC setup here
<br> [2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
<br> [2012/07/31 11:29]  Justin Clark-Casey: and we'll see if that helps
<br> [2012/07/31 11:29]  Taarna Welles: woot woot
<br> [2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: that certainly made things easier
<br> [2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
<br> [2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: rut roh
<br> [2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: im stuck
<br> [2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: simulator is deadski
<br> [2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: 0fps
<br> [2012/07/31 11:30]  Nebadon Izumi: lets see if it recovers
<br> [2012/07/31 11:30]  Nebadon Izumi: seems unlikely it will
<br> [2012/07/31 11:30]  Richardus Raymaker: hmm 0fps thats long time ago i have seen that one
<br> [2012/07/31 11:30]  logger sewell: who has the ocean loop ?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:30]  Taarna Welles: ehm don't blaim me please :)
<br> [2012/07/31 11:30]  Marcus Llewellyn: I chose the right time to TP in. :)
<br> [2012/07/31 11:30]  Nebadon Izumi: its Marcus's fault
<br> [2012/07/31 11:30]  Richardus Raymaker: hi marcus
<br> [2012/07/31 11:30]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
<br> [2012/07/31 11:30]  paulie Flomar: I didnt break it!
<br> [2012/07/31 11:31]  Marcus Llewellyn: Yup. My bad.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:31]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, looks like heartbeat and AsyncLSLCmdHandlerThread have locked together
<br> [2012/07/31 11:31]  Richardus Raymaker: hee pauli
<br> [2012/07/31 11:31]  Richardus Raymaker: i think that alien did it
<br> [2012/07/31 11:31]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok, I need to capture a stack trace from this
<br> [2012/07/31 11:31]  Nebadon Izumi: you going to kill it?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:31]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah leave it to me
<br> [2012/07/31 11:31]  Nebadon Izumi: ok
<br> [2012/07/31 11:31]  Justin Clark-Casey: I need to start screen recording first
<br> [2012/07/31 11:31]  Nebadon Izumi: kk
<br> [2012/07/31 11:32]  Nebadon Izumi: everyone prepare for be dumped
<br> [2012/07/31 11:32]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
<br> [2012/07/31 11:32]  Richardus Raymaker: justin throws old fashion bomb inside with long rope
<br> [2012/07/31 11:32]  Nebadon Izumi: everyone please wait a few minutes before relogging
<br> [2012/07/31 11:32]  Taarna Welles: kk
<br> [2012/07/31 11:32]  Sarah Kline: soundloops maybe
<br> [2012/07/31 11:32]  Nebadon Izumi: otherwise you will dump to lbsa
<br> [2012/07/31 11:32]  Nebadon Izumi: and then probably crash that sim too
<br> [2012/07/31 11:32]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
<br> [2012/07/31 11:37]  Teleport completed from
<br> [2012/07/31 11:37]  The region you have entered is running a different simulator version. Click this message for details.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:38]  Justin Clark-Casey: damn, accidentally hit the process with the wrong signal
<br> [2012/07/31 11:38]  Richardus Raymaker: ai
<br> [2012/07/31 11:39]  Tiffany Magic: Uh huh... you just wanted to kick all of us in the butt, Justin.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:39]  Richardus Raymaker: hi tiffany
<br> [2012/07/31 11:39]  Justin Clark-Casey: ha ha
<br> [2012/07/31 11:39]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
<br> [2012/07/31 11:39]  Nebadon Izumi: ok now we have to recreate everything exactly as it was from the top of the meeting!
<br> [2012/07/31 11:39]  Richardus Raymaker: we anyway got throw out of the window
<br> [2012/07/31 11:39]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
<br> [2012/07/31 11:39]  Tiffany Magic: When you have time, I have a question or two about the newest version.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:39]  Nebadon Izumi: sure Tiffany
<br> [2012/07/31 11:39]  Nebadon Izumi: shoot
<br> [2012/07/31 11:40]  Richardus Raymaker: hi pauli
<br> [2012/07/31 11:40]  Tiffany Magic: We are running the Git Master version on a test server. We still can't import anything and have attachment points stick. Is there a solution to that?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:40]  paulie Flomar: :)
<br> [2012/07/31 11:41]  Nebadon Izumi: how are you importing them?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:41]  logger sewell: imp
<br> [2012/07/31 11:41]  Tiffany Magic: Used Imp
<br> [2012/07/31 11:41]  Nebadon Izumi: that doesnt preserve anything
<br> [2012/07/31 11:41]  Nebadon Izumi: it doesnt even preserve linkset order
<br> [2012/07/31 11:41]  Richardus Raymaker: only the cubes..
<br> [2012/07/31 11:41]  Nebadon Izumi: you need to use IAR
<br> [2012/07/31 11:41]  Richardus Raymaker: yes
<br> [2012/07/31 11:41]  Nebadon Izumi: or Second Inventory
<br> [2012/07/31 11:41]  Richardus Raymaker: or oar
<br> [2012/07/31 11:41]  Richardus Raymaker: but load it on sandbox
<br> [2012/07/31 11:41]  Nebadon Izumi: OAR doesnt make sense for attachments
<br> [2012/07/31 11:42]  Richardus Raymaker: ok. right
<br> [2012/07/31 11:42]  Tiffany Magic: Well... Second Inventory didn't import the attachments points in 7.1... will it in 7.4?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:42]  Nebadon Izumi: its always worked for me Tiffany
<br> [2012/07/31 11:42]  Nebadon Izumi: but
<br> [2012/07/31 11:42]  Richardus Raymaker: but justin, you know the NPC sound problem.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:42]  Nebadon Izumi: you need to make sure the area your in
<br> [2012/07/31 11:42]  Nebadon Izumi: has scripts enabled
<br> [2012/07/31 11:42]  Nebadon Izumi: otherwsie attach points will not work
<br> [2012/07/31 11:42]  Justin Clark-Casey: richardus: yes, I will be putting a fix for it later today
<br> [2012/07/31 11:42]  Nebadon Izumi: they are restored via a script I think
<br> [2012/07/31 11:43]  NPC Rezzer v2.3 #0: Removing this NPCs from this scene!
<br> [2012/07/31 11:43]  Nebadon Izumi: hrmm guess what Justin
<br> [2012/07/31 11:43]  Nebadon Izumi: i killed the sim again
<br> [2012/07/31 11:43]  Marcus Llewellyn is using LL's HTTP project viewer. :)
<br> [2012/07/31 11:43]  Andrew Hellershanks: yes. SI creates a script that sets some properties.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:43]  Nebadon Izumi: i know what is doing it
<br> [2012/07/31 11:43]  Tiffany Magic: Damselfly used Second Inventory and can't get the attachment points to hold.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:43]  Richardus Raymaker: Good boy :)
<br> [2012/07/31 11:43]  Nebadon Izumi: its the NPC
<br> [2012/07/31 11:43]  Nebadon Izumi: when i removed the NPC the sim died
<br> [2012/07/31 11:43]  Andrew Hellershanks: Usually we can't talk as soon as the sim dies
<br> [2012/07/31 11:43]  Justin Clark-Casey: alright, well we can wait til l the end of the meeting before I kill this thing again
<br> [2012/07/31 11:43]  Nebadon Izumi: thats exactly what happened last time
<br> [2012/07/31 11:44]  Nebadon Izumi: ok
<br> [2012/07/31 11:44]  Nebadon Izumi: ya we only have a few more minutes
<br> [2012/07/31 11:44]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, in this case, it's the scene and lsl threads that have stopped, everything else (such as in and out udp packet thrads) are fine
<br> [2012/07/31 11:44]  Richardus Raymaker: hope justin press the right keys this time
<br> [2012/07/31 11:44]  Justin Clark-Casey: which suggests a deadlock
<br> [2012/07/31 11:44]  Tiffany Magic: Melanie has come up with a solution in Avination for attachment points.... has that been shared anywhere?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:44]  Nebadon Izumi: ya wierd as soon as i hit the prim to derez the npc it croaked
<br> [2012/07/31 11:44]  Andrew Hellershanks: Tiffany, you could ask about the estate issue while you are at it.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:44]  Richardus Raymaker: but static npc's seems to work fine
<br> [2012/07/31 11:44]  Nebadon Izumi: which is exactly what happened last time too
<br> [2012/07/31 11:45]  Nebadon Izumi: everyone down at the landing point, sim is frozen
<br> [2012/07/31 11:45]  Nebadon Izumi: were going to ride out meeting like this though
<br> [2012/07/31 11:45]  Marcus Llewellyn: You hear anything about avatar physics, Neb?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:45]  Richardus Raymaker: nah, like to crash from high alltitude
<br> [2012/07/31 11:45]  Justin Clark-Casey: well, actually maybe I will kill it now
<br> [2012/07/31 11:45]  Nebadon Izumi: no didnt follow up today about it
<br> [2012/07/31 11:45]  Justin Clark-Casey: before other stuff clouds the picture
<br> [2012/07/31 11:45]  Marcus Llewellyn nods amiably.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:46]  Richardus Raymaker: ok justin
<br> [2012/07/31 11:46]  Richardus Raymaker: fire at will
<br> [2012/07/31 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: i'll try to contact melanie in a bit
<br> [2012/07/31 11:46]  BlueWall.Slade laterz
<br> [2012/07/31 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: actually
<br> [2012/07/31 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: we can stay
<br> [2012/07/31 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: kill -3 didnt kill the sim
<br> [2012/07/31 11:46]  Tiffany Magic: Thank you Nebadon!
<br> [2012/07/31 11:46]  Marcus Llewellyn: No problem. It isn't exactly apriority to me.. just a curiosity. But I'm sure other people would like it working.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: and we still got the dump
<br> [2012/07/31 11:46]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, looks like it's staying up
<br> [2012/07/31 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: ya sometimes it stays running
<br> [2012/07/31 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: depends on how bad its frozen
<br> [2012/07/31 11:46]  Richardus Raymaker: working what marcus. its a bit blurred now
<br> [2012/07/31 11:46]  stiven wycliffe: is working
<br> [2012/07/31 11:47]  Marcus Llewellyn: Avatar physics... jiggles breats, belly, and butt.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:47]  Tiffany Magic: One other thing... in the new versions of opensim, when we create a new sim, it doesn't make an estate for it. It used to in the older versions.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:47]  Richardus Raymaker: and bounceing
<br> [2012/07/31 11:47]  Richardus Raymaker: ohh no thats something that need to get removed
<br> [2012/07/31 11:47]  Marcus Llewellyn: Yes... there's a number of parameters for them.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:47]  Andrew Hellershanks: My local storm is back for round 3
<br> [2012/07/31 11:48]  Marcus Llewellyn: I think some people will disagree. ;) It is in a lot of demand.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:48]  Richardus Raymaker: box some for here andrew
<br> [2012/07/31 11:48]  stiven wycliffe: spanish plis
<br> [2012/07/31 11:48]  Justin Clark-Casey: tiffany: that should not have changed
<br> [2012/07/31 11:48]  Richardus Raymaker: well avatar phyics is not so important. there bigger problems to fix
<br> [2012/07/31 11:48]  Justin Clark-Casey: stiven: this meeting is in English
<br> [2012/07/31 11:48]  Tiffany Magic: It did, Justin.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:49]  Tiffany Magic: 7.1 added the estate. 7.3 and 7.4 don't.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:49]  Justin Clark-Casey: how do you know an estate it not created?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:49]  Nebadon Izumi: stiven
<br> [2012/07/31 11:49]  Justin Clark-Casey: 7.3 is old
<br> [2012/07/31 11:49]  BlueWall.Slade Han, I do 't see the TP issue on my dev grid
<br> [2012/07/31 11:49]  Tiffany Magic: We are running 7.4 on the Git Master version.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:50]  Andrew Hellershanks: Tiffany, it is just git master you are using.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:50]  Marcus Llewellyn: Can anyone tell me if the PRIM_SLICE constant is implemented for llSetPrimitiveParams (and it's Link and Fast cousins)?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:50]  Justin Clark-Casey: it is not
<br> [2012/07/31 11:50]  Marcus Llewellyn: Thanks. :)
<br> [2012/07/31 11:50]  Tiffany Magic: Ok... would you please ask the question, Andrew?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:51]  Richardus Raymaker: hmm marcus. tests fail ?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:51]  Han Held: Hm, ok, I'll try to download the latest opensim from git and make a grid this afternoon. I have the behavoir on the osgrid distribution but I haven't tried "stock" opensim or the diva distro.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:51]  Andrew Hellershanks: Tiffany, you already asked. I was just clarifying the version of code.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:51]  Nebadon Izumi: OSgrid is stock
<br> [2012/07/31 11:51]  Nebadon Izumi: its like 99.9% stock
<br> [2012/07/31 11:51]  Marcus Llewellyn: I tried using it Sunday without success, yes. I worked around it by exploiting other prim properties, but wanted to be certain.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:51]  Han Held: That's what I thought
<br> [2012/07/31 11:51]  Nebadon Izumi: we add 2 dlls
<br> [2012/07/31 11:51]  Nebadon Izumi: and change the ini's slightly
<br> [2012/07/31 11:51]  BlueWall.Slade I will see what my estate/region settings are
<br> [2012/07/31 11:51]  Nebadon Izumi: otherwise its stock
<br> [2012/07/31 11:51]  Andrew Hellershanks: Tiffany, I haven't tested that part of the system to have seen what it is doing or not doing.
<br> [2012/07/31 11:51]  Justin Clark-Casey: han: what behaviour is that?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:52]  Han Held: So if I have that behavoir here, it should be in what I'd download from git, wouldn't it?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:52]  Richardus Raymaker: wich dll's nebadon ?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:52]  Nebadon Izumi: ossearch and osprofile
<br> [2012/07/31 11:52]  Richardus Raymaker: and what version ?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:52]  BlueWall.Slade it depends on the estate, parcel and region settings
<br> [2012/07/31 11:52]  Richardus Raymaker: ok. thats pretty old with dll's
<br> [2012/07/31 11:52]  Han Held: Justin: teleport routing isn't working as expected:
<br> [2012/07/31 11:52]  Nebadon Izumi: i dont think teleport routing has ever worked 100%
<br> [2012/07/31 11:52]  Han Held: let me demonstrate....
<br> [2012/07/31 11:52]  Nebadon Izumi: not that I recall
<br> [2012/07/31 11:52]  Nebadon Izumi: Han
<br> [2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: the sim is frozen remember
<br> [2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
<br> [2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: wow you can teleport
<br> [2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: interesting
<br> [2012/07/31 11:53]  Richardus Raymaker: well still seems to work nebadon
<br> [2012/07/31 11:53]  Han Held: Yep
<br> [2012/07/31 11:53]  Han Held: Sorry, I hope I didn't mess anything up
<br> [2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: this is the wierdest freeze up of all time
<br> [2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
<br> [2012/07/31 11:53]  Andrew Hellershanks: :-)
<br> [2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: can you guys see me animating?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:53]  Taarna Welles: :)
<br> [2012/07/31 11:53]  Han Held: Yes
<br> [2012/07/31 11:53]  Richardus Raymaker: yes
<br> [2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
<br> [2012/07/31 11:53]  paulie Flomar: yes
<br> [2012/07/31 11:53]  Taarna Welles: Are you drunk?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:53]  Marcus Llewellyn: Is it just like one thread or something that's runaway?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:53]  Justin Clark-Casey: initial analysis suggests some 3 way deadlock when the npc going away triiggers sensor removal
<br> [2012/07/31 11:53]  hippie balbozar: yes
<br> [2012/07/31 11:53]  paulie Flomar: and TP does still work!
<br> [2012/07/31 11:54]  Justin Clark-Casey: nebadon: your NPCs have attachment scripts with sensors?
<br> [2012/07/31 11:54]  Han Held: I just tp'd o.o
<br> [2012/07/31 11:54]  Nebadon Izumi: it has attachments
<br> [2012/07/31 11:54]  Nebadon Izumi: no sensor
<br> [2012/07/31 11:54]  Robert Adams: Nebadon forgot to take his drugs this morning
<br> [2012/07/31 11:54]  Nebadon Izumi: it has llListens though
<br> [2012/07/31 12:00]  Han Held: nope, given all the scripts it's probably gonna take a while, I would guess
<br> [2012/07/31 12:01]  Teleport completed from
<br> [2012/07/31 12:03]  Nebadon Izumi: well
<br> [2012/07/31 12:03]  Nebadon Izumi: atleast we were able to identify a few bugs today
<br> [2012/07/31 12:03]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
<br> [2012/07/31 12:04]  Andrew Hellershanks: Great.
<br> [2012/07/31 12:04]  Andrew Hellershanks: All you have to do next is fix them. :-)
<br> [2012/07/31 12:05]  Nebadon Izumi: hopefully we can get some fixes in soon
<br> [2012/07/31 12:05]  Nebadon Izumi: ya
<br> [2012/07/31 12:05]  Han Held: Well, I saved the log from the last crash, but not the one before that
<br> [2012/07/31 12:05]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
<br> [2012/07/31 12:05]  Han Held: the chat log, I mean.
<br> [2012/07/31 12:05]  Richardus Raymaker: i think its good that the are found before finlay 0.7.4
<br> [2012/07/31 12:05]  Nebadon Izumi: hrm ya let me see if i have the whole thing here
<br> [2012/07/31 12:06]  Nebadon Izumi: i have it
<br> [2012/07/31 12:06]  Nebadon Izumi: unfortunately no time stamps
<br> [2012/07/31 12:06]  Marcus Llewellyn: I turned on Bullet last week, just for giggles. It actually almost feels like it's to the point where I might want to switch to it.
<br> [2012/07/31 12:06]  Nebadon Izumi: that makes it dificult to post in the wiki
<br> [2012/07/31 12:07]  Nebadon Izumi: I did not have the same feeling Marcus
<br> [2012/07/31 12:07]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
<br> [2012/07/31 12:07]  Richardus Raymaker: i have one with time stamps. i think but you need to remove maby soem stuff
<br> [2012/07/31 12:07]  Han Held: can you remove it and the submit it?
<br> [2012/07/31 12:07]  Marcus Llewellyn: I understand... but I don't do much with physics in my regions. I just wanted to see how well it worked for non-physical builds and walking or flying about.

Latest revision as of 15:43, 24 October 2015

[2012/07/31 10:54]  Nebadon Izumi: hello
[2012/07/31 10:54]  Mike Kayaker: Hello
[2012/07/31 10:55]  Richardus Raymaker: hi nebadon
[2012/07/31 10:55]  You decline Sound Pattern in combi with NPCs from Taarna Welles.
[2012/07/31 10:56]  BlueWall.Slade Hello everybody
[2012/07/31 10:56]  Mike Kayaker: Hello!
[2012/07/31 10:56]  Richardus Raymaker: hello mike
[2012/07/31 10:56]  Taarna Welles: hello
[2012/07/31 10:57]  Robert Adams: Hello all
[2012/07/31 10:57]  Master Dubrovna: Hello everyone
[2012/07/31 10:57]  Nebadon Izumi: hello BlueWall
[2012/07/31 10:57]  Richardus Raymaker: hi bluewall
[2012/07/31 10:58]  BlueWall.Slade I have been running my dev regions on mono-sgen for several days now w/o issue
[2012/07/31 10:58]  Nebadon Izumi: cool
[2012/07/31 10:58]  Nebadon Izumi: what kind of script load?
[2012/07/31 10:58]  BlueWall.Slade not really much
[2012/07/31 10:59]  Richardus Raymaker: i have seen some intressting. on windows when your low on ram and the GC is gettinbg active (i think, becausde memory usage drop) opensim show red messages with time-out warnings
[2012/07/31 10:59]  BlueWall.Slade we can't slow down
[2012/07/31 10:59]  BlueWall.Slade so running out of VM fro us sux
[2012/07/31 10:59]  Richardus Raymaker: what your doing han ?
[2012/07/31 11:00]  Han Held: Demonstrating the bug I just filed :D
[2012/07/31 11:00]  Robert Adams: that's the thread watchdog timers.... swapping takes way to long
[2012/07/31 11:00]  Nebadon Izumi: what is the bug Han?
[2012/07/31 11:01]  Han Held: Teleport routing doesn't work as expected; brb, finding the mantis number
[2012/07/31 11:01]  Richardus Raymaker: ok, robert iots only short that am on low memory. but its intressting
[2012/07/31 11:01]  BlueWall.Slade
[2012/07/31 11:01]  Han Held: Yep
[2012/07/31 11:01]  Han Held: thanks
[2012/07/31 11:01]  BlueWall.Slade teleporting into megaregions is realy bad
[2012/07/31 11:02]  BlueWall.Slade maybe I dont' have something set right, but it's terrible for me
[2012/07/31 11:02]  Han Held: What's weird is that teleport working SORTA works in lbsa; I've no idea why
[2012/07/31 11:02]  Richardus Raymaker: hmm, seems to work ok for me
[2012/07/31 11:02]  Nebadon Izumi: we have a telehub
[2012/07/31 11:02]  Nebadon Izumi: in Lbsa
[2012/07/31 11:03]  Richardus Raymaker: does it need some script ?
[2012/07/31 11:03]  Nebadon Izumi: it basically over rides all teleport requests
[2012/07/31 11:03]  Han Held: That's probably the difference? In lbsa it works properly when you're in the middle, but if you double-click TP behind the couches or whatever, it doesn't work.
[2012/07/31 11:03]  BlueWall.Slade Han - you should upgrade mono
[2012/07/31 11:03]  Richardus Raymaker: Han, it worked fine last time. when i clicked in corner of sim
[2012/07/31 11:03]  Richardus Raymaker: still started in center
[2012/07/31 11:03]  Han Held: I was clicking all over lbsa this morning testing
[2012/07/31 11:04]  Taarna Welles: Heya Justin
[2012/07/31 11:04]  Justin Clark-Casey: hello taarna, folks
[2012/07/31 11:04]  Nebadon Izumi: hello Justin
[2012/07/31 11:04]  Han Held: I'm on debian so I was afraid to upgrade anything; but I'll look and read up on backports
[2012/07/31 11:04]  Richardus Raymaker: i think it works only when you come from other sim han
[2012/07/31 11:04]  Han Held: Hi, Justin
[2012/07/31 11:04]  BlueWall.Slade Hi Justin
[2012/07/31 11:04]  Richardus Raymaker: hi justin
[2012/07/31 11:04]  logger sewell: hey Justin
[2012/07/31 11:04]  stiven wycliffe: alguien habla español????
[2012/07/31 11:05]  Taarna Welles: I have a question about using NPC's in combination with sounds. May I rez an image about it?
[2012/07/31 11:05]  Andrew Hellershanks: Hey, everyone
[2012/07/31 11:05]  Richardus Raymaker: hi andrew
[2012/07/31 11:05]  Nebadon Izumi: heh man, is 19.049 MB/s bad for object churn Justin?
[2012/07/31 11:05]  logger sewell: hey Andrew
[2012/07/31 11:05]  Han Held: Hi Sarah
[2012/07/31 11:05]  Sarah Kline: hi all
[2012/07/31 11:05]  Justin Clark-Casey: It strikes me as a lot of memory to be getting through every second
[2012/07/31 11:05]  Andrew Hellershanks: Power just came back after about a 15 or so minute outage due to a thunderstorm we are still having.
[2012/07/31 11:05]  Richardus Raymaker: eeuw, that jams the network
[2012/07/31 11:06]  Tiffany Magic: Hello Justin and Andrew... and everyone else
[2012/07/31 11:06]  Nebadon Izumi: thats what this region is hitting right now
[2012/07/31 11:06]  Nebadon Izumi: its not network Richardus
[2012/07/31 11:06]  Nebadon Izumi: its machine memory
[2012/07/31 11:06]  Justin Clark-Casey: taarna: I think you would need build permissio nfor that?
[2012/07/31 11:06]  Taarna Welles: I shall give you the image Justing
[2012/07/31 11:06]  Richardus Raymaker: or give it to nebadon
[2012/07/31 11:06]  Andrew Hellershanks still needs to go after a different viewer so he can see the trees in the planter.
[2012/07/31 11:07]  BlueWall.Slade Hi Sarah, Andrew, Tiffany
[2012/07/31 11:07]  Sarah Kline: hiBlue
[2012/07/31 11:07]  Nebadon Izumi: try Zen viewer Andrew
[2012/07/31 11:07]  Nebadon Izumi: thats what I am using
[2012/07/31 11:07]  Nebadon Izumi: your on Windows right?
[2012/07/31 11:07]  Andrew Hellershanks: Zen?
[2012/07/31 11:07]  Richardus Raymaker: what version you have ? still .2 ?
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Andrew Hellershanks: Bit your tongue. I'm on Linux. :-)
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Dahlia Trimble: hi
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Nebadon Izumi: oh then nevermind
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Nebadon Izumi: Zen is windows only
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Nebadon Izumi: heh
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Andrew Hellershanks: ok.
[2012/07/31 11:08]  BlueWall.Slade Hey Dahlia
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Robert Adams: Firestorm is good, too.... a V3 viewer with V1ish UI
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Andrew Hellershanks: I see other people here using Firestorm or Singularity
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Nebadon Izumi: I guess maybe Tea Pot or Firestorm then
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Justin Clark-Casey: tarna: so what is this a picture of?
[2012/07/31 11:08]  Andrew Hellershanks: Robert, Sounds worth a look.
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Richardus Raymaker: make it cubic nebadon. then it can be watched from all sides
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Taarna Welles: @Justin: Well when you use NPC's you get a kind of fall off with sounds
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Han Held: Coolviewer is getting the V3 internals; the next release or so should be based on the 3.3 engine
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Robert Adams: the best feature is V1 formatted chat
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Taarna Welles: so no sound you can hear in a proper way
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Justin Clark-Casey: a fall off with sounds?
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Taarna Welles: if you delete the NPC's the issue is gone
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Justin Clark-Casey: what sounds?
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Taarna Welles: inworld sounds
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Justin Clark-Casey: you're saying NPCs are somehow intefering with completely unrelated sounds?
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Richardus Raymaker: just inworld sound justin
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Nebadon Izumi: what script function are you using?
[2012/07/31 11:09]  Richardus Raymaker: or sound prim you wear
[2012/07/31 11:10]  Taarna Welles: so if you have a piano for example with sounds you hardly can hear them
[2012/07/31 11:10]  Taarna Welles: if you wear them you have the same
[2012/07/31 11:10]  Taarna Welles: if you delete the NPC's the sounds are back
[2012/07/31 11:10]  Taarna Welles: I have tested this on different estates and regions
[2012/07/31 11:10]  Taarna Welles: no clue why this is
[2012/07/31 11:10]  Nebadon Izumi: odd
[2012/07/31 11:10]  Richardus Raymaker: i have test it to. if you wear a sound prim simple touch_start with llPlaysound then the sound is softer or gone at places on the sim
[2012/07/31 11:10]  Justin Clark-Casey: so this is a fixed sound source?
[2012/07/31 11:10]  Sarah Kline: Isn't there a 16m limit anyway?
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Taarna Welles: I have no idea
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Sarah Kline: to worn sounds
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Richardus Raymaker: some places its normal. but the camera distance keep the same from prim to your camera
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Nebadon Izumi: so what your saying is that when the NPCs are present
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Nebadon Izumi: the sound diminishes?
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Taarna Welles: I put boxes on the region to visualize the sound pattern
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Richardus Raymaker: also a static onworld object have weird problems like no sound or soft at all, depends on place
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Taarna Welles: kind of Neb
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Justin Clark-Casey: and what does these boxes mean?
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Justin Clark-Casey: do
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Taarna Welles: the boxes are the sound pattern
[2012/07/31 11:11]  Taarna Welles: blue is poor
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Taarna Welles: red is strong
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Sarah Kline: weird
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Taarna Welles: orange is middle sound volume
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Andrew Hellershanks: Richardus, did you have different parcels on the land?
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Justin Clark-Casey: and where are the objects that are generating these?
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Nebadon Izumi: hmm that is really odd
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Nebadon Izumi: could it be the viewer is maybe being confused
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Taarna Welles: the boxes are to visualize otherwise I can't explain what happens
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Nebadon Izumi: it thinks maybe you are the NPC
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Nebadon Izumi: and its sending sounds to wrong location
[2012/07/31 11:12]  Taarna Welles: in 3 different viewers I had the same
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Richardus Raymaker: nebadon i have the same problem with singulairty. as soon you kill npc's its gone
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Justin Clark-Casey: where are the objects??
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Richardus Raymaker: andrew no that sim have only 1 parcel
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Taarna Welles: The objects Justin are boxes to visualise the sound pattern in volume
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Justin Clark-Casey sighs
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Justin Clark-Casey: where are these sounds originating from?
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Justin Clark-Casey: sorry, I'm a little overstressed atm
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Justin Clark-Casey: need a holiday
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Taarna Welles: they are sounds you record
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Richardus Raymaker: Justin you mean the NPC or the sound ? the sound you wear on your avatar with testing. that shows the result the best
[2012/07/31 11:13]  Sarah Kline: presumably the things saying npc
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Sarah Kline: the text lol
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Justin Clark-Casey: but taarna, what is the point origin of the sounds?
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Justin Clark-Casey: what is generating them?
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Justin Clark-Casey: what are the sounds?
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Richardus Raymaker: piano or sound prim you wear
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Taarna Welles: the point is you can't use an object with sounds if there is a NPC around
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Richardus Raymaker: otherwise taarna let them see the maptile
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Taarna Welles: so there is a kind of collision
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Nebadon Izumi: let me rez the NPC here
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Nebadon Izumi: and see if sounds stop
[2012/07/31 11:14]  Nebadon Izumi: 1 sec
[2012/07/31 11:15]  Taarna Welles: Nebadon you have to rez the NPC, then the sound
[2012/07/31 11:15]  Richardus Raymaker: oh, note the effect most start after you relog
[2012/07/31 11:15]  Nebadon Izumi: there are already sounds here Taarna
[2012/07/31 11:15]  Taarna Welles: then you need to fly around or better is to wear the sound
[2012/07/31 11:15]  Richardus Raymaker: not when you activate npc and listen
[2012/07/31 11:15]  Nebadon Izumi: like the fountain outside
[2012/07/31 11:15]  NPC Rezzer v2.3 #0: Removing this NPCs from this scene!
[2012/07/31 11:15]  Taarna Welles: and you have to fly around
[2012/07/31 11:15]  NPC Mover v2.3 #0: attach: 7ca79c92-b57b-430a-ad12-96d4148eefdb
[2012/07/31 11:15]  Nebadon Izumi: ok
[2012/07/31 11:15]  Taarna Welles: also there is a different on the south side or north side of a region
[2012/07/31 11:15]  Nebadon Izumi: the NPC is moving around
[2012/07/31 11:16]  Nebadon Izumi: he is downstairs
[2012/07/31 11:16]  Nebadon Izumi: let me get more sounds out here
[2012/07/31 11:16]  Simulator Version v0.5 shouts: OpenSim 0.7.4 Dev          6ee17f5: 2012-07-26 21:39:53 -0400 (Unix/Mono)
[2012/07/31 11:16]  Sarah Kline: i hear the fountain
[2012/07/31 11:16]  Richardus Raymaker: i hear it to, but as soon npc is active i relog
[2012/07/31 11:17]  Taarna Welles: yes if you relog you will notice you get the pattern
[2012/07/31 11:17]  Richardus Raymaker: curiopus what a moveing npc is doing with sound
[2012/07/31 11:17]  Richardus Raymaker: brb
[2012/07/31 11:17]  Taarna Welles: kk
[2012/07/31 11:18]  Taarna Welles: I'll relog and come back
[2012/07/31 11:18]  Richardus Raymaker: hi dahlia
[2012/07/31 11:18]  Taarna Welles: because then it happens or you can measure
[2012/07/31 11:18]  Nebadon Izumi: i can still hear the fountain
[2012/07/31 11:18]  Nebadon Izumi: as the NPC walks by it
[2012/07/31 11:19]  Richardus Raymaker: for now only hear the fountain
[2012/07/31 11:19]  Richardus Raymaker: but let it rezz
[2012/07/31 11:19]  Richardus Raymaker: and you did not relog nebadon
[2012/07/31 11:19]  Richardus Raymaker: or this sound prims working ?
[2012/07/31 11:19]  Nebadon Izumi: yes
[2012/07/31 11:19]  Nebadon Izumi: i hear all the sound orbs
[2012/07/31 11:19]  Richardus Raymaker: not for me
[2012/07/31 11:19]  Nebadon Izumi: 2 birds and ocean waves
[2012/07/31 11:19]  Richardus Raymaker: then relog nebadon
[2012/07/31 11:20]  Dahlia Trimble: hi richardus
[2012/07/31 11:20]  Nebadon Izumi: ok brb
[2012/07/31 11:20]  Richardus Raymaker: and you lose it
[2012/07/31 11:20]  Dahlia Trimble: I hear birds
[2012/07/31 11:20]  Richardus Raymaker: andrew can you rebake
[2012/07/31 11:21]  Richardus Raymaker: very very soft now
[2012/07/31 11:21]  Nebadon Izumi: hrmm ya it is lower now
[2012/07/31 11:21]  Nebadon Izumi: the fountain is not though
[2012/07/31 11:21]  Richardus Raymaker: sometimes its gone. other corners its fine
[2012/07/31 11:21]  Richardus Raymaker: yes fountain is fine
[2012/07/31 11:21]  Nebadon Izumi: how strange
[2012/07/31 11:22]  Andrew Hellershanks: I can hear seagulls
[2012/07/31 11:22]  Nebadon Izumi: actually
[2012/07/31 11:22]  Nebadon Izumi: hrmm
[2012/07/31 11:22]  Taarna Welles: so I invite you Nebanon another day to show you what I exactly mean
[2012/07/31 11:22]  hippie balbozar: i hear fine?
[2012/07/31 11:22]  Sarah Kline: giggles
[2012/07/31 11:22]  Richardus Raymaker: hippi, it only start after relog
[2012/07/31 11:22]  Richardus Raymaker: hi sarah
[2012/07/31 11:22]  Sarah Kline: removes seagulls from pocket
[2012/07/31 11:22]  hippie balbozar: i just relogged
[2012/07/31 11:22]  Taarna Welles: so it might be a combination with the viewer
[2012/07/31 11:22]  Tiffany Magic: Ooooo... where can we find those seagull sounds?
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Justin Clark-Casey: well, from the viewer's pov, NPCs are just like normal vatars
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Nebadon Izumi: ok
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Nebadon Izumi: i think i see why
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Justin Clark-Casey: so one would expect any issue there to also be seen with ordinary avatars
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Richardus Raymaker: yes. but then its not logic the interfere with inworld sounds
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Nebadon Izumi: the fountain is using llLoopSound
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Nebadon Izumi: the orbs are using llPlaySound
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Richardus Raymaker: btw i have seen it once with avatar to
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Nebadon Izumi: llLoopSound seems to not be effected
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Nebadon Izumi: but llPLaySound is
[2012/07/31 11:23]  Taarna Welles: it also happens with no loop sound scripts
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Richardus Raymaker: aha. only tested playsound
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Nebadon Izumi: yep
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Taarna Welles: yes Richard we only tested playsound
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Nebadon Izumi: can you hear the ocean now?
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Justin Clark-Casey: I think this is going to be a viwer issue t obe frank
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Richardus Raymaker: there's the sund normal back
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Justin Clark-Casey: oops
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Sarah Kline: are we flooding?
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Taarna Welles: yes I can hear the ocean
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Nebadon Izumi: i changed the ocean water to llLoopSound
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Nebadon Izumi: and now its loud
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Taarna Welles: lol
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Richardus Raymaker: its normal now
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Nebadon Izumi: ya
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Justin Clark-Casey: there's no obvious mechanism server side that would adjust volume after the viewer has been notified of a sound location
[2012/07/31 11:24]  Nebadon Izumi: only llPlaySound is effected by NPC's it seems
[2012/07/31 11:25]  Nebadon Izumi: how odd
[2012/07/31 11:25]  Taarna Welles: thank you Nebadon pffff
[2012/07/31 11:25]  Taarna Welles: :)
[2012/07/31 11:25]  Taarna Welles: Well I have no clue and I also don't know how to solve it. This is beyond my knowlegde
[2012/07/31 11:26]  Nebadon Izumi: very bizzaro
[2012/07/31 11:26]  Richardus Raymaker: well, its a bad side effect from npc
[2012/07/31 11:26]  Justin Clark-Casey: llLoopSound and llPlaySound look like they're being handled different
[2012/07/31 11:26]  Justin Clark-Casey: ly
[2012/07/31 11:26]  Richardus Raymaker: and cant explain it how the code of npc can change sound
[2012/07/31 11:26]  Nebadon Izumi: it must have something to do with location
[2012/07/31 11:27]  Nebadon Izumi: the NPC is some how screwing up the sound locatiojn
[2012/07/31 11:27]  Richardus Raymaker: yes.
[2012/07/31 11:27]  Nebadon Izumi: only thing I can think
[2012/07/31 11:27]  Taarna Welles: It effect the whole region if you have an NPC around
[2012/07/31 11:27]  Taarna Welles: it happens also with one NPC
[2012/07/31 11:27]  Nebadon Izumi: that makes sense Taarna
[2012/07/31 11:27]  Nebadon Izumi: it would make less sense if it didnt effect the whole sim
[2012/07/31 11:28]  Justin Clark-Casey: ahhh, I think I see it
[2012/07/31 11:28]  Taarna Welles: Maybe I have to write a mantis about this odd thingy?
[2012/07/31 11:28]  Nebadon Izumi: maybe not
[2012/07/31 11:28]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[2012/07/31 11:28]  Justin Clark-Casey: SoundModule.TriggerSound is changing the gain for every scene presence, when it should not
[2012/07/31 11:28]  Justin Clark-Casey: so the more users (including npcs) the lower the gain
[2012/07/31 11:28]  Richardus Raymaker: aha, there you have it
[2012/07/31 11:28]  Taarna Welles: nice :)
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Richardus Raymaker: also explain why it only happens with relog
[2012/07/31 11:29]  NPC Rezzer v2.3 #0: Removing this NPCs from this scene!
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok cool, I will fix that
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: well good thing I left the NPC setup here
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Justin Clark-Casey: and we'll see if that helps
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Taarna Welles: woot woot
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: that certainly made things easier
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: rut roh
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: im stuck
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: simulator is deadski
[2012/07/31 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: 0fps
[2012/07/31 11:30]  Nebadon Izumi: lets see if it recovers
[2012/07/31 11:30]  Nebadon Izumi: seems unlikely it will
[2012/07/31 11:30]  Richardus Raymaker: hmm 0fps thats long time ago i have seen that one
[2012/07/31 11:30]  logger sewell: who has the ocean loop ?
[2012/07/31 11:30]  Taarna Welles: ehm don't blaim me please :)
[2012/07/31 11:30]  Marcus Llewellyn: I chose the right time to TP in. :)
[2012/07/31 11:30]  Nebadon Izumi: its Marcus's fault
[2012/07/31 11:30]  Richardus Raymaker: hi marcus
[2012/07/31 11:30]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
[2012/07/31 11:30]  paulie Flomar: I didnt break it!
[2012/07/31 11:31]  Marcus Llewellyn: Yup. My bad.
[2012/07/31 11:31]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, looks like heartbeat and AsyncLSLCmdHandlerThread have locked together
[2012/07/31 11:31]  Richardus Raymaker: hee pauli
[2012/07/31 11:31]  Richardus Raymaker: i think that alien did it
[2012/07/31 11:31]  Justin Clark-Casey: ok, I need to capture a stack trace from this
[2012/07/31 11:31]  Nebadon Izumi: you going to kill it?
[2012/07/31 11:31]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah leave it to me
[2012/07/31 11:31]  Nebadon Izumi: ok
[2012/07/31 11:31]  Justin Clark-Casey: I need to start screen recording first
[2012/07/31 11:31]  Nebadon Izumi: kk
[2012/07/31 11:32]  Nebadon Izumi: everyone prepare for be dumped
[2012/07/31 11:32]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
[2012/07/31 11:32]  Richardus Raymaker: justin throws old fashion bomb inside with long rope
[2012/07/31 11:32]  Nebadon Izumi: everyone please wait a few minutes before relogging
[2012/07/31 11:32]  Taarna Welles: kk
[2012/07/31 11:32]  Sarah Kline: soundloops maybe
[2012/07/31 11:32]  Nebadon Izumi: otherwise you will dump to lbsa
[2012/07/31 11:32]  Nebadon Izumi: and then probably crash that sim too
[2012/07/31 11:32]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
[2012/07/31 11:37]  Teleport completed from
[2012/07/31 11:37]  The region you have entered is running a different simulator version. Click this message for details.
[2012/07/31 11:38]  Justin Clark-Casey: damn, accidentally hit the process with the wrong signal
[2012/07/31 11:38]  Richardus Raymaker: ai
[2012/07/31 11:39]  Tiffany Magic: Uh huh... you just wanted to kick all of us in the butt, Justin.
[2012/07/31 11:39]  Richardus Raymaker: hi tiffany
[2012/07/31 11:39]  Justin Clark-Casey: ha ha
[2012/07/31 11:39]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[2012/07/31 11:39]  Nebadon Izumi: ok now we have to recreate everything exactly as it was from the top of the meeting!
[2012/07/31 11:39]  Richardus Raymaker: we anyway got throw out of the window
[2012/07/31 11:39]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
[2012/07/31 11:39]  Tiffany Magic: When you have time, I have a question or two about the newest version.
[2012/07/31 11:39]  Nebadon Izumi: sure Tiffany
[2012/07/31 11:39]  Nebadon Izumi: shoot
[2012/07/31 11:40]  Richardus Raymaker: hi pauli
[2012/07/31 11:40]  Tiffany Magic: We are running the Git Master version on a test server. We still can't import anything and have attachment points stick. Is there a solution to that?
[2012/07/31 11:40]  paulie Flomar: :)
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Nebadon Izumi: how are you importing them?
[2012/07/31 11:41]  logger sewell: imp
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Tiffany Magic: Used Imp
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Nebadon Izumi: that doesnt preserve anything
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Nebadon Izumi: it doesnt even preserve linkset order
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Richardus Raymaker: only the cubes..
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Nebadon Izumi: you need to use IAR
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Richardus Raymaker: yes
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Nebadon Izumi: or Second Inventory
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Richardus Raymaker: or oar
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Richardus Raymaker: but load it on sandbox
[2012/07/31 11:41]  Nebadon Izumi: OAR doesnt make sense for attachments
[2012/07/31 11:42]  Richardus Raymaker: ok. right
[2012/07/31 11:42]  Tiffany Magic: Well... Second Inventory didn't import the attachments points in 7.1... will it in 7.4?
[2012/07/31 11:42]  Nebadon Izumi: its always worked for me Tiffany
[2012/07/31 11:42]  Nebadon Izumi: but
[2012/07/31 11:42]  Richardus Raymaker: but justin, you know the NPC sound problem.
[2012/07/31 11:42]  Nebadon Izumi: you need to make sure the area your in
[2012/07/31 11:42]  Nebadon Izumi: has scripts enabled
[2012/07/31 11:42]  Nebadon Izumi: otherwsie attach points will not work
[2012/07/31 11:42]  Justin Clark-Casey: richardus: yes, I will be putting a fix for it later today
[2012/07/31 11:42]  Nebadon Izumi: they are restored via a script I think
[2012/07/31 11:43]  NPC Rezzer v2.3 #0: Removing this NPCs from this scene!
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Nebadon Izumi: hrmm guess what Justin
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Nebadon Izumi: i killed the sim again
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Marcus Llewellyn is using LL's HTTP project viewer. :)
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Andrew Hellershanks: yes. SI creates a script that sets some properties.
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Nebadon Izumi: i know what is doing it
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Tiffany Magic: Damselfly used Second Inventory and can't get the attachment points to hold.
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Richardus Raymaker: Good boy :)
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Nebadon Izumi: its the NPC
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Nebadon Izumi: when i removed the NPC the sim died
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Andrew Hellershanks: Usually we can't talk as soon as the sim dies
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Justin Clark-Casey: alright, well we can wait til l the end of the meeting before I kill this thing again
[2012/07/31 11:43]  Nebadon Izumi: thats exactly what happened last time
[2012/07/31 11:44]  Nebadon Izumi: ok
[2012/07/31 11:44]  Nebadon Izumi: ya we only have a few more minutes
[2012/07/31 11:44]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, in this case, it's the scene and lsl threads that have stopped, everything else (such as in and out udp packet thrads) are fine
[2012/07/31 11:44]  Richardus Raymaker: hope justin press the right keys this time
[2012/07/31 11:44]  Justin Clark-Casey: which suggests a deadlock
[2012/07/31 11:44]  Tiffany Magic: Melanie has come up with a solution in Avination for attachment points.... has that been shared anywhere?
[2012/07/31 11:44]  Nebadon Izumi: ya wierd as soon as i hit the prim to derez the npc it croaked
[2012/07/31 11:44]  Andrew Hellershanks: Tiffany, you could ask about the estate issue while you are at it.
[2012/07/31 11:44]  Richardus Raymaker: but static npc's seems to work fine
[2012/07/31 11:44]  Nebadon Izumi: which is exactly what happened last time too
[2012/07/31 11:45]  Nebadon Izumi: everyone down at the landing point, sim is frozen
[2012/07/31 11:45]  Nebadon Izumi: were going to ride out meeting like this though
[2012/07/31 11:45]  Marcus Llewellyn: You hear anything about avatar physics, Neb?
[2012/07/31 11:45]  Richardus Raymaker: nah, like to crash from high alltitude
[2012/07/31 11:45]  Justin Clark-Casey: well, actually maybe I will kill it now
[2012/07/31 11:45]  Nebadon Izumi: no didnt follow up today about it
[2012/07/31 11:45]  Justin Clark-Casey: before other stuff clouds the picture
[2012/07/31 11:45]  Marcus Llewellyn nods amiably.
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Richardus Raymaker: ok justin
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Richardus Raymaker: fire at will
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: i'll try to contact melanie in a bit
[2012/07/31 11:46]  BlueWall.Slade laterz
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: actually
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: we can stay
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: kill -3 didnt kill the sim
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Tiffany Magic: Thank you Nebadon!
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Marcus Llewellyn: No problem. It isn't exactly apriority to me.. just a curiosity. But I'm sure other people would like it working.
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: and we still got the dump
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, looks like it's staying up
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: ya sometimes it stays running
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Nebadon Izumi: depends on how bad its frozen
[2012/07/31 11:46]  Richardus Raymaker: working what marcus. its a bit blurred now
[2012/07/31 11:46]  stiven wycliffe: is working
[2012/07/31 11:47]  Marcus Llewellyn: Avatar physics... jiggles breats, belly, and butt.
[2012/07/31 11:47]  Tiffany Magic: One other thing... in the new versions of opensim, when we create a new sim, it doesn't make an estate for it. It used to in the older versions.
[2012/07/31 11:47]  Richardus Raymaker: and bounceing
[2012/07/31 11:47]  Richardus Raymaker: ohh no thats something that need to get removed
[2012/07/31 11:47]  Marcus Llewellyn: Yes... there's a number of parameters for them.
[2012/07/31 11:47]  Andrew Hellershanks: My local storm is back for round 3
[2012/07/31 11:48]  Marcus Llewellyn: I think some people will disagree. ;) It is in a lot of demand.
[2012/07/31 11:48]  Richardus Raymaker: box some for here andrew
[2012/07/31 11:48]  stiven wycliffe: spanish plis
[2012/07/31 11:48]  Justin Clark-Casey: tiffany: that should not have changed
[2012/07/31 11:48]  Richardus Raymaker: well avatar phyics is not so important. there bigger problems to fix
[2012/07/31 11:48]  Justin Clark-Casey: stiven: this meeting is in English
[2012/07/31 11:48]  Tiffany Magic: It did, Justin.
[2012/07/31 11:49]  Tiffany Magic: 7.1 added the estate. 7.3 and 7.4 don't.
[2012/07/31 11:49]  Justin Clark-Casey: how do you know an estate it not created?
[2012/07/31 11:49]  Nebadon Izumi: stiven
[2012/07/31 11:49]  Justin Clark-Casey: 7.3 is old
[2012/07/31 11:49]  BlueWall.Slade Han, I do 't see the TP issue on my dev grid
[2012/07/31 11:49]  Tiffany Magic: We are running 7.4 on the Git Master version.
[2012/07/31 11:50]  Andrew Hellershanks: Tiffany, it is just git master you are using.
[2012/07/31 11:50]  Marcus Llewellyn: Can anyone tell me if the PRIM_SLICE constant is implemented for llSetPrimitiveParams (and it's Link and Fast cousins)?
[2012/07/31 11:50]  Justin Clark-Casey: it is not
[2012/07/31 11:50]  Marcus Llewellyn: Thanks. :)
[2012/07/31 11:50]  Tiffany Magic: Ok... would you please ask the question, Andrew?
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Richardus Raymaker: hmm marcus. tests fail ?
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Han Held: Hm, ok, I'll try to download the latest opensim from git and make a grid this afternoon. I have the behavoir on the osgrid distribution but I haven't tried "stock" opensim or the diva distro.
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Andrew Hellershanks: Tiffany, you already asked. I was just clarifying the version of code.
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Nebadon Izumi: OSgrid is stock
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Nebadon Izumi: its like 99.9% stock
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Marcus Llewellyn: I tried using it Sunday without success, yes. I worked around it by exploiting other prim properties, but wanted to be certain.
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Han Held: That's what I thought
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Nebadon Izumi: we add 2 dlls
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Nebadon Izumi: and change the ini's slightly
[2012/07/31 11:51]  BlueWall.Slade I will see what my estate/region settings are
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Nebadon Izumi: otherwise its stock
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Andrew Hellershanks: Tiffany, I haven't tested that part of the system to have seen what it is doing or not doing.
[2012/07/31 11:51]  Justin Clark-Casey: han: what behaviour is that?
[2012/07/31 11:52]  Han Held: So if I have that behavoir here, it should be in what I'd download from git, wouldn't it?
[2012/07/31 11:52]  Richardus Raymaker: wich dll's nebadon ?
[2012/07/31 11:52]  Nebadon Izumi: ossearch and osprofile
[2012/07/31 11:52]  Richardus Raymaker: and what version ?
[2012/07/31 11:52]  BlueWall.Slade it depends on the estate, parcel and region settings
[2012/07/31 11:52]  Richardus Raymaker: ok. thats pretty old with dll's
[2012/07/31 11:52]  Han Held: Justin: teleport routing isn't working as expected:
[2012/07/31 11:52]  Nebadon Izumi: i dont think teleport routing has ever worked 100%
[2012/07/31 11:52]  Han Held: let me demonstrate....
[2012/07/31 11:52]  Nebadon Izumi: not that I recall
[2012/07/31 11:52]  Nebadon Izumi: Han
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: the sim is frozen remember
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: wow you can teleport
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: interesting
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Richardus Raymaker: well still seems to work nebadon
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Han Held: Yep
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Han Held: Sorry, I hope I didn't mess anything up
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: this is the wierdest freeze up of all time
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Andrew Hellershanks: :-)
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: can you guys see me animating?
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Taarna Welles: :)
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Han Held: Yes
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Richardus Raymaker: yes
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
[2012/07/31 11:53]  paulie Flomar: yes
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Taarna Welles: Are you drunk?
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Marcus Llewellyn: Is it just like one thread or something that's runaway?
[2012/07/31 11:53]  Justin Clark-Casey: initial analysis suggests some 3 way deadlock when the npc going away triiggers sensor removal
[2012/07/31 11:53]  hippie balbozar: yes
[2012/07/31 11:53]  paulie Flomar: and TP does still work!
[2012/07/31 11:54]  Justin Clark-Casey: nebadon: your NPCs have attachment scripts with sensors?
[2012/07/31 11:54]  Han Held: I just tp'd o.o
[2012/07/31 11:54]  Nebadon Izumi: it has attachments
[2012/07/31 11:54]  Nebadon Izumi: no sensor
[2012/07/31 11:54]  Robert Adams: Nebadon forgot to take his drugs this morning
[2012/07/31 11:54]  Nebadon Izumi: it has llListens though
[2012/07/31 12:00]  Han Held: nope, given all the scripts it's probably gonna take a while, I would guess
[2012/07/31 12:01]  Teleport completed from
[2012/07/31 12:03]  Nebadon Izumi: well
[2012/07/31 12:03]  Nebadon Izumi: atleast we were able to identify a few bugs today
[2012/07/31 12:03]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[2012/07/31 12:04]  Andrew Hellershanks: Great.
[2012/07/31 12:04]  Andrew Hellershanks: All you have to do next is fix them. :-)
[2012/07/31 12:05]  Nebadon Izumi: hopefully we can get some fixes in soon
[2012/07/31 12:05]  Nebadon Izumi: ya
[2012/07/31 12:05]  Han Held: Well, I saved the log from the last crash, but not the one before that
[2012/07/31 12:05]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
[2012/07/31 12:05]  Han Held: the chat log, I mean.
[2012/07/31 12:05]  Richardus Raymaker: i think its good that the are found before finlay 0.7.4
[2012/07/31 12:05]  Nebadon Izumi: hrm ya let me see if i have the whole thing here
[2012/07/31 12:06]  Nebadon Izumi: i have it
[2012/07/31 12:06]  Nebadon Izumi: unfortunately no time stamps
[2012/07/31 12:06]  Marcus Llewellyn: I turned on Bullet last week, just for giggles. It actually almost feels like it's to the point where I might want to switch to it.
[2012/07/31 12:06]  Nebadon Izumi: that makes it dificult to post in the wiki
[2012/07/31 12:07]  Nebadon Izumi: I did not have the same feeling Marcus
[2012/07/31 12:07]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[2012/07/31 12:07]  Richardus Raymaker: i have one with time stamps. i think but you need to remove maby soem stuff
[2012/07/31 12:07]  Han Held: can you remove it and the submit it?
[2012/07/31 12:07]  Marcus Llewellyn: I understand... but I don't do much with physics in my regions. I just wanted to see how well it worked for non-physical builds and walking or flying about.
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