OpenSim.exe Command Line Options

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Revision as of 06:01, 28 June 2010 by Aiaustin (Talk | contribs)

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To run OpenSim in somewhat customized environments it's often helpful to modify the programs behaviour via command line arguments. OpenSim knows a just a few of these as most parts of the behaviour are controlled via an .INI-File.

The following command line switches are known:

Switch Meaning/Behaviour
gridmode If =true forces OpenSim.exe to operate in grid mode. If =false forces OpenSim.exe to operate in standalone mode. If omitted defaults to OpenSim.ini setting.
gui "old-style" console (deprecated from Opensim 0.7, use console instead)
console If =basic declared interface as a simple command console (it has been noted that use of this can also avoid some terminal crashes when logging errors occur).
inifile changes the name (Path) of the inifile.
inimaster allows to read in a master config file.
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