[Opensim-users] Collada importing snags

Nicky Perian nickyperian at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 8 02:28:38 UTC 2012

Hi, I read a few days ago and was somewhat surprised to learn that secondlife has an 8 object (including textures) limit for collada uploads.   I don't know what the limit value is in opensim but, It would be possible to be on the edge of the eight items and get different results maybe from object combining. I haven't confirmed this, it was just a note in a jira and could be dated by now or not accurate.

> From: Dr Ramesh Ramloll <r.ramloll at gmail.com>
>To: opensim-users <Opensim-users at lists.berlios.de> 
>Sent: Wednesday, March 7, 2012 12:23 PM
>Subject: [Opensim-users] Collada importing snags
>I have noticed a particular that I come across fairly regularly when
>importing say something fairly but not overly complicated like a house
>with textures. Firstly, it will often be the case that the orientation
>of the whole object is different from that my 3D editor (but that's
>ok, no biggie). However, there is always one 'prim'/part mesh object
>that will be rotated 90 deg out from all the rest (again no biggie, I
>can correct that fairly simply). Now I find that on some imports, the
>house object is cannot be unlinked (broken into subparts) .... and the
>very same collada file produces an object that can on a different
>occasion. Let me know what could be going on here. My work flow is
>this: I try to make things look perfect on sim_on_a_stick before
>uploading to Second Life other grids.
>'Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin.'
>Rameshsharma Ramloll PhD, CEO CTO DeepSemaphore LLC, Affiliate
>Research Associate Professor, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID
>83209 Tel: 208-240-0040
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