Threat level

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To permit region owners to enable the extended scripting functionality of OSSL, without allowing malicious scripts to access potentially troublesome functions, each OSSL function is assigned a threat level. These threat levels, from least threatening to most potentially damaging, are None, VeryLow, Low, Moderate, High, VeryHigh and Severe. A function with a threat level of None poses no risk whatsoever; a threat level of Severe indicates potential for the region to be compromised. Threat levels in between generally indicate the capability of the function to affect the performance of the region or grid if abused by a malicious script.

The OSFunctionThreatLevel setting in the script engines' configuration sections of OpenSim.ini controls what classes of functions are accessible to scripts owned by any avatar; any function at the same threat level or lower than the value provided for OsFunctionThreatLevel is permitted to run. If OSFunctionThreatLevel is absent from the configuration file, the default value is VeryLow.

OSSL functions may also be permitted or prohibited on an individual basis, by adding Allow_* lines to the script engine's configuration section. To permit scripts owned by anyone to access a function, even if its threat level exceeds the value of OSFunctionThreatLevel, use the value 'true':

Allow_osMakeNotecard = true

To prohibit scripts owned by anyone from accessing a function, even if its threat level is equal to or below the value of OSFunctionThreatLevel, use the value 'false':

Allow_osMovePen = false

To allow scripts owned by only certain avatars to access a function, use the UUIDs of the avatars. If multiple avatars are to be permitted access, separate the UUIDs with commas:

Allow_osMakeNotecard = a1cbbdd7-8adb-4158-aa52-c0ee882c4492
Allow_osTeleportAgent = a1cbbdd7-8adb-4158-aa52-c0ee882c4492,9cab27da-764c-4469-a628-369d978ba436
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