LSL Status/Functions/S

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Revision as of 09:22, 4 August 2009 by Fly-man- (Talk | contribs)

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This page lists all the LSL functions starting with an S

Function Implemented Developer Tester Comments DNE status XEngine status
llSameGroup Yes
llSay Yes (now equal to X) CharlieO (2688) Yes (limited to 1023)
llScaleTexture Yes Alondria CharlieO (2683) Yes
llScriptDanger Yes Yes
llSendRemoteData Yes jimbo21 Yes
llSensor Yes Aran works beyond 96m :) tested past 1000m Yes
llSensorRemove Yes Aran works Yes
llSensorRepeat Yes Aran works beyond 96m :) tested past 1000m Yes
llSetAlpha Yes Alondria CharlieO (2688) Yes (maybe need refactoring)
llSetBuoyancy Yes Yes
llSetCameraAtOffset Yes Yes
llSetCameraEyeOffset Yes Yes
llSetCameraParams Yes Yes
llSetColor Yes Alondria CharlieO (2688) Yes
llSetDamage No No
llSetForce Yes Yes
llSetForceAndTorque No No
llSetHoverHeight Yes
llSetInventoryPermMask No No
llSetLinkAlpha Yes CharlieO CharlieO (2760) Yes (maybe all face functions need refactoring?)
llSetLinkColor Yes CharlieO CharlieO (2760) Yes
llSetLinkPrimitiveParams Yes Melanie Partial Yes
llSetLinkTexture Yes Yes
llSetLocalRot Yes Alondria
llSetObjectDesc Yes Aran 100%
llSetObjectName Yes Aran 100%
llSetObjectPermMask Yes
llSetParcelMusicURL Yes Alondria CharlieO (2826) Land update not sending changed streams to client. Yes
llSetPayPrice Yes
llSetPos Yes (now with limitation of 10m as in sl) CharlieO (2688) Yes
llSetPrimitiveParams Yes Melanie Partial (it seems complete but needed extensive checking. Also types in list are not LSL conformant) Blackdog Ashbourne: PRIM_POSITION doesn't seem to work - certainly doesn't allow for a warpPos implementation Yes
llSetPrimURL No No
llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin Yes No !!!!!! not implemented!
llSetRot Yes CharlieO (2688) Yes
llSetScale Yes CharlieO (2688) Yes
llSetScriptState Yes Aran works. Yes (slightly modified)
llSetSitText Yes Teravus Aran works. Yes
llSetSoundQueueing No No
llSetSoundRadius Yes
llSetStatus Yes (but doesn't honor STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB STATUS_RETURN_AT_EDGE STATUS_SANDBOX Alondria Yes (=)
llSetText Yes CharlieO (2760) Yes
llSetTexture Yes Alondria CharlieO (2688) Yes
llSetTextureAnim Yes Yes
llSetTimerEvent Yes CharlieO (2688) Yes (uses Timer plugin!)
llSetTorque No No
llSetTouchText Yes Aran works. Yes
llSetVehicleDoubleParam No No

llSetVehicleFlags No No
llSetVehicleFloatParam Yes
llSetVehicleRotationParam Yes
llSetVehicleType Yes
llSetVehicleVectorParam Yes
llShout Yes (now equal to X) CharlieO (2688) Yes (limits 1023 chars)
llSin Yes CharlieO (2688) Yes
llSitTarget Yes Yes
llSleep Yes CharlieO (2688) Yes
llSound No No
llSoundPreload No No
llSqrt Yes CharlieO (2688) Yes
llStartAnimation Yes Yes
llStopAnimation Yes Yes
llStopHover Yes
llStopLookAt No No
llStopMoveToTarget Yes Yes
llStopPointAt No No
llStopSound Yes Alondria Yes
llStringLength Yes Yes
llStringToBase64 Yes Yes
llStringTrim Yes Hashbox Yes
llSubStringIndex Yes Yes
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