Mono 2 4 on Ubuntu

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(should be more reliable now. package pinning is stupid.)
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== Install Mono 2.4 packages on Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04) ==
#Redirect [[Dependencies#Ubuntu]]
Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04) ships with Mono 2.0.1 packages.  Here are quick instructions for installing the Mono 2.4 packages from Debian sid if you'd rather do that than compile Mono yourself:
* add the following to /etc/apt/sources.list :
deb unstable main
* download the file at (easiest way is to click the 'raw' link and save) and save as, or add to if it already exists:
* install the Debian package signing keys (you'll get a warning the first time running 'apt-get update'; that's what we're fixing with this step):
apt-get update
apt-get install debian-archive-keyring
apt-key add /usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg
apt-get update
* install Mono 2.4 packages:
apt-get install -t unstable libmono-microsoft8.0-cil \
    libmono-system-runtime2.0-cil libgdiplus libmono-i18n2.0-cil \
    libmono-oracle2.0-cil mono-gmcs
This assumes you don't already have Mono installed.  I didn't check that the package pinning done above in /etc/apt/preferences will work if Mono 2.0.1 packages are already installed.  So it may be easiest to remove Mono 2.0.1 first, then do the above.

Latest revision as of 19:04, 11 May 2011

  1. Redirect Dependencies#Ubuntu
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