User:Allen Kerensky/Myriad Lite Roadmap

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Myriad Lite Roadmap


C# Developer to create OpenSim module which implements
Myriad RPG in a region as middleware which takes to the region database

C++ Developer to create Third Party Viewer patch to implement
Myriad RPG in the viewer/client

Preview 1: Shooting (June 2011)

  • HUD
  • Character Sheet Loader
  • Non-Powered Armor
  • Firearm
  • Bullet
  • Ranged Combat Skill Handler
  • Opposed Test Handler
  • Practice Target

Preview 2: Fists, Melee, Healing (June 2011)

  • Healing
  • Melee Weapon
  • Built in Fist Fighter
  • Close Combat Skill Handler
  • Hovertext Meter

Preview 3: Commenting (August 2011)

  • Heavily Commented Code

Preview 4: Quests ( Sept. 2011 )

  • Contributed: BAM Adventure Giver NPC
  • Contributed: BAM Collision Goal
  • Contributed: BAM Location Goal
  • Contributed: BAM Touch Goal
  • HUD BAM Module
  • Holster
  • Power Armor

Preview 5: Character Builder (Feb. 2012)

  • HUD Unopposed Test Handler
  • Region CSVs Servers
  • Region Settings Server
  • Region Templates Server
  • Character Builder
  • Narrators
  • Contributed: BAM-compatible Traps

Preview 6: Modular HUD, XP, NPCs (In Progress)

The focus of preview 6 is creating the rest of the foundation platform - modular HUD to work around script memory constraints, Experience Points and Progression, and NPCs.

  • Improved Armor HUD Module
  • Improved Armor Attachment
  • Myriad Lite v0.1.1
  • Rumor Server
  • Rumor HUD Module
  • Myriad Lite v0.1.2
  • CSV Server: Equipment with defined Resource Point costs
  • HUD Module Character Sheet Loader with support for default or region specific character sheets
  • Myriad Lite v0.1.3
  • HUD Module Close Combat Skill (Fist Fighter / Melee)
  • Myriad Lite v0.1.4
  • HUD Module Ranged Combat Skill (Firearms)
  • Myriad Lite v0.1.5
  • HUD Module Character Sheet Loader with drop down menu for multiple characters per region if needed
  • Myriad Lite v0.1.6
  • Update character sheet module to pick default character sheet if drop down menu is ignored
  • Add ESTATE= keyword to region setting server
  • HUD Module Damage and Health
  • Myriad Lite v0.1.7
  • Turret script for autofire - Myriad damage to players
  • Add ESTATE= check to Character Sheet Module
  • HUD Module Damage and Health Movelock
  • HUD Module Talker/Emoter
  • Add PROGRESSION= options to Region Settings Server
  • Add base stats to all example skills for random progression, publish new Skills CSV and Skills CSV Server Code


  • Experience Points progression (client in testing, character updater in testing)
    • Level-Based Progression (client in testing, character updater pending)
    • Gradual Progression (client in testing, character updater not started)
    • Random Progression (client in testing, character updater not started)
  • HUD Module World Effect Library Language (WELL)
  • BAM NPC and Goals generate Rumors
  • NPC Goons
  • NPC Specialists
  • NPC Detailed
  • Meter Attach: Custom format strings
  • Meter Attach: Species/Career/Faction support
  • Region Status Board for character health/combat stats
  • Revised Armor Module to avoid lack of opensim detach
  • Revised attachment code to reset/resume after changed teleport and changed region events
  • Revised server code to reset/resume after changed region restart events
  • Add SPAWNPOINT to region server for osTeleportAgent configuration - move to SPAWNPOINT on die
  • Updaters (possible llLoadRemoteScriptPin setup)
  • Relicense in CC-BY and BSD for full OpenSim adoption

Preview 7: Past

The focus of Preview 7 will be to build out all of the historic, medieval, and fantasy parts of the core Myriad RPG book.

  • Implement Medieval- and Fantasy-related Setting Specifics
    • Statistics
    • Resiliences
    • Templates
    • Boons
    • Flaws
    • Skills
    • Special Effect Abilities including Magical and Spell-casting abilties
    • Equipment

Preview 8: Present

The focus of Preview will be to build out all of the modern era and horror (usually based in modern-ish era as well) parts of the core Myriad RPG book.

  • Implement Modern and Horror-related Setting-specifics
    • Statistics
    • Resiliences
    • Templates
    • Boons
    • Flaws
    • Skills
    • Special Effect Abilities including Occult abilities
    • Equipment

Preview 9: Future

The focus of Preview 9 will be to build out all of the science-fiction and futuristic parts of the core Myriad RPG book.

  • Implement Futuristic- and Science-Fiction-related Setting specifics
    • Statistics
    • Resiliences
    • Templates
    • Boons
    • Flaws
    • Skills
    • Special Effect Abilities including Psionic abilities
    • Equipment

Release 1.0: Universal and Release

  • Implement final remaining universal setting specifics
    • Statistics
    • Resiliences
    • Templates
    • Boons
    • Flaws
    • Skills
    • Special Effect Abilities including all eras Mortal and Social Combat abilties
    • Equipment
  • Final bugfixes
  • Release to Community Development
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