[Opensim-users] Opensim-users Digest, Vol 40, Issue 30

Fleep Tuque fleep513 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 19 14:08:55 UTC 2010

Hi Adam,

This has nothing to do with educators.  This has to do with the fact that
the sign up page for opensim-users has absolutely zero information about the
posting guidelines - which appear to be far more restrictive than other
lists people have used - and instead of politely explaining the situation to
newcomers, the norm here appears to be to respond to anything perceived as
off topic with rudeness and short replies calling perfectly useful
information "spam".  (Or a sincere attempt to be helpful "pontificating".)
  A very polite suggestion for how to better communicate the expectations *in
advance* so people know what the ground rules are is not unreasonable and in
fact would go a long way in helping preserve the norms of the list.

I'm sure it's difficult to deal with sudden influxes of new users who may
not be used to the particular culture of this list, I'm merely suggesting
that there are better ways to keep things on topic than being mean.


- Chris/Fleep

Chris M. Collins (SL: Fleep Tuque)
Project Manager, UC Second Life
Second Life Ambassador, Ohio Learning Network
UCit Instructional & Research Computing
University of Cincinnati
406E Zimmer Hall
PO Box 210088
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0088
chris.collins at uc.edu

UC Second Life:   http://homepages.uc.edu/secondlife
OLN Second Life: http://www.oln.org/emerging_technologies/emtech.php

On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 8:32 AM, Adam Farrugia <uqafarru at fdn.uq.edu.au>wrote:

> Nobody is stopping anyone from starting their own opensim- educators list
> to pontificate in similar ways as currently happens in the equivalent SL
> list. The current "official" opensim lists (user and dev) are fundamentally
> no different in character to those of other open- source project lists and
> are fine as they are. It's great to see a critical mass of support
> developing for the opensim platform from the Edu sector and maybe now is the
> time to create a list specifically for educators to cater to your particular
> cultural norms rather than (however respectfully) impose yours on others
> when the prevailing one for this list  (essentially technical in nature- the
> dev list obviously more so than the users list) is perfectly acceptable.
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