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(integrated: most of contents came from or went to Browser Protocol Handler though its title associates with opensim clients, so redirected it to Connecting)
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#Redirect [[Connecting]]
== Supported Viewers ==
Though any Second Life compatible client should be supported, bug reports even in IRC should only be made if you are using
* SecondLife on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows
*SecondLife Windlight (works)
==Browser Protocol Handlers==
A browser-protocol handler is a quick way to connect to a grid, by just clicking on a hyperlink that has an "opensim://" prefix, The only thing you have to do, is instruct your browser how to handle the sl-viewer. Currently there are protocol-handlers for Linux and Windows. I'm pretty sure it's just as easy on the Mac, but since I don't own one, you have to find out for yourself(for now).
You can setup firefox to open opensim://serveraddress links, so you don't have to specify the login-parameters every time you're connecting.
Follow these steps in order to use this functionality:
* create a file named in your secondlife directory, and fill with:
exec= kdesu -c "/your/path/to/secondlife/secondlife -loginuri ${1:10} -loginpage ${1:10}/?method=login"
Notice that kdesu is optional. Somehow secondlife crashes when i run it as a normal user, so I run it as root.
* Make the file executable
chmod +x ./
Next you have to add a protocol handler to firefox, so firefox knows that it should run this shellscript.
* Enter about:config in your browser
* Add a new string, name it ""
* Enter /path/to/your/secondlife/dir/ as value
* Add a new boolean, name it "network.protocol-handler.external.opensim", and set it to "true"
Now you can try to connect with the OS-Grid by opening "opensim://"" in your browser.
Please notice that using protocol handlers may cause a potential security hazard( I am not sure whether this script is vulnerable to the -autologin vulnerability, so be warned(ps. I don't take any responsibility for using this script).
====Internet Explorer====
You can do the same for windows, but it takes a little more work. Follow these steps to get the functionality:
* create a file named osurl.bat in your secondlife directory, and fill with:
@echo off > osurl.bat
SET rawUrl=%1
SET cleanUrl=%rawUrl:~10%
START "OpenSim" /HIGH /B "%~d0%~p0SecondLifeWindLight.exe" -loginpage %cleanUrl%?method=login -loginuri %cleanUrl%
* We need to create a file named opensim.reg, fill with(modify paths to SL if needed) the text beneath, and save:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"URL Protocol"=""
@="\"C:\\Program Files\\SecondLifeWindLight\\osurl.bat\""
@="\"C:\\Program Files\\SecondLifeWindLight\\osurl.bat\" %1"
* Right-click the file, and import it to the registry
* Follow the previous steps for Internet explorer
* add a protocol handler to firefox, so firefox knows that it should run this shellscript.
* Enter about:config in your browser
* Add a new string, name it ""
* Enter c:/Program Files/YourSecondLifedir/osurl.bat as value (use your own sl-path here)
* Add a new boolean, name it "network.protocol-handler.external.opensim", and set it to "true"
Now try to connect with the OS-Grid by clicking this link in your browser: opensim://""
===Mac OSX===
Not yet implemented
==Connecting with the Second Life Viewer==
Use the -loginuri switch and the -loginpage switch. You may want to use the -settings switch to use a different configuration set as well (the default is settings.xml). Some examples:
SecondLife.exe -loginuri <nowiki>http://localhost:9000/</nowiki> -loginpage <nowiki>http://localhost:9000/?method=login</nowiki>
SecondLife.exe -loginuri <nowiki></nowiki> -settings settings_osgrid.xml -loginpage <nowiki></nowiki>
Setup the protocol handler for convenient connecting, or use the same syntax for other Grids. After the protocol handler is setup, you can try to connect to some grids, by clicking on of the examples below:
Another option is to try the 'Launcher' for Windows (.net required).<br>
To login to the Public GRID examples registration is required first see [[OpenSim: Grids]] for Public Grids.
==Technical issues==
===Platform Specific===
==== Setup launcher for Mac ====
/Applications/Second\\ Life -loginuri <nowiki>http://localhost:9000/</nowiki> -loginpage <nowiki>http://localhost:9000/?method=login</nowiki>
/Applications/Second\\ Life -loginuri <nowiki></nowiki> -loginpage <nowiki></nowiki>
/Applications/Second\\ Life -loginuri <nowiki></nowiki> -loginpage <nowiki></nowiki>
/Applications/Second\\ Life -loginuri <nowiki></nowiki> -loginpage <nowiki></nowiki>
/Applications/Second\\ Life -loginuri <nowiki></nowiki> -loginpage <nowiki></nowiki> -settings settings_osgrid.xml
alternatively you can add arguments to '''arguments.txt''' on a mac  by:
# right-click secondlife choose "'''show package contents'''"
# navigate to '''contents -> resources -> arguments.txt'''
# add this on one line: '''-loginuri <nowiki>http://localhost:9000/</nowiki> -loginpage <nowiki>http://localhost:9000/?method=login</nowiki>'''
# save and run the application normally
#* note: you will not be able to connect to Second Life again until you remove this line from arguements.txt
====Connecting to your locally hosted server from behind a DSL router using NAT====
Most DSL routers/modems prevent loopback connections as a security feature. This means that a NATed IP address ( such as ) can not connect to your forward facing IP address ( such as ) from behind your DSL router/modem. In a case like this, external IP addresses may connect to your server/region but you can not ( this applies to both standalone and grid modes ).
<b>Router solution</b><br>
If you are using a ZyXEL DSL router/modem from Embarq, please read [ this configuration guide]. This will show you how to reconfigure your DSL router/modem to fix this problem. Similar solutions may exist for other DSL router/modems. A google search for the make and model of your DSL router/modem may provide you with a manual to assist you in this.
A word of caution : be VERY careful what you change and take good notes along the way so you can undo any changes you make in error.
<b>DNS solution(Linux)</b><br>
It's possible to host your own DNS-server, so you can prevent some of the dns-naming problems mentioned before. If resolves to the external ip, and that loopback connection is prevented by your router, you could point your resolv.conf to a local nameserver like:
Now you need bind/named installed in order to handle the dns-requests. You can find a bind example configfile here.
[[Category:Getting Started]]

Latest revision as of 00:58, 5 June 2011

  1. Redirect Connecting
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