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Revision as of 17:40, 1 June 2021 by Ubit (Talk | contribs)

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osListSortInPlace(list src, integer stride, integer ascending)
Identical to llListSort but does the sort on the original list, so using less memory.
  • src: the list to sort
  • stride: the list stride.
  • ascending: it it is 1, sort in ascending order. If it is any other value, sort in descendent order.

- Does nothing if the list length is not a multiple of stride.
- The sort considers the elements that are at indexes that are multiple of stride. The other elements between those multiples are just copied around.
i.e. if the element at [n * stride] is moved to [m * stride], elements [n * stride + i] are moved to [m * stride + i] for i = 1 to stride -1.

Threat Level This function does not do a threat level check
Permissions Use of this function is always allowed by default
Extra Delay 0 seconds
This function was added in 0.9.2

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