[Opensim-dev] [realXtend] Re: 3Di Viewer "Rei" goes open source (BSD licensed in-browser viewer)

Mark Malewski mark.malewski at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 18:54:17 UTC 2009

Adam, thank-you for the response.  You seem to know quite well what all the
various groups are working on.  ;-)

*> So, I don’t think there are any major forks anymore – *

*> 3Di would be it if anything, and they aren’t that much of one.*

Ok, this is good to know.  It was hard keeping track of everything that was
going on out there, and I still wasn't exactly sure what 3Di was working on
(or if it was getting contributed back to OpenSim Core, or as a separate
OpenSim module).  I did know they were working on an "OpenViewer" (which I'm
guessing has been renamed to "Rei" viewer?)  I'm still not quite sure as to
all the specifics of 3Di Server's features.
It would just be nice to get everything integrated back into core (or as
OpenSim modules).

>TribalServer fell into disrepair I believe, but MW & LBSA

> donated their unique features into a Forge project at least 6 >months ago.
(look for ‘Tribal’ in the projects list).
I'll need to look around.  It really would be nice to try and get as many of
these great things/features updated and integrated into Core (or as OpenSim
modules) I'm still not quite sure what features 3Di's Enterprise server has.

Do we have any contacts over at 3Di that we can talk to?  Do they have any
plans to "OpenSource" their work (and modules)?

It would be good to have some form of "standardization" among the various
groups, so that the Viewers/Browsers (Hippo, Naali, and Rei) will at least
be cross-platform and support OpenSim Core, RealXtend/ModRex, and 3Di.

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