RemoteAdmin:admin create user

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Revision as of 20:05, 24 August 2021 by Djphil (Talk | contribs)

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admin_create_user remotely allows to create a new user


Enabling admin_create_user

If not all functions are enabled, use admin_create_user to enable the function in the [RemoteAdmin] section

enabled_methods = admin_create_user,...


Required Parameters

These parameters are required

parameter Description Values
user_firstname first name of user
user_lastname last name of user
user_password password of user
start_region_x start region x position in grid
start_region_y start region y position in grid

Optional Parameters

These parameters are optional and do not need to be set

parameter Description Values
user_email email adress of user

Returned Parameters

Returned Parameters

These parameters are returned by Remote Admin

parameter Description Values
success true when successfull true, false
avatar_uuid new avatar uuid, zero uuid when error occured

Error messages

avatar_uuid returnes zero uuid when an error occures


  • This function is available for Robust and for Standalone
  • This function is the same Identical to admin_create_user_email.



This example needs the Nwc.XmlRpc library, located in your OpenSimulator bin folder.

public void CreateUser(Uri url, string adminPassword, string firstName, string lastName, string password, string email, int regionX, int regionY)
 var address = Dns.GetHostEntry(url.DnsSafeHost).AddressList[0];
 var ht = new Hashtable();
 ht["password"] = adminPassword;
 ht["user_firstname"] = firstName;
 ht["user_lastname"] = lastName;
 ht["user_password"] = password;
 ht["user_email"] = email;
 ht["start_region_x"] = regionX;
 ht["start_region_y"] = regionY;
 var parameters = new List<Hashtable> { ht };
 var rpc = new XmlRpcRequest("admin_create_user", parameters);
public void NativeUserRegistrationTest()
 CreateUser(new Uri(""), "secret", "Test2", "user2", "apassword", "", 0, 0);


This example needs the RemoteAdmin PHP Class file available here.

// Including the RemoteAdmin PHP class.
// Instantiate the class with parameters identical to the Python example above
$myRemoteAdmin = new RemoteAdmin('', 9000, 'secret');
// Invoke admin_create_user (multiple parameters)
$parameters = array('user_firstname' => 'John', 'user_lastname' => 'Doe', 'user_password' => 'secret', 'start_region_x' => 10000, 'start_region_y' => 10000);
$myRemoteAdmin->SendCommand('admin_create_user', $parameters);
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