[Opensim-users] ode + mesh = phantom

ssm2017 ssm2017 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 04:32:30 UTC 2013

hurra !!! :)
the problem is solved.
i was using steps 2 and 3 in the "pysics" tab...
thank you all for your attention
i have updated the wiki with this info here :

2013/2/3 Marcus Llewellyn <marcus.llewellyn at gmail.com>

>  Hiya. :)
> As you probably already know, the settings you use in your mesh upload
> dialog matter if you want a mesh to have a useful physics shape in OpenSim.
> In the Physics tab of the upload floater, you only want to select an LOD
> (Step 1). Ignore all the others... they don't do anything, and will
> probably even prevent mesh physics from working.
> Using any one of the LOD options definitely works for me. I *believe* I've
> also been able to use the "From File" option successfully in the past so
> that a palm tree's trunk collided with avatars, but not the leaves. But
> this isn't something I've tried or tested for some time, and may be
> hallucinating it at this point. ;)
> I've successfully uploaded physical meshes with official LL viewers,
> Firestorm, Zen, Kokua, Angstrom, and Niran's. So it's unlikely to be an
> issue with one of those viewers. This includes meshes composed of single
> objects, and a group of objects.
> One thing you can also check is to be certain that the mesh's Physics
> Shape Type is set to Convex Hull in the Features tab of the built floater.
> I've occasionally run into quirky behaviour where a mesh will behave as
> phantom, or wind up with a cubic collision shape. Toggling this setting
> (possibly a few times) in the build floater has corrected such events.
> For informational purposes, there is an INI setting for mesh physics. It's
> in the [Mesh] section, and the option is as follows:
> UseMeshiesPhysicsMesh = true
> This option has defaulted to true in OpenSimDefaults.ini for quite some
> time now, so it really shouldn't be necessary to fiddle with it.
> I haven't had good luck yet with mesh physics in BulletSim. It seems to
> generate a general physics shape, but not one that's very precise or always
> useful. A mesh stairway with rails will cause your avatar to walk at the
> level of the rails, for example. I've been unable to enter mesh buildings
> or caves with Bullet as well. I'm sure this will improve as BulletSim is
> further developed.
> Marcus
> On 2/1/2013 9:03 PM, ssm2017 wrote:
>    hello
>  using :
> mono version (Debian
> OpenSimulator version 0.7.5-rc2
>  default settings from OpenSimDefaults.ini
>  when uploading a mesh, the mesh is phantom.
>  same result using kokua and firestorm.
>  im using the "medium" LOD parameter for the "physiscs" tab in the
> importer panel.
>  do you know working parameters to use ?
>  maybe a special viewer ?
>  maybe a special parameter to set in OpenSim.ini ?
>  maybe a special parameter to set in Blender ?
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