Chat log from the meeting on 2021-05-18

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[11:03] Gavin.Hird hi Andrew
[11:27] Ubit Umarov: SHA-1: 1b9cea02b2255a356f72c2e0ac399ed5433293fe
[11:03] Andrew Hellershanks: Hello, everyone.
[11:04] Andrew Hellershanks: I couldn't get here when I first tried to login.
[11:04] Andrew Hellershanks: Ah, finally the region finished loading.
[11:04] Gavin.Hird I had the same problem Andrew
[11:04] Gavin.Hird second attempt worked
[11:17] Andrew Hellershanks: I think its about time to get back to OpenSimulator topics. Looks like everyone who will be attending todays gathering is now here.
* fix script events on crossings in same instance. MemberWiseClone on part.clone is bad
[11:17] Ubit Umarov: actually several waves
[11:28] Telehub: Welcome back to, Dev Outreach, Andrew Hellershanks.
[11:17] Gavin.Hird polarbear virus
[11:28] Selby.Evans hi Andrew
[11:17] Gavin.Hird sounds scary
[11:28] Ubit Umarov: yeah that was a bug with Yengine and several regions on same instance
[11:18] Ubit Umarov: well biology is how it is
[11:28] Andrew Hellershanks: hello, everyone. Sorry I'm late. I was deep in to some code and talking with a client. I completely forgot it was meeting day.
[11:18] Andrew Hellershanks: Who wants to kick us off today?
[11:28] Gavin.Hird Hi Andrew
[11:18] Ubit Umarov: ppl traveling progate nasty thigns fast
[11:28] Ubit Umarov: the script events handlers where lost after a crossing
[11:18] Gavin.Hird wait for the return from Mars...
[11:29] Ubit Umarov: hmm actually that had impact on Xengine also
[11:18] Ubit Umarov: spanish killed south americans
[11:29] Ubit Umarov: now Andrew will give more news
[11:19] Ubit Umarov: with the things they carried from eu
[11:29] Ubit Umarov: :p
[11:19] Ubit Umarov: wel on opensim code
[11:30] Andrew Hellershanks: No news is good news. ;)
[11:19] Andrew Hellershanks: If no one else has something I have a question about Diva's WiFi for 0.9
[11:30] Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:19] Ubit Umarov: think no commits last week?
[11:31] Andrew Hellershanks: There has been only one change this past week to address an issue with script events on crossing instances.
[11:20] Andrew Hellershanks: No commits this past week. I just checked.
[11:31] Ubit Umarov: yes i just told about aht
[11:20] Ubit Umarov: yeah
[11:31] Ubit Umarov: that
[11:20] Andrew Hellershanks: The latest Wifi zip file for 0.9 is missing the web pages. Have they not changed since the version for 0.8?
[11:32] Andrew Hellershanks nods
[11:20] Gavin.Hird it is May
[11:32] Andrew Hellershanks: That's all the news I have.
[11:21] Ubit Umarov: no idea
[11:32] Ubit Umarov: so oyu can move to the next point on the agenda
[11:21] Ubit Umarov: u need ask diva
[11:32] Andrew Hellershanks: Oh, I have upgraded a grid from 0.8.2 to master this past week.
[11:21] Ubit Umarov: guess only interfaces to rest of opensim did change
[11:32] Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:22] Ubit Umarov: like another will be needed for 0.9.2
[11:32] Ubit Umarov: what is 0.8,2 ??
[11:22] Andrew Hellershanks: I was going to point that out to her. I would be surprised if it hasn't been mentioned to her before. The package is a few years old.
[11:32] Ubit Umarov: ;)
[11:22] Ubit Umarov: well some are using it
[11:33] Andrew Hellershanks: The upgrade seems to have gone well. No immediate issues noticed. I saw reports of missing texture assets but I often see those.
[11:23] Ubit Umarov: oh diva did use it on that teacign grid
[11:33] Ubit Umarov: ok, how painful was that?
[11:23] Ubit Umarov: teaching..
[11:33] Ubit Umarov: yeah assets get lost.. somehow
[11:23] Andrew Hellershanks: I'm in the process of updating a grid to master. It had been using Wifi. I'll get it running without Wifi and deal with adding Wifi support as a separate step.
[11:33] Ubit Umarov: possible where never uploaded correctly
[11:24] Ubit Umarov: well major thing i remember on it on 9.9.2 is that it overrides some changes i made
[11:34] Jagga Meredith: I've got some of those
[11:24] Ubit Umarov: on.. hmm something :p
[11:34] Ubit Umarov: or where hg fails.. who knows :(
[11:25] Ubit Umarov: gridusersomething?
[11:34] Andrew Hellershanks: It wasn't that painful. The biggest issue is looking at the .ini files for differences to see what configuration changes I need to make. The one big change was in the handling of the osslEnable settings as there is now a default file with the modifiable version.
[11:25] Andrew Hellershanks: Its mostly a closed grid so it can run without Wifi for now.
[11:34] Andrew Hellershanks: I just had to copy over the settings from a file with the custom grid ini settings in to the osslEnable.ini.
[11:25] Ubit Umarov: i also changed http server more.. but guess not a issue
[11:35] Ubit Umarov: well ini files are always a pain, no matter the version change
[11:28] Andrew Hellershanks: My cat waits until halfway through the meeting before deciding its play time. :P
[11:36] Andrew Hellershanks: Minor point releases are easy to handle. When doing something like 0.8 to 0.9 it requires a closer look as there could be a lot of changes.
[11:29] Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:36] Ubit Umarov: did update to 0,9.1.1 or 0.9.2 ?
[11:29] Gavin.Hird you could fool it by changing the clock
[11:36] Ubit Umarov: hmm and thing tou need to pass by
[11:29] Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:36] Ubit Umarov: think..
[11:30] Andrew Hellershanks: She can't read the clock so I don't think it would help. :)
[11:36] Ubit Umarov: bc dbs
[11:30] Gavin.Hird oh
[11:36] Andrew Hellershanks: I went straight to master. The grid is mainly being used for some testing and isn't really open to the public.
[11:30] Ubit Umarov: ohh she knows things u cna't guess
[11:36] Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:30] Andrew Hellershanks: Any other items today? Any news items related to viewers?
[11:37] Andrew Hellershanks: The people using it are doing development of stuff in Kitely. They want to see how stock OpenSim handles the things they are producing.
[11:31] Ubit Umarov whispers: never see those movies cats and dogs?
[11:37] Ubit Umarov: don't remember why the need to pass by
[11:31] Andrew Hellershanks: Gavin, oh?
[11:37] Ubit Umarov: guess db related...
[11:31] Gavin.Hird LL has not even had a TPV meeting for a few weeks ,so no idead what they are up to
[11:38] Ubit Umarov: well there are a lot of "stock" opensim :(
[11:32] Ubit Umarov: more worried abotu waht viewers may do with what they do :)
[11:38] Ubit Umarov: like what physics engine.. what script engine.. ossl settings etc
[11:32] Gavin.Hird huh?
[11:38] Andrew Hellershanks: I was half expecting that db migration might have taken a long time but it was surprisingly quick.
[11:32] Ubit Umarov: but changes after Oz leaving, guess expected
[11:40] Ubit Umarov: guess depends on real size of the dbs
[11:33] Gavin.Hird secret project
[11:40] Ubit Umarov: our "migrations" is large again
[11:33] Gavin.Hird projects*
[11:40] Andrew Hellershanks: It was only 85GB.
[11:33] Ubit Umarov: oh?
[11:40] Ubit Umarov: and not a fast thing
[11:33] Gavin.Hird they have said a few times lots of projects going they cannot talk about
[11:41] Andrew Hellershanks: The migrations and update didn't even break database replication.
[11:34] Ubit Umarov: well Oz was the opensource guy there also
[11:41] Gavin.Hird why would it?
[11:34] Ubit Umarov: think that was is early occupation there
[11:42] Ubit Umarov: simplification of the migrations code, is a reason why there is a need to upgrade into other versions before last
[11:34] Gavin.Hird the only commits they make these days are some guidebook floater
[11:42] Andrew Hellershanks: I've seen issues before where some changes/updates killed replication and required manual intervention to get back on track.
[11:35] Gavin.Hird which is not very interesting given we don't have anything to pupulate it with
[11:43] Ubit Umarov: newer versions lost convertion from older versions dbs
[11:35] Gavin.Hird populate*
[11:43] Andrew Hellershanks: I was never really sure what caused the issue. Just glad I didn't have to deal with it this time.
[11:36] Ubit Umarov: yeap tpvs meeting was like  3 weeks ago?
[11:43] Ubit Umarov: errors happen :)
[11:36] Gavin.Hird yes
[11:43] Andrew Hellershanks: yup.
[11:36] Andrew Hellershanks: guidebook? Is that some other version of their destination guide?
[11:44] Andrew Hellershanks: The grid is now running with ubODE and XEngine for now. May change to YEngine later.
[11:36] Gavin.Hird the old How-to regurgitated
[11:44] Gavin.Hird the db changes are really just simple table migrations with additions and such, so it should not break replication
[11:36] Andrew Hellershanks: oh.
[11:45] Andrew Hellershanks nods
[11:37] Gavin.Hird you have to make a login to a SL account to load anything
[11:47] Andrew Hellershanks: Anything else new and exciting this past week?
[11:38] Andrew Hellershanks: Not exactly something very exciting.
[11:47] Andrew Hellershanks: or even not so exciting?
[11:38] Gavin.Hird nope
[11:48] Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:41] Andrew Hellershanks: Anything else new in the world of OpenSim? More EEP changes or upcoming changes we can expect to see soon?
[11:48] Gavin.Hird LL's TPV meeting lasted a massive 7 minutes
[11:42] Gavin.Hird not really
[11:48] Ubit Umarov: oh? there was one?
[11:42] Ubit Umarov: have some work on Yengine scripts time, i did no commit ( still need to clean )
[11:48] Gavin.Hird barely
[11:43] Ubit Umarov: and  a few more things on disk i even don't remember what :)
[11:49] Andrew Hellershanks: Wow. That hardly sounds like they had time to do anything.
[11:43] Gavin.Hird stashes
[11:49] Gavin.Hird Vir was rambling on a bit and that was it
[11:43] Ubit Umarov: fun..  the LSL list funtions timing stat goes sky high when VS debug is attached
[11:49] Jamie.Jordan or had nothing to do
[11:44] Ubit Umarov: deattaching it, goes back to normal values
[11:50] Ubit Umarov: oh kayaker  was there
[11:44] Ubit Umarov: even considering they are heavy.. diference is huge
[11:50] Kayaker Magic: I have a vewer problem: On one of the last FS updates, all MOAP stopped working for me. On both WinCows and Ubuntu.
[11:45] Gavin.Hird how long will mono in its current form be around?
[11:50] Kayaker Magic: I looked at the preferences and "auto start media" is grayed out.
[11:45] Ubit Umarov: ( i mean the lsl list functions are heavy.. )
[11:50] Kayaker Magic: How do I get that enabled again?
[11:45] Ubit Umarov: need ask ms goods
[11:51] Jamie.Jordan clean install?
[11:45] Ubit Umarov: gods
[11:51] Ubit Umarov: yt one working fine for me
[11:45] Ubit Umarov: that is if they know..
[11:52] Andrew Hellershanks: Kayaker, is there still a texture set in the Media tab of About Land?
[11:45] Gavin.Hird I read some article from MS/mono and it sounds like a major upheaval is in the works
[11:52] Ubit Umarov: see the video?
[11:45] Ubit Umarov: .net5 totally replaces it on linux also
[11:52] Ubit Umarov: on the face facing me
[11:46] Ubit Umarov: has its own mono like thing
[11:52] Ubit Umarov: ( may need to click on the prim etc )
[11:46] Gavin.Hird it also saud there will not be a 64-bit ARM version till .net6 is out
[11:53] Kayaker Magic: Then after a few weeks, it started working on Ubuntu again, without me changing anything (that I recall).
[11:46] Gavin.Hird said
[11:53] Gavin.Hird yes
[11:46] Ubit Umarov: well guess not that long for that
[11:53] Kayaker Magic: Still can't get it working on my WinCows laptop.
[11:47] Gavin.Hird fall this year earliest
[11:53] Ubit Umarov: well 6.13 working for me
[11:47] Ubit Umarov: yeah guess that's what i seen also
[11:53] Ubit Umarov: and that is a mp4 clip i think
[11:47] Ubit Umarov: so really not sure what is mono's future
[11:54] Ubit Umarov: anyone else can see it?
[11:48] Ubit Umarov: it did got a huge boost when ms took over
[11:54] Gavin.Hird works in DT too
[11:48] Gavin.Hird I sat back with a lot of questions
[11:54] Ubit Umarov: cool
[11:48] Gavin.Hird oen of them will opensim even run without a rewrite
[11:54] Andrew Hellershanks: Hm... I just noticed that in FS the Camera Controls dialog box has no close button. I had to go to the Avatar drop down menu to close it.
[11:48] Ubit Umarov: but possible because they used it as startup for their own thing??
[11:54] Ubit Umarov: yeah
[11:48] Ubit Umarov: yeah a few things will need a rewrite
[11:54] Now playing: Two Steps From Hell - Starfall
[11:49] Ubit Umarov: i actually did change a few things on that path :)
[11:55] Jamie.Jordan i can see it
[11:49] Gavin.Hird oh, ok
[11:55] Ubit Umarov: ok can i remove the test prim now?
[11:49] Ubit Umarov: removed a few thigns .net5 will never have
[11:55] Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:49] Ubit Umarov: but .. lots around i gusee
[11:55] Andrew Hellershanks: Sure.
[11:50] Ubit Umarov: and those are the ones seen by a automatic check tool i used
[11:56] Ubit Umarov: wait let me see the end of the clip now that im on it
[11:50] Gavin.Hird ic
[11:56] Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:50] Ubit Umarov: well a addon to vs2019
[11:56] Andrew Hellershanks: :)
[11:50] Andrew Hellershanks: useful tool
[11:57] Ubit Umarov: ( its a TSFH music with video from halo )
[11:50] Ubit Umarov: yeah
[11:57] Ubit Umarov: was
[11:51] Ubit Umarov: i did a few cases in recent months
[11:57] Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:52] Ubit Umarov: xengine appdomains must go for good, bc they are gone
[11:58] Ubit Umarov: bet plugs cat is telling him..  only 2 minutes for our play..
[11:52] Ubit Umarov: but the later one looks the better
[11:58] Ubit Umarov: andrew's cat also
[11:53] Ubit Umarov: not long ago the list of things new .netx would not do was huge
[11:59] Andrew Hellershanks: My cat is being rather quiet at the moment (for a change).
[11:53] Ubit Umarov: that included all bitmap code for example
[11:59] Ubit Umarov: oh?
[11:53] Andrew Hellershanks: It would be good to make appdomains go away. There has often been confusion about whether it should be set or not based on the operating system of the computer running the code.
[12:00] Andrew Hellershanks: It is nice weather. The back door is open. She is probably lying by the open doorway smelling the fresh air and watching the critters out in the garden.
[11:53] Ubit Umarov: .net core 2.0 devs doutrin was that all apps would need to convert
[11:54] Ubit Umarov whispers: on 3.0 and so 5 guess the big boss told them NO we need to keep our clients.. :)
[11:54] Ubit Umarov: on 3.0 and so 5 guess the big boss told them NO we need to keep our clients.. :)
[11:55] Ubit Umarov: wonder why fs decides somethings need to be whisper..
[11:55] Andrew Hellershanks: Happens to me now and then. It thinks one of the modifier keys was down when you hit return.
[11:55] Ubit Umarov: yeah guess so
[11:56] Ubit Umarov: seen a streamer lose a few games he was playing , bc his pc was doing double mouse clicks when he made just a single
[11:57] Ubit Umarov: on that game double click was a comand to move ALL troops to the clicked location
[11:57] Ubit Umarov: something you will never want to do :)
[11:58] Andrew Hellershanks: Probably not.
[11:58] Andrew Hellershanks: We are almost at the top of the hour.
[11:59] Andrew Hellershanks: Jagga, did you have a question or comment? I thought I saw you typing something earlier.
[12:00] Ubit Umarov: wel long ago on word of tanks had a guy on my clan that had a laptop that did mouse clicks all the time..
[12:00] Ubit Umarov: so as soon the battle stated... there he was bang..... bang...    bang...
[12:00] Andrew Hellershanks: If he was just using the mousepad I can see that happening.
[12:00] Ubit Umarov: :)
[12:00] Ubit Umarov: :)
[12:01] Ubit Umarov: first thing we had to do was to run way from the front of him :)
[12:00] Ubit Umarov: or checking what would had been your dinner
[12:01] Gavin.Hird is twitter down for you guys?
[12:01] Andrew Hellershanks: What will be part of our dinner is in a sealed bag thawing out on a counter.
[12:01] Ubit Umarov: what is twitter?
[12:01] Andrew Hellershanks: It is safe from the cat.
[12:01] Ubit Umarov: ;)
[12:01] Ubit Umarov: :)
[12:01] Andrew Hellershanks doesn't use twitter
[12:01] Andrew Hellershanks: Kayaker, were you able to see the video on that prim that had been rezzed?
[12:01] Jamie.Jordan looking
[12:03] Jamie.Jordan have a good day gents
[12:01] Ubit Umarov: but can test if you paste a link
[12:03] Kayaker Magic: Yes, but only on my Ubuntu system, not on my Windows Laptop. "auto play media" is still grayed out there.
[12:01] Gavin.Hird looks like there is more or less full on war in Gaza and Tel Aviv, so tweets are not loading
[12:03] Ubit Umarov: u2
[12:02] Ubit Umarov: bahh those are always on war :(
[12:03] Gavin.Hird you too
[12:02] Andrew Hellershanks: The login page for twitter comes up. No idea if the service is operating normally.
[12:03] Andrew Hellershanks: ok, Jamie. Thanks for dropping by. See you next week.
[12:02] Jamie.Jordan it's up for me
[12:03] Gavin.Hird does the viewer log files say anything useful?
[12:02] Gavin.Hird sure, but it is getting a bit more serious tonite
[12:04] Kayaker Magic: I'll have to track those down and look at them.
[12:03] Gavin.Hird ok, Jamie
[12:04] Gavin.Hird good idea. it usually will complain
[12:03] Gavin.Hird thx
[12:04] Andrew Hellershanks: Kayaker, you can't see MOAP that you have been able to view in the past?
[12:03] Andrew Hellershanks: We have just gone past the top of the hour. Any last minute items for today?
[12:05] Kayaker Magic: Yes, worked fine a month or so ago.
[12:03] Selby.Evans Twitter works for me im US
[12:05] Andrew Hellershanks: I was wondering about possible issues with video codecs. I produced a video for my sister to look at and she couldn't open it under Windows.
[12:04] Gavin.Hird the site loads, but messages are not loading
[12:06] Gavin.Hird Windows 7 or 10 Kayaker?
[12:04] Andrew Hellershanks: Heading out, Selby?
[12:06] Kayaker Magic: Win 10
[12:04] Ubit Umarov: just seen on news USA tell all should stop silly things,  BUT israel has all right to self defense
[12:06] Gavin.Hird did it fail just a after a Win update
[12:04] Ubit Umarov: bahh
[12:06] Gavin.Hird or viewer update?
[12:04] Gavin.Hird
[12:07] Kayaker Magic: Win updates happen all the time, I did upgrade viewers but went back to old one and no MOAP
[12:04] Gavin.Hird live feed
[12:07] Andrew Hellershanks: That makes it sound like it isn't a viewer issue.
[12:04] Selby.Evans bye all
[12:07] Gavin.Hird sounds like a Win update killed it
[12:04] Jagga Meredith: OSSL(?) broke on my regions.  anybody got the link on how to fix it?
[12:08] Kayaker Magic: I'm considering upgrading to Ubuntu, but Linux on laptops is less stable than desktops....
[12:04] Gavin.Hird not sure if it works ouside Norway
[12:08] Jagga Meredith: I've got it running on a couple
[12:04] Andrew Hellershanks: Bye, Selby. See you next week.
[12:08] Jagga Meredith: drivers are a problem
[12:04] Ubit Umarov: cya selby.Evans
[12:09] Jagga Meredith: good way to rejuvinate an older laptop
[12:04] Gavin.Hird Bye Selby
[12:09] Andrew Hellershanks: I find a Linux based desktop is in general a little less stable than it used to be.
[12:05] Ubit Umarov: no missiles in sky gavin.Hird
[12:09] Kayaker Magic: "this software requires Win 10 or better, so I installed Linux"
[12:05] Andrew Hellershanks: Jagga, what did you do to break it?
[12:09] Gavin.Hird if you have disk space to spare, you can always test it in a different partition
[12:05] Gavin.Hird there were a few minuts ago
[12:09] Andrew Hellershanks: Kayaker: Yes, I like that. I've seen it before.
[12:05] Ubit Umarov: wait.. a police car..
[12:10] Jagga Meredith: or boot from USB
[12:05] Ubit Umarov: hmm gone
[12:10] Gavin.Hird yes
[12:05] Jagga Meredith: think it broke when i switched to yengine
[12:10] Kayaker Magic: Or upgrade the laptop to an SSD and start with Ubuntu on it....
[12:05] Gavin.Hird they have to reload you know
[12:10] Gavin.Hird I guess that falls under disk to sparre :-)
[12:05] Jamie.Jordan have a good day gents
[12:10] Andrew Hellershanks: When I wanted to use a Linux based system on a laptop I first booted from a live USB stick in order to test that it supported all the hardware in the laptop.
[12:05] Ubit Umarov: u 2
[12:11] Gavin.Hird spare*
[12:05] Andrew Hellershanks: ok, Jamie. Thanks for coming.
[12:13] Ubit Umarov: ok ppl i need to run RL for a bit
[12:06] Gavin.Hird Cheers Jamie
[12:13] Ubit Umarov: any issue?
[12:06] Andrew Hellershanks: Jagga, are you running master?
[12:14] Andrew Hellershanks: I think that is about it for today.
[12:06] Andrew Hellershanks: or latest 0.9 release?
[12:14] Selby.Evans bye all
[12:07] Ubit Umarov: no link about how to fix ossl
[12:14] Ubit Umarov: yeah.. i need go.. cya next week if not before :)
[12:07] Jagga Meredith: latest i think
[12:14] Andrew Hellershanks: Thank you all for coming. See you again next week.
[12:07] Ubit Umarov: ossl just does not break like that
[12:14] Andrew Hellershanks: Bye, Selby.
[12:07] Andrew Hellershanks: Jagga, make sure you have your ossl settings in a section outside of [XEngine]. They were moved ages ago.
[12:15] Ubit Umarov: Byeee
[12:07] Jagga Meredith: ok, must have screwed up config somehow
[12:15] Andrew Hellershanks: ok, Ubit. Have fun.
[12:07] Jagga Meredith: ahhh
[12:15] Gavin.Hird have a great week all
[12:07] Ubit Umarov: sure this or that thing may have issues..  but you need to be more concret ofc
[12:15] Ubit Umarov: ty
[12:08] Jagga Meredith: that would do it
[12:08] Ubit Umarov: but that is for Xengine also( i thing)
[12:08] Jagga Meredith: all OSSL things either dont work or throw errors
[12:08] Ubit Umarov: hmm the explosions are on that video?
[12:08] Gavin.Hird yes
[12:08] Gavin.Hird outside cam view
[12:09] Jagga Meredith: ok got enough to go on
[12:09] Jagga Meredith: thanks
[12:09] Ubit Umarov: ok it mb that then..  the enable section is now named [OSSL]
[12:09] Jagga Meredith: ok
[12:09] Ubit Umarov: oops
[12:10] Ubit Umarov: i pressed some keus conbo that removed all prims from rez
[12:10] Jagga Meredith: oh dear
[12:10] Ubit Umarov: anyone remembers what is it?
[12:10] Ubit Umarov: hm animeh still there
[12:10] Jagga Meredith: yay
[12:11] Gavin.Hird ctrl+alt+shift+1?
[12:11] Ubit Umarov: nopes not that
[12:11] Gavin.Hird PEBKAC
[12:11] Andrew Hellershanks: Jagga, you should have a separate [OSSL] section. The ini files were moved to a separate file a while back.
[12:11] Andrew Hellershanks: See osslEnable.ini
[12:12] Jagga Meredith: ah
[12:12] Jagga Meredith: ok
[12:12] Ubit Umarov: well relog took a bit, but worked :)
[12:12] Ubit Umarov: have prims again :)
[12:13] Gavin.Hird yeah, it would be stupid if all keystrokes were preserved across logins
[12:13] Ubit Umarov: yeah
[12:14] Gavin.Hird that could render the viewer pretty useless save a full reinstall
[12:14] Gavin.Hird :_)
[12:14] Ubit Umarov: :)
[12:14] Ubit Umarov: yeah and just could not remember what where the keys
[12:14] Ubit Umarov: ( and possible revert needed others )
[12:15] Gavin.Hird lol
[12:15] Ubit Umarov: seems they did run out of ammo
[12:16] Ubit Umarov: need to iran get more now
[12:16] Ubit Umarov: need go to..
[12:16] Jagga Meredith: bye
[12:16] Jagga Meredith: me too
[12:16] Ubit Umarov: cya jabba
[12:16] Gavin.Hird tc Ubit
[12:16] Ubit Umarov: and jagga
[12:16] Ubit Umarov: oops
[12:17] Ubit Umarov: that need to go was a correction to previus sentece :p
[12:17] Gavin.Hird oh
[12:17] Ubit Umarov: the gaza guys did run out of ammo, now need to go iran to get more
[12:18] Gavin.Hird I think the focus was on Tel Aviv
[12:18] Ubit Umarov: my cat is so clever
[12:18] Gavin.Hird right now, but they cut the feed
[12:18] Ubit Umarov: she did mute the gava audio :)
[12:18] Ubit Umarov: gaza also
[12:19] Ubit Umarov: ( yes she just did walk all over my keyboard .. )
[12:19] Gavin.Hird taking the press every key approach?
[12:20] Ubit Umarov: yeah that gaza video director will not be hired to mk  star wars.. 2 slow
[12:20] Gavin.Hird it is a direct feed
[12:20] Gavin.Hird things may or may not happen
[12:20] Ubit Umarov: im just telling silly things :)
[12:21] Gavin.Hird you should blame Reutres
[12:21] Gavin.Hird as the feed is from them
[12:21] Ubit Umarov: bd really i totally lost pacience for that "war"
[12:21] Ubit Umarov: see it all my life..
[12:21] Gavin.Hird decades ago
[12:21] Ubit Umarov: they just do not want peace.. neither side
[12:21] Gavin.Hird I am in the could not care less mode a loooooooong time ago
[12:22] Ubit Umarov: and good  most countries also
[12:23] Ubit Umarov: no fear of a strike from Egipt or siria.. or something
[12:24] Gavin.Hird from what I could gather Hamas had acquired much more advanced missiles this time
[12:24] Gavin.Hird outsmarting the dome
[12:24] Ubit Umarov: they got some form iran
[12:24] Andrew Hellershanks: Sorry, had a phone call from a client. I need to go and quickly write some code to encode some strings.
[12:24] Ubit Umarov: and possible made their own
[12:24] Gavin.Hird possibly
[12:24] Andrew Hellershanks: Just to keep it official...
[12:25] Ubit Umarov: not that big rocket science
[12:25] Andrew Hellershanks: Thank you all for coming. See you again next week. :)

Revision as of 12:30, 18 May 2021

[11:27] Ubit Umarov: SHA-1: 1b9cea02b2255a356f72c2e0ac399ed5433293fe

* fix script events on crossings in same instance. MemberWiseClone on part.clone is bad
[11:28] Telehub: Welcome back to, Dev Outreach, Andrew Hellershanks.
[11:28] Selby.Evans hi Andrew
[11:28] Ubit Umarov: yeah that was a bug with Yengine and several regions on same instance
[11:28] Andrew Hellershanks: hello, everyone. Sorry I'm late. I was deep in to some code and talking with a client. I completely forgot it was meeting day.
[11:28] Gavin.Hird Hi Andrew
[11:28] Ubit Umarov: the script events handlers where lost after a crossing
[11:29] Ubit Umarov: hmm actually that had impact on Xengine also
[11:29] Ubit Umarov: now Andrew will give more news
[11:29] Ubit Umarov: :p
[11:30] Andrew Hellershanks: No news is good news.  ;)
[11:30] Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:31] Andrew Hellershanks: There has been only one change this past week to address an issue with script events on crossing instances.
[11:31] Ubit Umarov: yes i just told about aht
[11:31] Ubit Umarov: that
[11:32] Andrew Hellershanks nods
[11:32] Andrew Hellershanks: That's all the news I have.
[11:32] Ubit Umarov: so oyu can move to the next point on the agenda
[11:32] Andrew Hellershanks: Oh, I have upgraded a grid from 0.8.2 to master this past week.
[11:32] Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:32] Ubit Umarov: what is 0.8,2 ??
[11:32] Ubit Umarov: ;)
[11:33] Andrew Hellershanks: The upgrade seems to have gone well. No immediate issues noticed. I saw reports of missing texture assets but I often see those.
[11:33] Ubit Umarov: ok, how painful was that?
[11:33] Ubit Umarov: yeah assets get lost.. somehow
[11:33] Ubit Umarov: possible where never uploaded correctly
[11:34] Jagga Meredith: I've got some of those
[11:34] Ubit Umarov: or where hg fails.. who knows :(
[11:34] Andrew Hellershanks: It wasn't that painful. The biggest issue is looking at the .ini files for differences to see what configuration changes I need to make. The one big change was in the handling of the osslEnable settings as there is now a default file with the modifiable version.
[11:34] Andrew Hellershanks: I just had to copy over the settings from a file with the custom grid ini settings in to the osslEnable.ini.
[11:35] Ubit Umarov: well ini files are always a pain, no matter the version change
[11:36] Andrew Hellershanks: Minor point releases are easy to handle. When doing something like 0.8 to 0.9 it requires a closer look as there could be a lot of changes.
[11:36] Ubit Umarov: did update to 0,9.1.1 or 0.9.2 ?
[11:36] Ubit Umarov: hmm and thing tou need to pass by
[11:36] Ubit Umarov: think..
[11:36] Ubit Umarov: bc dbs
[11:36] Andrew Hellershanks: I went straight to master. The grid is mainly being used for some testing and isn't really open to the public.
[11:36] Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:37] Andrew Hellershanks: The people using it are doing development of stuff in Kitely. They want to see how stock OpenSim handles the things they are producing.
[11:37] Ubit Umarov: don't remember why the need to pass by
[11:37] Ubit Umarov: guess db related...
[11:38] Ubit Umarov: well there are a lot of "stock" opensim :(
[11:38] Ubit Umarov: like what physics engine.. what script engine.. ossl settings  etc
[11:38] Andrew Hellershanks: I was half expecting that db migration might have taken a long time but it was surprisingly quick.
[11:40] Ubit Umarov: guess depends on real size of the dbs
[11:40] Ubit Umarov: our "migrations" is large again
[11:40] Andrew Hellershanks: It was only 85GB.
[11:40] Ubit Umarov: and not a fast thing
[11:41] Andrew Hellershanks: The migrations and update didn't even break database replication.
[11:41] Gavin.Hird why would it?
[11:42] Ubit Umarov: simplification of the migrations code, is a reason why there is a need to upgrade into other versions before last
[11:42] Andrew Hellershanks: I've seen issues before where some changes/updates killed replication and required manual intervention to get back on track.
[11:43] Ubit Umarov: newer versions lost convertion from older versions dbs
[11:43] Andrew Hellershanks: I was never really sure what caused the issue. Just glad I didn't have to deal with it this time.
[11:43] Ubit Umarov: errors happen :)
[11:43] Andrew Hellershanks: yup.
[11:44] Andrew Hellershanks: The grid is now running with ubODE and XEngine for now. May change to YEngine later.
[11:44] Gavin.Hird the db changes are really just simple table migrations with additions and such, so it should not break replication
[11:45] Andrew Hellershanks nods
[11:47] Andrew Hellershanks: Anything else new and exciting this past week?
[11:47] Andrew Hellershanks: or even not so exciting?
[11:48] Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:48] Gavin.Hird LL's TPV meeting lasted a massive 7 minutes
[11:48] Ubit Umarov: oh? there was one?
[11:48] Gavin.Hird barely
[11:49] Andrew Hellershanks: Wow. That hardly sounds like they had time to do anything.
[11:49] Gavin.Hird Vir was rambling on a bit and that was it
[11:49] Jamie.Jordan or had nothing to do
[11:50] Ubit Umarov: oh kayaker  was there
[11:50] Kayaker Magic: I have a vewer problem: On one of the last FS updates, all MOAP stopped working for me. On both WinCows and Ubuntu.
[11:50] Kayaker Magic: I looked at the preferences and "auto start media" is grayed out.
[11:50] Kayaker Magic: How do I get that enabled again?
[11:51] Jamie.Jordan clean install?
[11:51] Ubit Umarov: yt one working fine for me
[11:52] Andrew Hellershanks: Kayaker, is there still a texture set in the Media tab of About Land?
[11:52] Ubit Umarov: see the video?
[11:52] Ubit Umarov: on the face facing me
[11:52] Ubit Umarov: ( may need to click on the prim etc )
[11:53] Kayaker Magic: Then after a few weeks, it started working on Ubuntu again, without me changing anything (that I recall).
[11:53] Gavin.Hird yes
[11:53] Kayaker Magic: Still can't get it working on my WinCows laptop.
[11:53] Ubit Umarov: well 6.13 working for me
[11:53] Ubit Umarov: and that is a mp4 clip i think
[11:54] Ubit Umarov: anyone else can see it?
[11:54] Gavin.Hird works in DT too
[11:54] Ubit Umarov: cool
[11:54] Andrew Hellershanks: Hm... I just noticed that in FS the Camera Controls dialog box has no close button. I had to go to the Avatar drop down menu to close it.
[11:54] Ubit Umarov: yeah
[11:54] Now playing: Two Steps From Hell - Starfall
[11:55] Jamie.Jordan i can see it
[11:55] Ubit Umarov: ok can i remove the test prim now?
[11:55] Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:55] Andrew Hellershanks: Sure.
[11:56] Ubit Umarov: wait let me see the end of the clip now that im on it
[11:56] Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:56] Andrew Hellershanks: :)
[11:57] Ubit Umarov: ( its a TSFH music with video from halo )
[11:57] Ubit Umarov: was
[11:57] Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:58] Ubit Umarov: bet plugs cat is telling him..  only 2 minutes for our play..
[11:58] Ubit Umarov: andrew's cat also
[11:59] Andrew Hellershanks: My cat is being rather quiet at the moment (for a change).
[11:59] Ubit Umarov: oh?
[12:00] Andrew Hellershanks: It is nice weather. The back door is open. She is probably lying by the open doorway smelling the fresh air and watching the critters out in the garden.
[12:00] Ubit Umarov: :)
[12:00] Ubit Umarov: or checking what would had been your dinner
[12:01] Andrew Hellershanks: What will be part of our dinner is in a sealed bag thawing out on a counter.
[12:01] Andrew Hellershanks: It is safe from the cat.
[12:01] Ubit Umarov: :)
[12:01] Andrew Hellershanks: Kayaker, were you able to see the video on that prim that had been rezzed?
[12:03] Jamie.Jordan have a good day gents
[12:03] Kayaker Magic: Yes, but only on my Ubuntu system, not on my Windows Laptop. "auto play media" is still grayed out there.
[12:03] Ubit Umarov: u2
[12:03] Gavin.Hird you too
[12:03] Andrew Hellershanks: ok, Jamie. Thanks for dropping by. See you next week.
[12:03] Gavin.Hird does the viewer log files say anything useful?
[12:04] Kayaker Magic: I'll have to track those down and look at them.
[12:04] Gavin.Hird good idea. it usually will complain
[12:04] Andrew Hellershanks: Kayaker, you can't see MOAP that you have been able to view in the past?
[12:05] Kayaker Magic: Yes, worked fine a month or so ago.
[12:05] Andrew Hellershanks: I was wondering about possible issues with video codecs. I produced a video for my sister to look at and she couldn't open it under Windows.
[12:06] Gavin.Hird Windows 7 or 10 Kayaker?
[12:06] Kayaker Magic: Win 10
[12:06] Gavin.Hird did it fail just a after a Win update
[12:06] Gavin.Hird or viewer update?
[12:07] Kayaker Magic: Win updates happen all the time, I did upgrade viewers but went back to old one and no MOAP
[12:07] Andrew Hellershanks: That makes it sound like it isn't a viewer issue.
[12:07] Gavin.Hird sounds like a Win update killed it
[12:08] Kayaker Magic: I'm considering upgrading to Ubuntu, but Linux on laptops is less stable than desktops....
[12:08] Jagga Meredith: I've got it running on a couple
[12:08] Jagga Meredith: drivers are a problem
[12:09] Jagga Meredith: good way to rejuvinate an older laptop
[12:09] Andrew Hellershanks: I find a Linux based desktop is in general a little less stable than it used to be.
[12:09] Kayaker Magic: "this software requires Win 10 or better, so I installed Linux"
[12:09] Gavin.Hird if you have disk space to spare, you can always test it in a different partition
[12:09] Andrew Hellershanks: Kayaker: Yes, I like that. I've seen it before.
[12:10] Jagga Meredith: or boot from USB
[12:10] Gavin.Hird yes
[12:10] Kayaker Magic: Or upgrade the laptop to an SSD and start with Ubuntu on it....
[12:10] Gavin.Hird I guess that falls under disk to sparre :-)
[12:10] Andrew Hellershanks: When I wanted to use a Linux based system on a laptop I first booted from a live USB stick in order to test that it supported all the hardware in the laptop.
[12:11] Gavin.Hird spare*
[12:13] Ubit Umarov: ok ppl i need to run RL for a bit
[12:13] Ubit Umarov: any issue?
[12:14] Andrew Hellershanks: I think that is about it for today.
[12:14] Selby.Evans bye all
[12:14] Ubit Umarov: yeah.. i need go..  cya next week if not before :)
[12:14] Andrew Hellershanks: Thank you all for coming. See you again next week.
[12:14] Andrew Hellershanks: Bye, Selby.
[12:15] Ubit Umarov: Byeee
[12:15] Andrew Hellershanks: ok, Ubit. Have fun.
[12:15] Gavin.Hird have a great week all
[12:15] Ubit Umarov: ty
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