Prims (Content Creation)

From OpenSimulator

Revision as of 13:52, 28 May 2023 by Tess Juel (Talk | contribs)

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Prims are procedural meshes, that is they are generated by the viewer from a (fairly simple) mathematical formula. The main advantage of this compared to polylist meshes is that a prim has much lower streaming cost. All the prim shapes currently supported are created from a set of only 15 parameters so the amount of data needed for even the most complex prim shape is only a fraction of what is required for transferring even the simplest (polylist) mesh. Prims also seem to be easier for most people to build with and they have turned out to have considerably lower effective render cost than similar shapes made from mesh (although this may be because the rendering pipeline was optimized for prims right from the start).

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