[Opensim-users] Hypergrid & USB Sticks Part 2

Fleep Tuque fleep513 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 03:37:56 UTC 2012

Hi Owen,

I've cc:d  the opensim-edu list to see if anyone has tried a configuration
like this or has a suggestion.  For my part, I don't know that what you
want to do is NOT possible, but based on my experience with the hypergrid
and the networking involved, it sure would be awfully complicated to try to
set that up on all the various different network configurations the
students undoubtedly have at home, friend's house, whatever.  My guess is
the support burden would outweigh the benefit.

It seems like perhaps you don't really need the students to be able to
hypergrid from their world at all, though.  If you primarily want them to
be able to bring items to and from their sim and the school grid and to
share their creations with each other, the Imprudence viewer's
Import/Export function can do that already -

The students would have to create a new/separate account on your school
grid to log into it directly (instead of hypergrid jumping), but if they
are creating their own textures and content on their individual worlds,
then they should be able to re-upload and recreate their avatar appearances
without too much trouble.  And that would be a much simpler and probably
safer set up, too.

Does the version of Imprudence you're using have the grid manager stripped
out or just has their personal world as the only destination choice?  If
the latter, should be fairly easy to just edit the XML file for the grid
list to include your school grid and and their personal world as the only
two choices and then they can select which to log into at startup.  (Though
I don't think there's anything to stop them from editing the XML file to
add other grids, if they figure it out.)

Sorry I don't have any other suggestions, but would love to know how it
turns out!  :)

- Chris/Fleep

Chris M. Collins (SL/OS: Fleep Tuque)
Center for Simulations & Virtual Environments Research (UCSIM)
UCIT Instructional & Research Computing
University of Cincinnati
406A Zimmer Hall
315 College Drive
PO BOX 210088
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0088
chris.collins at uc.edu
(513) 556-3018


On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 10:12 AM, Owen Kelly <owen.kelly at arcada.fi> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am afraid I did not explain as much as I should have done (or as
> clearly). Please let me make one more attempt, and then we can let it lie :)
> 1. The children in the project are ten years old. The version of
> Imprudence we are using has all the menus (and currently the maps) stripped
> out.
> 2. The children are using Open Sim on a USB stick precisely so that they
> can use it from anywhere: from school (maybe), from home (definitely), and
> possibly from other places including friends and relatives.
> 3. Each world-on-a-stick is one-user only. They cannot ever directly visit
> any other child's world-on-a-stick.
> The system we envisage is strictly radial. At the centre is one social
> world, running on the university server at Arcada. Each spoke is a single
> world-on-a-stick that should ideally operate in two modes: a) as a strictly
> one-user personal pocket world, and b) as a means of connecting to the
> social world.
> The social world is a club-house, populated only by the class of children
> and their two teachers. Ideally children would be able to bring things from
> their pocket world into the social world and take things back to their
> social world. Thus children can make things and then share them. They can
> take snapshots of their own world and share them. But the cannot take
> anyone else back to their personal world.
> The reasons why we want to make it like this are quite complicated, and
> off-topic for this list, but I can post a link to a short paper if anyone
> is interested. (Short version: Pokemon is a single player experience.
> Pokemon Arena allowed you to move your Pokemon into a shared world and
> compete against your friends.  Private learning linked to social games.)
> I will try some experiments with Justin's ideas about landmarks. These
> raise the question of whether I actually need hypergridding at all. What I
> think I actually need is to be able to teleport between the two worlds. Can
> this be done without making the social world fully accessible?
> Is there a better approach to achieve what we want?
> Cheers
> Owen
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