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osSetSitActiveRange(float range)
sets a limit on how far a avatar can be to have a sit request accepted, or disable sits.
  • range > 0: sit request is silently ignored if a avatar is further than range from the prim.
  • range == 0: disables this limit. Region default is used. Currently range is unlimited if a sit target is set or physics can sit the avatar, otherwise 10m.
  • range < 0: sits are disabled. Requests are silently ignored.

The range value is stored in the prim, even if the script is removed

Threat Level None
Permissions Use of this function is always allowed by default
Extra Delay 0 seconds
// Example of osSetSitActiveRange
vector target = <0.0, 0.3, 0.55>; // Defines the position where avatars will sit
vector rotate = <0.0, 0.0, 90.0>; // Defines the rotation of the seated avatars
float active_range = 5.0; // Specifies the range within which avatars are considered active
key avatar; // Stores the key of the currently seated avatar
// Function to output debug messages
debug(string name)
    active_range = osGetSitActiveRange(); // Updates the active range
    llOwnerSay("active_range for avatar " + name + " is " + (string)active_range); // Outputs debug message
        llUnSit(llAvatarOnSitTarget()); // Ensures no avatar is currently seated
        llSetClickAction(CLICK_ACTION_SIT); // Sets click action to trigger sitting behavior
        llSitTarget(target, llEuler2Rot((rotate * DEG_TO_RAD))); // Sets the sitting target position and rotation
        osSetSitActiveRange(active_range); // Sets the active range for avatar sitting
    changed(integer change)
        if (change & CHANGED_LINK) // Checks if there's a change in links (i.e., avatar sitting)
            key user = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); // Gets the key of the avatar sitting on the target
            if (user != NULL_KEY) // If an avatar is sitting on the target
                avatar = user; // Stores the key of the seated avatar
                debug(osKey2Name(avatar)); // Outputs debug message with the name of the seated avatar
            else if (user == NULL_KEY) // If no avatar is sitting on the target
                debug(osKey2Name(avatar)); // Outputs debug message with the name of the previously seated avatar
                avatar = NULL_KEY; // Resets the stored avatar key
            else // If an unexpected situation occurs
                llResetScript(); // Resets the script
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