[Opensim-users] Nasty vibration walking on terrain

Mister Blue misterblue at misterblue.com
Sun Mar 1 01:38:08 UTC 2015

I don't see this in my testing but It can easily happen if the avatar
height computation is not exactly synchronized between the simulator and
the viewer[1].

If you are running BulletSim, the simulator setting you mention is
documented at
http://opensimulator.org/wiki/BulletSim#Adjusting_Avatar_Height . You can
up the AvatarHeightLowFudge a little and see if that helps.  if you have
access to the console, you can test values with "physics set
AvatarHeightLowFudge 0.2" after changing to the region being tested.

-- mb

[1] For the technically inclined, the avatar is represented by a
rectangular shape. In the simulator, this shape uses physics to rest on the
terrain. The height of the avatar is divided by two and added to this
bottom location and sent to the viewer. The viewer then divides its belief
in the avatars height and subtracts that from the location from the
simulator to get the bottom of the avatar. If that bottom is below where
the viewer thinks the terrain is, the viewer will move the avatar up a
little to correct the overlap. Given differences that can happen between
the simulator and viewer, they can start fighting each other with the
simulator placing the avatar with where it thinks it is and the viewer
making corrections depending on its calculation. This fighting creates the
jitter. Many attempts have been made to reduce these height problems for
all avatar heights and all versions of the viewers but a perfect solution
has not yet been coded.

On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 4:33 PM, Luisillo Contepomi <luisillo at contepomi.net>

> Hi Ethan,
> I detect this problem on avatars size 3'10" / 46 Inch / 118cm. With
> Singularity and Firestorm viewers.
> What viewer are you using and the OpenSim Version and your avatar size?
> (I think the limit for this problem is < 120cm.)
> I am using Firestorm (last release) on OpenSim and I have not this
> problem. My size is 4'5" / 53 Inch / 135cm. But with Singularity and other
> viewers I have this problem.
> Best regards,
> Luisillo
> El 28/02/2015 a las 22:53, Ethan Grammatikidis escribió:
>> Hi. When walking on sim terrain in a short avatar, I get really nasty
>> vibrations, making my view shake and everything. It's bad enough that I can
>> hardly walk around. This has been going on for over a year now, but I just
>> found it can be greatly reduced by a config change. I'd appreciate any info
>> on what config option it might be, and why the default is so awful. (Would
>> a change to that option make OpenSim more likely to crash?)
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