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[[Category:OSSL functions without threat level]]
[[Category:OSSL functions without threat level]]
[[Category:OSSL functions without function syntax]]

Revision as of 08:47, 8 June 2011

// Region Water Height utility
// I know, it's probably horribly inefficient and confusing, but it works.
// Arkaniad Exonar, '10
float g_WaterHeight; // <---- Storage Var
integer g_ListenChan = 0;
list g_ltmp; // <--------Temporary buffer
        llListen(g_ListenChan, "", llGetOwner(), ""); //Prepare listener
        llSay(0, "Ready for commands");
    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        g_ltmp = llParseString2List(message, [" "], []); // Split the message into chunks
        if(llList2String(g_ltmp, 0) == "/waterheight") // Self explanatory
            osSetRegionWaterHeight(llList2Float(g_ltmp, 1)); // Set the region water height to the specified value
            llSay(0, "Setting region water height to "+llList2String(g_ltmp, 1)+"m (In case anyone was wondering)");
            g_ltmp = []; // Flush buffers
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